Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 157: Ning Rongrong Plus (8)

Ning Rongrong felt for the first time that the world was so wonderful.

And this is the power brought by the fusion of martial arts!

The center of her eyebrows is exactly the shape of the golden lotus and the glazed pagoda!

“How about this Martial Soul Fusion Skill, called the Glazed Golden Lotus Body? How do you feel?”

Wang Feng asked with a smile.

At this time, Ning Rongrong had MAX charm and perfect temperament. Wang Feng felt astonished, as if he had changed a person and a body.

Her eyes are clear with a hint of golden light, giving people a feeling of incomparable dignity.

Even, a lot bigger!

Compared to Zhu Zhuqing, it’s only a little worse!

Ning Rongrong Plus!

“Wow… What kind of fusion skill is this! How can it be more exaggerated than Brother Feng’s deified soul skill!”

Xiao Wu in the audience area couldn’t help but covered her mouth and exclaimed.

“I’m afraid, it’s similar to the effect of changing the body… As for the power, I don’t know.”

Master exclaimed, “It’s unimaginable that the fusion was successful at one time… Unless it is a 100% fit, and depending on the situation, the fit is so perfect, after the fusion of the two martial arts, it becomes even stronger. !”

At this time, the rest of Shrek seemed to have finished the single-player battle, and they all came here, planning to have a team battle, and then a team battle.

For a while, I also saw this scene, and then all were stunned.

“Master, Tang San, what’s the situation! What are they doing? If I go, is that still Ning Rongrong?”

Ma Hongjun opened his mouth wide and looked at the scene below, “Ning Rongrong… so big?”

And, this temperament? This is the goddess descended to earth, right?

“Why can’t I be this big!”

Ning Rongrong seemed to have heard Ma Hongjun’s words on stage, and gave Ma Hongjun a cold look.

In an instant, Ma Hongjun was shocked.

“I, why do you feel that Ning Rongrong glared at me just now?” Ma Hongjun felt a chill all over his body.

The rest of the people were surprised when they heard this.

“Looking diagonally, it’s at least a hundred meters away? Can she hear you?”

Dai Mubai whispered, “No, what’s her situation now?”

“Just watch it, I’ll explain it later!”

The master pointed to the battle field below.

At this time, everyone in the audience turned their attention to Ning Rongrong. In their eyes, it was incomparably amazed, amazed, and obsessed…

But it made Ning Rongrong’s vanity a little inflated.

“Golden glass lotus body, does that mean my current state?”

Ning Rongrong’s face under the mask still giggled, “Then I’ll give it a try, I feel like I’m full of strength now…”

Wang Feng nodded slightly, then stood where he was, seeing Ning Rongrong rushing over.

As if I forgot what I just said.

Sure enough, go out and fight by yourself, right?


The man in the blue shirt also reacted instantly, his face slightly heavy.

“Martial spirit fusion skills? Is this the first time I see the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda fused with other martial spirits?”

The eyes of the woman at the back are slightly solemn, “It seems that the girl from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School seems to be the main attacker. Be careful.”


The woman’s voice just fell.

The man immediately charged towards Ning Rongrong!

Indistinctly, it seemed that a dragon roar could be heard from the man’s mouth!

Ning Rongrong also rushed towards the man.

The feeling of being one with the world is so comfortable, it feels like the whole body is full of power.

“I want to see, what the **** is wrong with you, an auxiliary spirit master, what is that martial spirit fusion skill just now?”

The man thought to himself, looking at Ning Rongrong who was approaching, frowned, and punched him directly!

Ning Rongrong also raised her fist, with thunderbolt lightning on her fist, and the colorful streamer surrounded her body.


The two are touching each other!

The two figures were quickly sent flying several meters away!

A huge airflow blasted out, blowing the audience!

“What a powerful force! Is this really the auxiliary spirit master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School?”

The man was slightly horrified, “Moreover, she has lightning-like power attached to her body, which is not inferior to the lightning power of my Blue Sky Tyrannosaurus Rex, and even stronger…”

The man looked at Wei Ma’s arm. Fortunately, he also has the power of lightning, if it is another type of soul master.

This punch, I am afraid, is enough to make them paralyzed and unable to move!

At this time, the man saw the girl rushing towards her again!

“Isn’t she hurt at all?”

My heart flashed like thunder.

Ning Rongrong was not injured, she felt like she was stronger! I couldn’t control the power before!

“Wow, it turns out that being a battle soul master can be so cool with one punch!”

Ning Rongrong was both pleasantly surprised and happy.

This is a completely different experience from an auxiliary spirit master!

“Thunder Dragon Claw!”

The first spirit ring on the man’s body lit up, his palm shone with purple light, and his five fingers gradually became thicker and covered with sharp spikes, like the claws of a beast, full of deterrence.

Once again, he ran towards Ning Rongrong! The spirit ability of the first spirit ring can increase his attack power by 100%!

He doesn’t believe it, this auxiliary girl can still bear this claw.

He is not afraid of the other party’s Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, besides, this is a big battle field.



Both explode with each other!

Ning Rongrong flew out in an instant, her feet were on the ground, she kept sliding back for more than ten meters, and then slowly stopped.

“Not hurt again? Impossible!”

The man stared at Ning Rongrong. With this punch, he really knocked the opponent away again.

But it didn’t hurt the other party! Just weird!


The man’s face was a little gloomy. This was an auxiliary spirit master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. Neither of his two moves could make the opponent lose his combat effectiveness.

Fortunately, I was wearing a mask. If this spread out, I’d be embarrassed!

“I don’t believe it! Thunder!”

The second spirit ring on the man lit up again and ran towards Ning Rongrong!

“I’m not afraid!”

Ning Rongrong snorted, feeling that there was no discomfort in her body, she was still full of strength, although it was a little worse than the opponent’s.

Boom boom boom!

Then, on the Soul Battle Field, a burst of dust erupted in an instant.

Two figures intertwined in the arena, and almost every time they banged, the entire square erupted into a wave of air that swept up the dust.

“My mother… this is Miss Ning Rongrong?”

Ma Hongjun rubbed his eyes, “Is this more durable than Dai Boss?”

“…” Dai Mubai.

Zhu Zhuqing set his eyes on Wang Feng and looked at it, as if he knew something.

“Spirit fusion skills.”

Master’s eyes twinkled, “This is the martial arts fusion technique of the two! After Xiaofeng fused his martial arts, he used the martial arts fusion technique on Ning Rongrong! He directly transformed Rongrong into one, and could be combined with Ning Rongrong. A battle spirit master comparable to that of the first beast spirit in mainland China!”

“Unbelievable! I’ve seen incredible things!”

“I have studied martial arts for so many I have never seen such an exaggerated martial arts fusion technique! I really don’t know what Xiaofeng’s first golden lotus is! After merging with the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, there will be Such a terrifying fusion technique!”

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

“The first martial spirit of the beast in the mainland? Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex?” Dai Mubai looked at the blue figure in the scene with a bit of shock in his eyes.

“Martial spirit fusion skills…” Zhu Zhuqing muttered a few times.

Dai Mubai seemed to feel something, and glanced at Zhu Zhuqing, but Zhu Zhuqing glared back.

Dai Mubai could only sigh lightly.

“After this, who would dare to bully Ning Rongrong? Can she be this powerful as an auxiliary spirit master?”

Ma Hongjun touched his chin, “Oscar, it seems that you are the only one who can bully him in the future.”

“…” Oscar.

(End of this chapter)

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