Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 325: The tool man Wang Feng (4)

   “Xiao Feng, your theory may have a great impetus to the development of the entire continent.”

Master    walked up to Wang Feng and said solemnly, “Otherwise, you can study martial arts with me in the future.”

  Wang Feng: “…”

  Wang Feng hurriedly shook his head, what a joke, if he really wanted to study it, how could he have such skills?

   He has little interest in these studies.

   Seeing Wang Feng shaking his head, the master didn’t feel lost, just sighed softly.

   The next day, the two have been practicing distraction control, and the progress can be described as rapid!

   Soon, it’s time for the second round of qualifiers.

  Wang Feng followed Shrek to the Great Soul Arena.

   This time, because of the previous victory over the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, there was no more laughter.

   Everyone walked into the venue with their heads raised and their chests raised, and even the clothes had changed slightly, but Dean Flender really pulled an advertisement for Shrek Academy.

   Wang Feng smiled when he saw this, not surprised by this.

   Today, the opponents of the Shrek Seven Devils are the extremely powerful Elephant Armor Sect among the more than 20 teams.

   “In this game, I suggest you just give up…” The master said slowly, “With the strength of the Elephant Sect, even if the seven of you play, the odds of winning are around five or five.”

   Wang Feng was slightly taken aback when he heard this. The Elephant Sect should not be so strong, right?

   “If it was the last lineup, it would definitely be defeated.” The master continued.

  ”I know Xiangjiazong.”

  Ning Rongrong said softly, “They are one of the seven major sects and the sixth-ranked sect. Martial spirits are diamond mammoths with super strength and defense! If it wasn’t for the fact that their sects didn’t have a Title Douluo, I’m afraid It won’t be the sixth. Sect Master Huyan Zhen’s defense ability of level 87 Spirit Douluo is even stronger than some Title Douluo.”

  ”But if we have seven players on the field, we should have a good chance of winning, right?”

   However, the master shook his head and said:

  ”It’s not the same. First of all, the main arena limits your strength, making it impossible for you to fight attrition. The seven opponents are extremely burly and strong, and it is difficult to avoid charging. Second, and the most important point… Xiangjiazong’s There is a mutant spirit in the team!”

   Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

   Wang Feng was also stunned.

   Mutated Martial Spirit?

   He remembers the original Elephant Sect, and it seems that there is no mutant spirit at all?

   Has it changed again?

   “Furthermore, the mutant spirit of the opponent has mutated towards the stronger side.”

   At this time, Liu Erlong said slowly, “I’ve inquired more clearly for you. This mutant martial spirit… is called the Flying Diamond Mammoth. To put it simply… The strength and defense are slightly weakened. But it has the ability to fly. .Not ordinary power!”

   No wonder the master would say such a thing? Wang Feng thought to himself that the biggest flaw of this diamond mammoth is its speed and bulk.

   But if you have the ability to fly, you will have more tactical changes.

   “And the person who possesses this mutant spirit is the chief disciple of the Elephant Armor Sect, Hu Yanli, a forty-fourth-level defense-type battle spirit master!”

Master    continued, “Even if you have seven players, your odds of winning are only about half.”

   Level 44, which is slightly weaker than Dai Mubai who just reached level 45.

   In the judgement of the masters, that is all, let alone others.

  ”In fact, even if you give up a game, you only need to get the qualifying places.”

   Flanders said.

   Wang Feng sighed in his heart that although he had made the Shrek Seven Devils stronger, three of the spirits had mutated.

   But I didn’t expect that, as the more revealed the knowledge, it seemed that the world was quietly changing.

   has been slightly out of Wang Feng’s cognition. But thinking about it, it seems normal.

  ”No, teacher, we won’t give up any game!”

  Tang San said solemnly, and then looked at the others.

   The remaining ten people also nodded heavily.

  Wang Feng also nodded.

   Even if there is a change, so what? The current Shrek Seven Devils are more powerful than in the original book.

  Flanders teachers looked at the group and were silent for a moment.

  ”We are all suggestions, since you are determined to fight.” A smile appeared on the master’s face, “Let’s fight.”

   Seeing this, everyone in Tang San breathed a sigh of relief.

   “By the way, can Brother Feng be able to play this game?” Tang San suddenly asked.

  Wang Feng was stunned for a moment, thinking, I’m going to go to the Purple Star Academy later. Is it possible that I have to rush to the field?

   In general, the official game is not fake.

   When each student enters the field, they must undergo a martial arts and soul power test to prevent any substitute behavior. Check to see if it matches the information you registered.

   The previous opening ceremony review, because it was not an official competition, did not require inspection, and Dean Faerun could also use someone with a similar body type to pretend to be Jiuyikai.

   However, in the event of an official competition, the information of soul masters registered by Wang Feng will be checked.

   The martial spirit he used when he registered was an axe, and his spirit power was level 45. These basic information must be checked before entering the game.

  Once there is a problem, you will be banned from playing, or disqualified!

   So it’s impossible for Dean Faerun to find someone with a similar physique to pretend to be Jiuyi to play a fake match.

   is even less likely now.

   That’s why he wears a mask, and no one will doubt it.

   Because of the martial spirit and spirit power level, it cannot be faked.


Master    thought for a while and said, “He can play, but he can’t shoot. At most, he can only fuse martial arts with you and use fusion skills.”

  Wang Feng: “…”

   is too much.

   Then I can’t even pretend to be on the court? Co-authoring this, what if I use it as a tool?

  Wang Feng couldn’t help but complained in his heart.

   The martial arts fusion skills of him and several others are generally not suitable for himself, but more suitable for them to For more than a year, I have been trying it with others.

  Wang Feng is now exposed to only two forms, golden lotus and red lotus. You can use the twin spirits to find such an excuse to cover up, so the third form of black lotus cannot be easily exposed.

   In addition to Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing performed martial arts fusion skills, Oscar, Ma Hongjun both have martial arts fusion skills.

   And Dai Mubai, Tang San, and Xiao Wu haven’t tried it yet.

  ”Then let Brother Feng play!”

   Tang San’s eyes lit up, “I, Brother Feng, Mu Bai, Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Ao, Jiang Zhu, Jing Ling. Brother Feng takes over Xiao Wu, Xiao Ao takes over Tai Long.”

   With this arrangement, only four of the Shrek Seven Devils were exposed.

   Brother Feng?

   He usually rarely plays, so he can be used to confuse opponents, and occasionally use a martial arts fusion skill, which is just right.

   It’s okay to be exposed.

   wants to target him, and there is no possibility.

   is able to minimize the exposure of seven people.

   “Okay.” Wang Feng sighed.

   I didn’t expect that I, Wang Feng, would also be used as a tool one day.

   is really good reincarnation…

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