Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 614: A chance to break the game! (4)

However, even so, the two couldn’t run at all.

The reason is simple.

Because the evil domain and the magic domain, these two domains have very special complementary effects.

It’s like Daming’s Slow Realm, which has a complementary effect with the Gravity Realm.

Once you fall into these two domains, it will be difficult for Title Douluo to move.

Instead of simply reducing speed and increasing gravity.

The Ferocious Realm and the Magical Realm, one is soul violence, and the other is spiritual shock. Either way, it will affect the other effect.

In the realm of magic, if you use your mental power to resist various mental shocks in the realm, your soul power must be more difficult to control.

‘The 100,000-year soul beast is still strong. ’

Wang Feng snorted.

These four hundred thousand year soul beasts are not simple. The strength of a single round can be at least on a par with a Super Douluo of the ninety-fifth level, or even the ninety-sixth level.

Like the Sky Blue Bull Python or the Star Five-headed Dragon, but even stronger.

‘I’m afraid this is the difficulty of punching cards…’

Wang Feng thought to himself.

At the moment, both sides are in a standoff, but obviously.

Both sides struggle to move.

In terms of spirit power consumption, the four hundred thousand year spirit beasts are far less than the seven titled Douluos.

Because as soon as the polar static realm disappears, they can all stop!

Seems to have thought of this result, and the six Titled Douluo showed anxious expressions on their faces.

If it goes on like this, I’m afraid they will all be buried here.

The only one who can make a move may be Wang Feng.

“Xuanming Flying Sword!”

Wang Feng’s thoughts moved, and he forcibly suppressed the riot of soul power in his body, and his heart was extremely calm.

The domain of the four major soul beasts is shared by seven people, but his situation is much better than the other six.

Daming Erming’s Slow Domain and Gravity Domain made Wang Feng difficult to move.

But he has Meteor Tears, and his spiritual power is extremely powerful. He can completely resist the magical realm of the five-headed dragon of stars, and he can also use his spiritual power to suppress the rioting soul power, but he can’t move.

But you can use the Xuanming Flying Sword to attack!

Wang Feng used his spiritual power to control the Xuanming Flying Sword, turning into several streamers in mid-air, attacking the star and five-headed dragon.

Lights up!

With the sharpness of the Xuanming Feijian, it can only cut off a visible scar on one head, but it is not directly cut off.

At this time, most of his spiritual power was used to resist the magic domain and the soul power to suppress the riot. Only a small part of the spiritual power controlled the flying sword, so the power was limited.

However, the power was not enough, and the number of times to make it up, coupled with the weakening of the thousand-fold demon subduing field, with just a few swords, Wang Feng decapitated one of the five-headed dragon’s heads.

In an instant, the power of the Magical Absolute Domain was slightly reduced, and everyone’s spirits were relaxed.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Feng repeated his old technique, and within a second, Yu Jian chopped off another head.

But when Wang Feng chopped off three heads, there was a bang!

I saw Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo spit out a mouthful of blood again, and the black mist covering Ghost Douluo’s body instantly disappeared, revealing his original face.

Obviously, the two of them couldn’t hold it anymore.

Without the polar still field disappears.


Fourth is a 100,000-year-old soul beast, roaring furiously.

The six Titled Douluos, as well as many of the spirit masters below, spurted a few mouthfuls of blood again.

The consumption of the realm is very huge, especially the five-headed dragon of the stars, whose three heads were beheaded, the strength was greatly damaged, and even the realm could not be used.

But in contrast, the other three heads only consume a lot of money, but their strength is still there, and the field is still there!

No way, the four major domains will definitely crush the two major domains. No matter what, the six Titled Douluo will suffer more and suffer more serious injuries.

The six Titled Douluos suffered varying degrees of damage because of the four domains.

The most miserable is Ghost Chrysanthemum Douluo, whose soul power is almost exhausted, followed by snake spear piercing the dolphin, and then the devil will be subdued.

At the same time, many spirit masters headed by Hu Liena were also injured to varying degrees!

Even the two Soul Douluo holding Tang San Xiaowu’s face were pale, blood was spitting out, obviously suffering from internal injuries.

Tang San and Xiao Wu are slightly better.

Although the Magical Realm has disappeared at this time, the Fierce Demonic Domain is still there.

All of them were hurt by the Yuwei of the realm.

The six Titled Douluos headed by Wang Feng have endured the main power of the domain, otherwise, these people would have died long ago.

Only the Fierce Demonic Domain and the Illusory Domain, the titled Douluo and below, is simply impossible to bear.

At this point, the hearts of the six Titled Douluo were all shocked.

The strength of the four powerful 100,000 soul beasts is still too strong.

“Fuck, too strong.”

Wang Feng couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

Although he was not injured, the crisis at this time was stronger than before!

The realm of the stars, five-headed dragons, and the headless beasts is stronger than Wang Feng’s imagination!

Mainly because the Titled Douluos on their side are not very popular.

If the Snake Spear and the Thorn Dolphin were both replaced by Super Douluos of level 95 and above who also possessed a powerful spirit fusion domain, the situation would be completely different at this time.

Although Wang Feng practiced in the Star Dou Great Forest for half a year and fought with Er Ming, Er Ming at that time did not use all his strength like he does now.

With the addition of the two major domains, the power increases exponentially.

What should I do now?

‘No, I absolutely can’t expose it now. If I expose it, then what I did before was in vain? ’

Wang Feng thought calmly in his heart.

Now he can also use other forms of Qinglian, the four major forms are transformed, and the additional state, his strength will reach a terrifying level enough to be comparable to the ninety-seventh title Douluo.

But this will completely reveal his identity, unless all the people in the Spirit Hall are killed.

And then combined with Daming Erming to kill the two hundred thousand year old soul beasts.

It’s barely a solution.

Of course, this is only an ideal state, just a possible opportunity. Whether it can be achieved or not is still unknown.

Only a person who wants to kill the Wuhun Temple, Wang Feng feels that he can’t do it, and Hu Liena Wang Feng is impossible to kill.

If you don’t kill them all, it also means that everything you did before the Spirit Hall was in vain. Wang Feng has not yet discovered Bibi Dong’s deepest secret.

Her opportunity to become a god? How did you inherit the throne?

This is where it matters most.

Even if they kill them all, Bibi Dong will definitely have doubts about herself, and it will be difficult to maintain her status as Pope.

This is not what Wang Feng wanted.

Of course, Wang Feng has gone undercover here, and has completely destroyed the two major operations, and achieved considerable results.

But it’s not enough!

‘Then for now, I can only try this. ’

Wang Feng took a deep breath, and out of the corner of his eye swept over Tang San and his group, as well as the many Titled Douluos who were injured.

I want to block four hundred thousand year soul beasts without exposing myself…

“I’m fighting for your chance.”

Wang Feng calmly said, “You try to escape. As for the soul beast, it’s okay if you can’t keep it, let them fend for themselves.”

Hearing this, the Digital Title Douluo was shocked.

“His Holiness…”

The six Titled Douluos who have been severely injured, I don’t know, what else can the Pope do at this time?

At this time, the five-headed star dragon had three heads beheaded, and the domain could not be used, but the domain of the other three soul beasts was still there.

(End of this chapter)

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