Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 240: The Shock of Hercules Titans (11)

“Wang Feng, I’ll let my dad come to treat you later. His Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda has healing power. Rest well.”

Ning Rongrong stood at the door, glanced at Wang Feng quietly, and left with some reluctance.

After walking in Ning Rongrong for a while, Wang Feng has already recovered.

He sat cross-legged and felt the situation in his body. His body had almost recovered, but his soul power was a little weak, but he absorbed it very quickly at this time.

“It’s level 40. It seems that I took the time to go to the Star Dou Great Forest and hit the card.”

A gleam of light flashed in Wang Feng’s eyes.

He came to Douluo World and only played cards three times. Although it was a long time between each time, I have to say that the improvement was great.

Even the worst additional rewards can increase the age of the spirit ring…

The location of the fourth check-in was a year ago.

‘I also have a 30,000-year-old spirit ring. ’

After Wang Feng thought for a while, the door was pushed open, but it was Zhu Zhuqing who came.

“I heard you were injured?” Zhu Zhuqing stood at the door and glanced at Wang Feng.

“It’s not a serious injury.” Wang Feng regained some strength and smiled.

Zhu Zhuqing was just about to say a few more words when Ma Hongjun and Oscar both came, and she just opened her mouth and swallowed the words that were still in her throat.

“Damn, we’ve all heard about what happened just now… Captain, are you and Tang San too perverted?”

Oscar had a ghostly look on his face.

Ma Hongjun also nodded: “That’s Contra! I heard that this Hercules Titan is taking the path of pure power, and it is terrifyingly strong… How did you guys resist.”

Wang Feng smiled and said, “They kept their hands, plus Ning Rongrong’s father came and stopped them in time.”

“Ning Rongrong’s father is here?” Ma Hongjun imagined and suddenly exclaimed, “Damn it, his father is Ning Fengzhi from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School… Could it be that the Titled Douluo is also here? No wonder I said that the Academy just now Why are there so many people around…”

“Okay, let’s go out and let Wang Feng have a good rest.” At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing glanced at Wang Feng and said to the two of them.

The two also reacted and hurriedly exited the room.

The three of them listened to the students of the academy and hurried over to take a look directly from their cultivation state. Naturally, they felt relieved when they saw that they were all right.

“It’s better if someone cares.”

Wang Feng smiled, thinking of Ning Rongrong just now.

Huh? What am I doing girl.

Too small, please get out of my head!

Wang Feng was relieved and took advantage of this time to slowly recover…



In a conference room.

Tang San and Tai Tan are finishing talking about Tang San’s life experience.

“My father is actually from the Clear Sky Sect…or is he the top titled Douluo in the continent?”

Tang San was shocked when he heard the news.

However, recalling his father’s face, Tang San’s heart filled with thoughts.

“Young master, I will keep your background a secret… Also, Ning Fengzhi from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, you have to be careful. The master once said that you are talented and talented, and should not be underestimated.”

Old Tai Tan looked at Tang San with tears in his eyes.

On the contrary, Tang San appeared somewhat calm. Although he was extremely shocked, Tang San wouldn’t show it, after all, his soul was an adult.

“I see, Grandpa Tai.” Tang San said softly.

“Right…that kid named Wang Feng, is the young master your friend?” Suddenly, Tai Tan asked again.

Tang San was taken aback and nodded.

“If you are a friend, then you have to be careful…” Tai Tan whispered, “Do you know his details?”

The most shocking part of the gambling fight just now was naturally the Titan who released 100% of the pressure.

He is the one who knows the power of the 100% pressure on himself, even if he is of the same level, he may not be able to resist it without using his martial spirit.

Looking back on it now, Tai Tan was so shocked that a cold sweat broke out in his heart. The kid was probably trying to train himself by provoking himself… and depending on the situation, it seemed that he had succeeded. Because Titan also felt the subtle changes in Wang Feng’s body.

Obviously, the soul power has increased and become stronger.

Thinking of being used as a tool for the other party made Titan feel a little bit of a shock.

He’s a dignified Contra, has he been used?

Now this young man is actually a friend of the young master?

If Tang San wasn’t Tang Hao’s son, but a gifted boy, Tai Tan wouldn’t have the heart to doubt his origin.

But in front of him is the young master, and Tai Tan has to doubt that this young man named Wang Feng is not…

“The details? Of course I know.” Tang San frowned, “Brother Feng and I grew up in a village, his parents died when he was very early… Brother Feng’s details are too simple.”

Tang San knew that Tai Tan was suspicious of Brother Feng.

But Tang San really felt that Brother Feng had nothing to doubt.

‘My acquaintance with Brother Feng… is earlier than Xiao Wu, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he grew up wearing a pair of pants, but many of Brother Feng’s behavior does not seem like a child, he is more mature than me . ’

Tang San naturally also considered this issue, and thought about it a long time ago.

In this case, either Brother Feng was born with a genius and was born to know it. Or, Brother Feng, like himself, is also a soul-traversing person.

But in either case, does this make sense?

The two grew up together, with no grudges or hatreds. Besides, Brother Feng had helped him many times, so Tang San knew that was enough.

Furthermore, Tang San felt that Brother Feng should also be able to guess his own difficulty.

As far as the hidden weapon is concerned, it is suspicious enough, as well as his own purple demon pupil and various Tangmen martial arts.

But Brother Feng still didn’t say anything, and he wasn’t interested in his hidden weapon, poison technique. Back then, when I was in Binghuo Liangyiyan, I wanted to teach Feng Ge, but Feng Ge didn’t learn…

It can be seen that Brother Feng has no good intentions for himself.

The most important thing is… Brother Feng is much stronger than me, what is there to try on me?

Tang San thought to himself.

“It’s so simple?” However, after Tai Tan heard it, he was stunned, “How is this possible, with that kid’s strength, how could he come from such an ordinary background?”

With that kind of strength and talent, as well as calculations, even the most top forces today may not be able to cultivate such a young genius?

You tell me now, he came from an ordinary village, and you still grew up together?

For a while, the Titans didn’t know what to say.

“This…this…” Tai Tan looked at Tang San’s serious eyes, and couldn’t help thinking for a while, that kid… could it be true that he is a peerless genius who is rare in foreign years?

Although I don’t want to admit it, Titan can clearly say that the boy named Wang Feng seems to be even better than the young master in terms of strength and talent.

But the young master is the master’s son! The master is one of the top powerhouses in the continent, it is natural to have such talent…

But that ordinary child…Titan felt incomprehensible.

Actually, this kind of incomprehension is very Because in the world of Douluo, the most important thing is the martial arts, and martial arts are generally inherited from their parents’ blood… Apart from the factors of variation, generally the stronger the parents, the better the children. the stronger.

Unfortunately, Wang Feng’s parents have passed away.

At this time.

After Tang San and Tai Tan finished talking, they walked to Ning Fengzhi’s room next door.

There are three people in the room.

After Tang San entered the room, he and Ning Fengzhi cut into the main body and directly discussed things about hidden weapons. .

“Uncle Ning, I can help you make these hidden weapons.”

Tang San said in detail, “But I can’t sell the production methods to you. There are several reasons, one is that the production methods are complicated, and it takes at least a few years to fully learn them, and the other is that these production methods are , there are regulations, I can’t disclose it easily for the time being. However, I can tell you the production process, it’s just that I need to synthesize it.”

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