Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 294: You seven, too weak! (3)

At this time.

“Brother, there seem to be different colors.”

Xiao Wu is very playful, she grabbed several with one hand. She looked to the other side and found that there were other colors of bugs, and she also grabbed several with her hand.

Ning Rongrong also ran over to catch them. Zhu Zhuqing’s technique was the most accurate. He caught several of them and tied them with bags.

The bag glows brightly and looks amazing.

Oscar also caught a few with interest and said with a smile, “Aside from being pretty, isn’t this worm not dangerous at all?”

In this night sky, these little insects add a bit of beauty to the scene of several people.

“Dangerous?” Tang San was stunned for a while, and then said after thinking about it, “If you want to say something dangerous, there are, unless it’s…”

Speaking of this, Tang San suddenly felt a chill all over his body.

He suddenly turned towards the three girls, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing, and shouted, “Xiao Wu, Rongrong, Zhuqing, throw the worm out of your hands!”

Xiao Wu was stunned for a while, and was about to throw out the beautiful bugs she caught in the bag…

Next moment!

The bugs in her bag are gone!


A violent haze erupted!

The bag that Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing caught worms also suddenly exploded into bursts of light and mist!

The light emitted by this mist is extremely dazzling, and there seems to be a special aerosol in the mist. soft.


Tang San leaned closer, almost as soon as he finished speaking, as if walking towards Xiao Wu.

In addition, the other Oscars, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, almost subconsciously closed their eyes under this violent mist.

Tang San directly opened the Purple Demon Pupil, without closing his eyes.

But at this moment of opening, he could only barely catch a ghostly figure and quickly pass through the crowd!


Bang bang bang!

Except for Tang San, the others seemed to be directly smashed to the ground by a huge force!


In Tang San’s Ziji Demon Eye, the figure of the opponent completely disappeared, and then, a huge force attacked from behind!

Too soon!

The blue silver grass in Tang San’s hands had just bloomed, and before he could use his martial spirit, he felt like he was being blasted away from behind by a terrifying force!

Boom hit the ground!

Before the light and fog dissipated, the seven fell to the ground.

“Vigilance is still too bad! You seven, too weak!”

Slightly cold sneers, as if coming from all around, “Just like this, don’t say you want to lift my mask, you can’t even touch my shadow!”

The voice falls.

The light fog was quickly shaken by a huge mass of energy!

But it was the three of Flender who came.

However, the figure has disappeared.

“You seven, are you alright?” Zao Wou-Ki looked at a few people and couldn’t help laughing.

The seven people fell to the ground in various directions, with footprints all over their bodies.

The nose is blue and the face is swollen.

Tang San woke up first, his face became heavier, rubbed his back shoulder, feeling still a little painful.

After a while, the others slowly climbed up from the ground.

“Brother, what happened just now?” Xiao Wu rubbed her lower abdomen. She was kicked just now and was kicked away.

Ning Rongrong also got up, disgraced, with a footprint on her butt.

Zhu Zhuqing is okay, there is a footprint on his lower back.

“Fuck… I didn’t react just now, I felt like I was blown away by a huge force…” Ma Hongjun rubbed his right shoulder.

Oscar and Dai Mubai also stood up, their faces were a little ugly. They could also hear the cold sneer just now.

“It’s the rainbow worm and the green firefly.”

Tang San coughed a few times and sighed in a low voice, “These two are very weak soul beasts, most of them are a few years old or a dozen years old, and it’s usually hard to tell them apart. Kill it… One of them is not dangerous. But if the two meet and touch, a violent haze will erupt, which will cause us to lose sight for a short time. .”

“In this light fog, an extremely unpleasant aerosol will also erupt, which will affect people’s minds. It is a very partial knowledge of soul beasts… If Oscar had not asked me in advance, I would not have remembered it.”

After listening, everyone fell silent.

“These two kinds of insects are very beautiful at night… The six-ringed soul emperor just now knew that Xiao Wu and you three girls would definitely collect these insects…”

Tang San sighed and said, “Once collected, the two kinds of worms will come into contact, and there will definitely be a mist of light, and we are very close… all at once! Any effort will knock us all down! If it was the enemy just now, we would all die…”

Everyone felt chills when they heard it.

“This six-ringed spirit emperor is not only terrifying in strength, but also has endless traps.” Tang San felt a little chill in his heart, “Actually, in the state just now, we still have the ability to counterattack, but he is too much. It’s almost time… I’m afraid it’s an agile attack type Spirit Master. I opened my eyes just now, but I couldn’t see his specific image clearly.”

“Only audible.”

Listening to Tang San’s words, the other six suddenly felt a little scared.

“Master, who is your friend? So powerful?”

Ma Hongjun rubbed his face, the punch that afternoon, he is still not healed, the old injury has not healed, and the new injury has been added.

Especially these injuries are not fatal, but painful.

“What? Now that you know how powerful it is?” Flender couldn’t help laughing. “Before you came, who said that a mere six-ringed soul emperor wants to attack our Shrek Seven Devils, but it’s not that easy?”

“…” Ma Hongjun.

“You guys, this is the second time.” Liu Erlong shook his head and said, “But you don’t even know the specific image of the other party, his body type, his clothes, his specific strength, you I don’t know anything. If you want to lift his mask in this state, it should be possible in a dream.”

The master also looked at several people and said, “You can apply to lower the requirements… You will lift the mask and reduce it to: seeing the specific image of the other party, or forcing the other party to use the soul skill, all of you will pass the test.”

“…” Everyone was Before coming, everyone was full of confidence.

Although the six-ringed spirit emperors are powerful, they are all forty-level teams, and they are still the golden fighting spirit team, and their strength has increased greatly.

Why are you afraid of a six-ringed soul emperor?

Unexpectedly, in the two confrontations, I didn’t even see the specific appearance of the opponent.

How is this going to work?

“Okay, let’s take a rest first. You make your own arrangements for the vigil…”

Flander coughed a few times and walked into the tent with Zao Wou-Ki.

“Let me and Mubai keep watch at night.”

Tang San’s face was extremely solemn, “I’m afraid one person is not enough, and when the rotation will come, it will be a group of two… This six-ringed spirit emperor is much more difficult to deal with than those ten thousand year spirit beasts, it can’t be like this anymore. .”

(End of this chapter)

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