Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 140: The Master’s Doubt (2)

Cobweb Binding! ! “

Tang San gave a low voice, focusing on himself, looking at Wang Feng who was almost close at hand, after a long brewing, he finally showed his third spirit ability!

The halo brewing in his hand was thrown directly above him!

Countless tiny and tougher vines spread wildly around from the two of them, forming cobwebs.

Instantly trapped both of them!

Because Wang Feng’s speed was too fast, Tang San didn’t have time to release it from a long distance, but he had a chance to release it!

Although, at the cost of being trapped as well, Wang Feng was finally restrained!

“Brother Feng, even if you break free from my cobwebs, you will still be hit by the poison in my cobweb vines and the toxins in the ghost thorns!”

Tang San looked at Wang Feng, who was only in the same position as him, and said with a smile, “The two toxins combined, even Dai Mubai won’t be able to last long! With your physical fitness, even if you can forcefully hold it for a long time Time, but your physical fitness will gradually decline, but you still need to fight three battle spirit masters of the attack type. Now, almost two minutes have passed.”

“Within one minute, you will be hit with two of my poisons, and you have to defeat three Spirit Masters. It’s unrealistic.”

Tang San’s words sounded softly.

“Young San did a great job! Although he trapped himself, he finally released the cobwebs!” The master in the distance couldn’t help but nodded.

Tang San is right!

No matter how strong Wang Feng’s physique is, without using spirit power and martial spirit, it is impossible to avoid these toxins, and there is no chance of recovery.

Even if we can hold on, there are still three battle spirit masters of the storm system!

Even if you don’t hit two poisons, you may not be able to defeat three people in one minute!

And Tang San’s choice was the best choice! none of them!

“Sure enough, this kind of battle can make people grow.” A smile appeared in the master’s eyes.

In the battle with Wang Feng, the master obviously felt that the cooperation of these seven people had reached a high level.

Many shortcomings have also changed.

Among them, Tang San, as a remote control type, does not need close combat, and has enough time to think. As a commander, it is most suitable.

On a team, it is impossible to have no command.

And seeing this scene, the remaining few people finally showed a smile.

“Boss Dai, Ma Hongjun, come and eat mushroom sausages and grilled sausages…Recover! You can fight him later, how can you last a minute!”

Oscar quickly took advantage of the time when Wang Feng was bound by the spider web, and quickly threw the prepared sausages to the two people in the distance.

Dai Mubai also stood up from a distance of 100 meters at this time. Seeing this scene, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“Brother Feng, no matter how resourceful you are, the scale of victory will finally be on our side!” Xiao Wu stood around Oscar vigilantly, seeing that Wang Feng was indeed attacking Tang San, and now she finally relaxes breathed.

She’s really afraid that Brother Feng will come up with some strange method to cause harm to Oscar.

When Ma Hongjun and Oscar were just receiving the sausages.


Wang Feng, who is located in the center of the spider web, has broken free of the spider web bondage!

Just everywhere in the arm, there are subtle injuries, very thin, very thin!

You can see how strong his body’s defense is!

But as Tang San said, he was still poisoned, even a tiny wound was enough for two toxins to enter his body instantly!

Wang Feng twisted his neck and made a clicking sound.

Tang San was trapped himself, and he himself was poisoned, but he could use his martial spirit to release it later, but he couldn’t fight anymore.

Wang Feng said nothing, glanced at Tang San, clenched his fists, and walked directly towards Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, and Xiao Wu.

Wang Feng came out of the spider web, Oscar didn’t throw the sausage at Tang San, because he knew there was no chance.

And at the same time, Wang Feng was the first to attack Dai Mubai!

“Again? You can’t beat us in a minute!”

Dai Mubai is naturally not afraid. His golden light and white tiger transformation lasted for half an hour. At this time, the battle was really vigorous. Full of fighting spirit, not afraid at all!

Wang Feng still didn’t say a word. With a slight jump, he was meters high, jumped directly into the air, and punched Dai Mubai with a punch.

Like a missile that is ejected, the speed is very fast!

“I’m not afraid!”

Evil eyes flashed in Dai Mubai’s eyes, and he also punched Wang Feng directly!


With one punch, Dai Mubai flew backwards again! Smashed to the ground, setting off incomparable dust!

Wang Fengji was about to charge towards Dai Mubai, but Ma Hongjun stopped him!

Boom boom boom!

For a time, countless dust flew up on the ground!

“Xiao Wu, you also join the battlefield and share the pressure for them!”

Following Tang San’s low drink, even Xiao Wu joined the battlefield. It was only a minute away. At this time, Oscar was no longer important.

As long as the three of them can restrain Wang Feng, who has been hit with two types of poison at this time, and hold it for a minute, they will win!

With three people sharing the pressure at the same time, there is a chance to breathe, and it is even more impossible for Wang Feng to defeat them one by one, and the odds of winning are even greater!

One figure after another was blasted away, but quickly fought again!

When Wang Feng smashed Dai Mubai into the air with one punch and was about to rush over to inflict heavy damage, Xiao Wu would teleport and lead him in front of him, using his soft waist bow to cause trouble for him, throwing Xiao Wu away After the drive, Ma Hongjun rushed over again, and when he slapped Ma Hongjun flying, Dai Mubai also stood up again.

‘With three people sharing the pressure, Wang Feng has two toxins in his body, and it is almost impossible to defeat them one by one. This battle was won by Mubai Xiaosan and the others. At this time, Oscar really didn’t matter. ‘ The master in the distance nodded slightly.

The power of seven people is not guaranteed after all.

Being able to fight until now is somewhat beyond the master’s expectations. If it wasn’t for Ning Rongrong’s support from the beginning, I’m afraid the seven people would be more relaxed at this time. It wasn’t just Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, and Xiao Wu.

However, Grandmaster still has a doubt in his heart: Why did Wang Feng set his second target on Tang San?

Time, slowly moving backwards.

Victory seems to be in sight.


Just thirty seconds later.

Yes, only thirty seconds later.

As the dust spreads, there is only Wang Feng standing on the field!

Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, Xiao Wu, all three were lying on the ground!

“Impossible!” Almost immediately, just after using the Blue Silver Grass to absorb the toxins in his body, Tang San, who was resting, blurted out!

Even the master suddenly took a few steps forward, his eyes widening.

The three of them fought together to share the pressure. Wang Feng, who was hit by two toxins, could not defeat the three of them in such a short period of time!

Especially Dai Mubai!

His combat power, physical strength, and defense power are the strongest! How can you lie down too?

Unless, use soul power and soul skills!

Master’s eyes flickered, but he didn’t feel Wang Feng’s soul power fluctuations…meaning, he didn’t use it!

(End of this chapter)

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