Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 380: Instant Fire Dance (9)

This is probably a special charge combo. “

Master frowned slightly and said, “This kind of combined skill is rare, and it usually takes a certain amount of time to exert its effect, but once it is exerted, it should not be underestimated! The presence of the first two auxiliary spirit masters is a start. The soul skill that is cast can store flame energy and store it in the ring, just like a volcano waiting to erupt, it only needs to reach a certain amount of energy…”

“At that time, it will be like an erupting volcano, pouring into the body of one person, which is equivalent to gathering the power of several people. It is really interesting and a rare total. Let’s take a look… This may be specially designed by Blazing Academy for The combined skills prepared by Jiuyikai.”

The crowd watched intently.

At this time, the fifth Spirit Master came on the stage, the Fire Leopard Spirit Master.

As a spirit master of the attack system, this time he did not move like the previous four, but attacked Wang Feng directly with his spirit possessed.

The power on his body was frantically leaking out, as if he didn’t have any intention of cherishing his soul power. Like a fiery leopard running at high speed!

Without the slightest reservation, it seems to have the will to lose?

However, if you have a heart, it is easy to see that every step of this Fire Leopard Soul Master falls on the ring, and every step will be a ball of fire.

Like a blazing fire, it seemed to set the entire ring on fire.

Seeing this, Wang Feng frowned slightly, and the black light in his hand condensed, directly forming a rather large hammer.

Looking at the rushing Fire Leopard Soul Master, he shot with a fire like calcium carbide and flew out with a hammer!

At this time, the Fire Leopard Soul Master had a scorching high temperature on his body. Wang Feng would not directly touch it, otherwise what would he do if his whole body was ignited?

The hammer formed by the Xuanming Thorn is not light, at least several hundred pounds.

With a single blow, the Fire Leopard Soul Master seemed to be deformed, the scorching fire on his body quickly disappeared, and he flew out and fell into the ring.

Just when he was hammered, all the fire on his body was quickly absorbed by the ring.

It made the fire on the ring condense even more violently, like the dark clouds surging before a storm.

The failure of the Fire Leopard Soul Master did not give everyone a big shock, and it even felt a little worse.

The suicidal impact of the Fire Leopard Soul Master forced Jiuyikai’s hammer, not avoiding or dodging, as if he did it on purpose.

Until, Huo Wu comes on stage.

As a control-type spirit master, her own combat power is also extremely strong. Although she can’t compare to Tang San, she is much stronger than a support-type spirit master like Ning Rongrong.

Most control-type spirit masters actually possess certain melee abilities.

And the Hokage Martial Spirit, in itself, is actually a type of beast Martial Spirit, and it is classified as a control type because Huo Wu’s control ability is stronger.

“Last time, you didn’t let me perform Fire Dance and Shine.”

As soon as Huo Wu came up, she said coldly, “This time, you can’t escape!”

Dazzling Fire Dance is her fourth spirit ability. Generally, it requires more than four teammates to use it, because it needs to consume more spirit power!

Therefore, a person cannot be released.

But now, Huo Wu’s face is very confident.

After the call of the referee.

Almost instantly!

Huo Wu first cast a fire ring towards Wang Feng, and then the fourth spirit ring on her body lit up!

Her palms are raised to the sky, and the flames on the ring are madly lit towards her position!

“The fire dance is dazzling!”

Huo Wu snorted lightly, and the light ball in her hand grew in size almost as fast as the blink of an eye!

Like an instant shot, he slammed into Wang Feng!

The fire dances with the locking effect, like a blazing sun!

This time, Wang Feng really didn’t have a chance to interrupt, because Huo Wu was released too fast!

Coming soon, shocking the audience!

“How could it be so fast? Could it be because of the ring?”

Tang San was startled. He had experienced this move. At that time, the opponent’s four gathered together and charged for at least six or seven seconds before releasing it.

And this time, it was released in almost a second!

“It’s definitely the reason for the ground of the arena! The first five spirit masters, from the first two auxiliary spirit masters, turned the ground of the arena into a ground that can absorb flame energy, and none of the players in the back attacked Jiuyi. open, but charge the flame!”

Several people are discussing.

“This special power-charging combination is so powerful!”

“It was specially prepared to defeat a powerful single-player soul master like Jiuyikai!”

The terrifying fire dances and shines brightly, reflecting the faces of many team members, all of which are solemnly red.

“This power-charging combination technique is quite interesting.”

Wang Feng nodded slightly, it was indeed aimed at him. It must be the trump card that Blazing Academy is ready to beat him.

Using the special soul skills of the two auxiliary spirit masters, they are placed on the ground of the arena, storing energy like a volcano, and then appearing in Huo Wu. All the flame energy is concentrated on her body, which can make her release Huo Wuyao. Yang, and the release speed is faster!

If you are in a team battle, this kind of power-charging combination seems a bit tasteless, because no team will use the ground to charge you for so long.

But in single-player battles, it can have a huge effect.

You can even perform a one-man counter-kill for the entire team!

Single-player fights don’t have many flashy tactics, only hard power.

This is also the charm of personal warfare. Team battles are about tactics, and individual battles are about strength.

The opponent can use this power-charging combined technique to condense the strength of all team members and gather all the strength into one person, which is really amazing.

Furthermore, Wang Feng felt that this combined power accumulation technique was not that simple.

Watch the giant fire dance and shine.

Very large, at least ten meters in diameter.


Wang Feng shook his head, took a deep breath, and saw the black light condensed on his right hand.

A jet-black long sword with a length of seven meters, condensed impressively!


Wang Feng’s body is slightly forward, his feet are one after the other, and he slashes directly at the huge Fire Dance Yaoyang with a half-moon arc!

I saw a dark light flashing!

That huge ball of light directly turned into two halves, exploded in mid-air, turned into countless sparks and landed on the ring!

In an instant, everyone was shocked.

Like the rain of fire, the battles in the ring are gorgeous!

Huo Wu was stunned for a while, but at this moment, a hoarse voice sounded in her ear:

“You lose, go down!”

I don’t know when, Jiuyikai passed through the heavy fire and rain, and a pitch-black sharp blade fell, silently, on her neck.

Huo Wu clenched her hands tightly, but the corners of her mouth curled up:

“Do you think this will defeat our Blazing Academy? My Huo Wu Yaoyang is not just going to attack you… I admit defeat.”

After speaking, Huo Wu gave Jiu Yikai a light look and walked off the ring.

(End of this chapter)

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