Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 573: Bone Douluo! (1)

A tie?

Obviously, in this state, it is impossible for Sword Douluo to lose, so how could Sword Douluo agree to a draw?

Even if the titled Douluo is at the same level, there are not many who can tie with Sword Douluo!

And at this time, Sword Douluo’s Seven Killing Swords had completely recovered.

The influence of Qiankun Shenguang didn’t last long, after all, the difference in soul power between the two was too great.

As long as Sword Douluo continues to attack, the Pope in white will obviously not be able to hold on!

For a while, the people on Ning Fengzhi’s side were somewhat incomprehensible.

But since Sword Douluo agreed, there must be his reasons.

Wang Feng understands that Sword Douluo forcibly uses this ultimate move with the reduced quality of the seven-kill sword technique, which will definitely have certain side effects.

If you continue to fight at this time, you may not be able to defeat yourself. Of course, you may not be able to help Master Jian.

So Sword Douluo would agree to a draw.

Because if the fight continues, both sides will suffer internal injuries of varying degrees.

Easy to get angry.

However, Wang Feng is also a little bit tricky.

‘If Master Jian used the Seven Killing Sword Technique as soon as he arrived, even if I could survive three moves, I would probably be defeated. ’

Wang Feng secretly said in his heart, but Mr. Jian obviously won’t use this move as soon as he arrives.

After all, he still has a bunch of useless soul skills, and he won’t use this kind of trump card on the enemy at all.

Of course, if Wang Feng also knew that Mr. Jian had the Seven Killing Swordsmanship, he would definitely be very careful.

‘It consumes a lot… The next battle against Bone Douluo will be a little more troublesome. ’

Wang Feng took a deep breath, ‘However, I can just try the Seven Killing Swordsmanship I have learned myself, and I can sharpen it a bit! ’

Bone Douluo focuses on defense, so it is a perfect training target!

Well, although this is a bit cheap, but this opportunity is here, and Wang Feng will not miss it!

Sword Douluo walked down from the square.

“Grandpa Jian, why did you admit defeat?”

Ning Rongrong walked over, helped Sword Douluo’s arm, and asked in a low voice, “Are you not injured?”

She felt that Grandpa Jian didn’t seem to be in the right mood, so she didn’t ask in a very dissatisfied tone.

Sword Douluo shook his head, looked at Ning Fengzhi and his group, and said, “If I keep fighting, I can’t help him. He seems to be injured a lot, but all of them are traumatic injuries, and it’s not a serious problem. Sword qi has no effect at all. But my Seven Killing Swordsmanship is generally not easy to use. Once I use it, my mind will be shaken. If it is my Seven Killing Sword, there is no such side effect, but just now I’m using a downgraded Seven Killing Sword.”

The second form of the Seven Killing Swordsmanship may not be the strongest in terms of power.

But it is the most difficult, and this trick, motivated by seven emotions, will also be affected.

If you were using the Seven Kills Sword, you wouldn’t be affected by this, but the Sword Douluo was not using the Seven Kills Sword just now.

So at this time, his mind was also shaken, and his fighting power was greatly damaged.

“It turns out that…”

Ning Fengzhi’s face darkened slightly, and he used the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda’s true body to quickly restore Sword Douluo.

“The Pope in white has good strength. But that’s not the most important thing… The key, the comprehension of the other party is very terrifying.”

Sword Douluo snorted coldly, “This person has come to ask for advice, and the city is very deep. It is by no means simple to ask for advice. It is very likely that he wants to learn a trick and a half of this old man.”

Hearing this, the three of them were shocked!

“The second move just now, he made a move similar to my Seven Kills Sword Technique, and my Seven Kills Sword Qi before, this guy even imitated a bit of a divine resemblance, and he also incorporated his own understanding into it. , forming a special sword qi that is no less than my Seven Killing Sword qi!”

Sword Douluo said solemnly, “Bone old monster, you have to be careful later.”

Bone Douluo was stunned for a while, then frowned: “I don’t believe it, how long has it been, how can this white-clothed Pope be so powerful? He’s consuming a lot at this time, just watch, I’ll find a place for you!”

After speaking, Bone Douluo walked to the pitted field.

“Although he consumes a lot, he is not so easy to defeat.”

Sword Douluo thought for a while, “But what the old bones said makes sense.”

At this time.

Hu Liena, who was behind Wang Feng, said, “Sect Master Ning, Senior Bone Douluo, can’t you take a break and fight?”

Although the Pope and Sword Douluo were tied, they were very expensive.

This is a lot bigger than the four titled Douluos who were fighting outside the Pope’s Palace Square before!

Bone Douluo walked onto the square and said indifferently: “In his state, he can’t recover in a long time. Could it be that we have to wait for him for another day?”

He, Gu Rong, is not like Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo, he also pays attention to those rules.

Of course it’s taking advantage of your illness to kill you!

Hu Liena was suddenly speechless.

Wang Feng consumed 70% to 80% of his soul power in the first battle, and his mental power also consumed a lot.

If it is a normal Title Douluo, it is true that he will not be able to recover for a long time.

But for Wang Feng, it didn’t take long for him to recover his spirit power faster than Sword Douluo who was cured by Ning Fengzhi.

It didn’t take half a day at all.

If the energy that has been stored in the black lotus is used, Wang Feng can even recover instantly.

“That’s right, no need.”

However, Wang Feng said calmly, “I think you two don’t want to wait, and I don’t want to wait. There’s no need to rest, come on.”

Hu Liena sighed, her eyes filled with worry.

“Sister, don’t worry, since the Pope is doing this, he has his reasons. We are always by his side. Don’t you know how fast the Pope’s soul power can be recovered?”

Xie Yue patted Hu Liena on the His Excellency the Pope has never liked procrastination, and likes quick decisions. “

“Of course I know, and I still need you to say, I don’t know how long it will take me longer than you! I know him better than you!”

Hu Liena snorted, “But the other party is Bone Douluo, stronger than Ghost Elder…”

Xie Yue sneered, pointed at the center of the square, and said, “Let’s see first, Bone Douluo has already revealed his martial spirit…”

In the square.

Wang Feng also watched intently.

In the original novel, Bone Douluo rarely appeared in the game, and even more rarely, at least in the plots Wang Feng had seen.

I haven’t seen Bone Douluo take action.

His spirit is a bone, and he is more focused on defense, but at the same time he has a strong attack, but it is not as good as Sword Douluo.

The rest, Wang Feng doesn’t know.

At this time, naturally, I was quite curious.

The nine spirit rings light up in sequence. Like Sword Douluo, they are the most standard spirit ring configurations.

But the martial spirit did make Wang Feng’s eyes light up.

The spirit of Bone Douluo is a bone with pale golden body, divided into many sections, which together look like a huge golden skeleton.

After the spirit was possessed, Bone Douluo’s original skeleton-like body quickly swelled up!

Even the old face has begun to change, becoming a little younger, and the hair has grown! !

The limbs are full of power, and the whole body is glowing with pale golden light, which looks like a special transformation.

Full of power and an indestructible feeling!

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