Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 434: Strange situation (3)

In this kind of individual competition, only one person’s 91 is open, which is very unfavorable.

Because he will face a combined attack from the other two teams.

Only him, there is no possibility of any rotation.

If the two teams unite against Jiuyikai, they can defeat Jiuyikai.

Even if they are undefeated, Jiuyi won, but it was a tragic victory. The next day was the final, and Jiuyi didn’t have time to recover.

Facing the finals the next day, he faced another team, and he would definitely not be able to do his best, and he would definitely lose!

It’s almost impossible to win a game with one person.

However, this is based on the strong alliance between Shrek Academy and Spirit Hall Academy.

Actually, on the fourth day, the Spirit Palace team had approached Shrek Academy.

And asked to join forces with them to hit Jiuyikai hard. If Jiuyi Kai loses, and they are unable to fight again in the team competition, then both teams can enter the finals stably, and the finals will be decided by then.

If Jiuyi Kai wins, then the two teams will decide the outcome in the afternoon. Whoever wins will be the champion of the second day’s final!

In any case, it’s no harm for the two teams to join forces.

As long as the mysterious and powerful enemy Jiuyikai is defeated first, the champion will only be created between the two teams.

After hearing Wuhun Hall’s proposal, Tang Sanqi was silent for a long time.

As early as the individual battle of the promotion round, they had already fought Jiuyikai seriously… However, it was almost a one-sided crush.

So they were hesitant about the Wuhundian team’s proposal, and then went to ask the master.

The master said: “It depends on your own choice. The three powers compete for hegemony. One is too strong, and the other two teams combine is not a bad thing. On the contrary, it can form a balance of power.”

Then Tang San went to ask Wang Feng again.

Wang Feng also said: “Ask your own heart. If you want to unite, unite. If you don’t unite, you won’t unite.”

After some choices, Tang San and the others still didn’t choose to join forces with the Spirit Hall team.

In this regard, Wuhun Hall did not say anything.

Actually, Tang San and the others felt a little terrified about the choice of Spirit Hall.

The strength of the Wuhundian team can be completely seen from the battle of the Emperor Fighting team, which is almost a one-sided crushing posture.

Three soul kings around level fifty-five! This is far beyond the existence of all teams!

But even so, the three of them chose to join forces with their Shrek Academy to deal with Jiuyikai.

It is conceivable that in the Wuhundian Academy team, Jiuyikai has been listed as the number one enemy.

Actually, Tang San looked back at Jiuyikai’s game, and after analyzing it from beginning to end, he was even more frightened.

Because judging from the current performance of Jiuyikai, it is impossible for any one of the three golden generations to achieve his level!

One person played so many games!

Never lose! Almost every field is to quickly understand the enemy in a short period of time, and use the most accurate attack method to crush the enemy with a tyrannical strength that seems to never see the end!

Although his soul power is only over forty levels, his strength and brains are not comparable to even a spirit emperor of over sixty levels, or even a soul saint of over seventy levels!

It is no wonder that the Wuhundian team, with three members of the golden generation, chose to join them in the individual competition against Jiuyikai.

“This competition… Jiuyikai will be the ultimate enemy!”

Thinking of this at the time, Tang San was suddenly awakened.

From the Tian Dou City preliminaries, the mysterious Jiu Yi Kai, who was one of the best in the world, turned out to be the biggest BOSS in this competition!

Actually, Tang San’s idea was not entirely correct.

The Wuhundian Academy team wanted to unite with them, in addition to Jiuyi Kai strong, mainly because they didn’t want to waste too much effort in individual battles. If they were in team battles, they weren’t afraid of Jiu Yi Kai.

In addition, the threat of Jiuyikai is too great, and it is more reassuring to remove it as soon as possible.

Comparatively, Shrek Academy is relatively weak, and even if they compete for the championship, the odds of winning are very low.


The contest officially begins.

Because the Purple Star Academy only has nine-one openings, he can only be sent out.

The Shrek Academy and the Wuhundian team each sent one person, Shrek sent Jingling, and Wuhundian sent another level 43 Soul Sect.

Three people draw lots.

Wang Feng was lucky enough to take a bye. It means that Jingling and the Soul Sect of Wuhun Hall are fighting.

But Shrek Academy simply conceded defeat.

Because the soul sect of Wuhun Hall is a control system soul sect, very restrained by the spirit of Beijing.

Then, it was the Soul Sect of the Wuhun Temple and Wang Feng fighting.

But… Spirit Hall also chose to admit defeat.

In the first round, Wang Feng won directly.

Tang San and the Golden Generation frowned slightly.

The two teams are not united, but now they do not want to fight Wang Feng, because they know that whoever goes up will definitely lose, and the players will lose their combat effectiveness at that time, which is very detrimental to the rest of the team battle.

Tang San and the others fought with Jiu Yi Kai, and even though it has been over a month, their strength has improved.

From the perspective of the two finals, Jiuyikai’s strength is far more than that, so if you fight individually, there is almost no possibility of winning.

Neither teams want to suffer any losses, so there is a situation in the first There were not many spirit masters watching, but most of them were well-known figures in the spirit master world, not to mention the Spirit Hall. of many soul masters.

There is a row of seats in front of the door. It’s really Pope Bibi Dong’s five people.

Seeing this scene at this time, they all frowned slightly.

Wang Feng smiled in his heart. To be reasonable, if the two teams join forces and fight him, it means that he will face a wheel battle of fourteen people. Although it is difficult to mention, it will be more exhausting. It is not easy to defeat them.

But if they don’t unite and no one wants to fight with him, then he will still benefit in the end.

However, with Tang San’s character, he would never unite with Spirit Hall.

“Hmph, this Shrek Academy is really a tortoise.”

Yan snorted coldly, “Let me go, I’ve had a fight with this Jiuyi.”

Xieyue shook her head and frowned, “Shrek Academy played against Jiuyikai in the promotion round. I don’t know the specifics, but just the strength of Jiuyikai’s performance, Yan, do you think you can do it? Teacher? They have all analyzed that Jiuyikai’s personal strength is far above ours. If we want to defeat him, we can only rely on team battles.”

“If it were two teams, taking turns in a round-robin battle, there was still a chance to defeat Jiuyikai in the individual competition, which would make him lose most of his fighting ability. But if we don’t unite, even if we are only one team, we may not be able to fight in a round-robin match. beat him.”

“You go up, I can assure you, you won’t be able to survive a few strokes. What if you get injured and don’t have time to recover?”

This is the concern of all teams in the Triwizard Tournament.

Wang Feng is now Cao Cao in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and the family dominates.

If Sun Liu does not unite, it is almost impossible to defeat him in a personal battle.

Whoever goes up means that the overall combat effectiveness will be weakened.

(End of this chapter)

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