Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 132: This level 1 is Wang Feng (four)

One is the primary level, that is, those who have not yet reached the thirty-first level and become a soul master. Among them, there are Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong, and Ma Hongjun. Your main goal is to speed up your cultivation, try your best to reach level 30, obtain the third spirit ring, and become a spirit master! “

“Second, senior, above the 31st level, Tang San, Xiao Wu, Oscar, Dai Mubai and others. You are above the 30th level, you are soul masters, while cultivating, you also need to control your own soul power. , Soul Skills, Martial Soul, have a more in-depth understanding and perception. This point, I will teach you individually in the future!”

What the master said is clear and coherent.

However, everyone was a little puzzled.

“Master, may I ask, where is Wang Feng?”

At this moment, Ning Rongrong asked curiously, “He is also a 31st-level Soul Venerable, why is he neither high-level nor low-level?”

Wang Feng coughed a few times and knew something.

Master glanced at Ning Rongrong and said lightly:

“I haven’t finished. The third is the last level, and this level is Wang Feng.”

“???” Everyone.

“…” Wang Feng.

Everyone looked at Wang Feng involuntarily.

There is something in this classification, low-level, high-level, Wang Feng?

“Simple grading just gives you a general direction and goal, but future training will be unified!”

“As for why this is divided, I will naturally give you the answer tomorrow.”

Master’s stiff face did not show a smile, and he was very calm, “Today, you have a day off, and starting tomorrow, you will receive my training. By the way, I will divide you eight people according to your age. , with the exception of Wang Feng, who were ranked.”

“No. 1, Dai Mubai, No. 2, Oscar, No. 3, Tang San, No. 4, Ma Hongjun, No. 5, Xiao Wu, No. 6, Ning Rongrong, No. 7, Zhu Zhuqing.”

“Wang Feng is temporarily out of your ranking.”

“Okay, let’s go. Tomorrow, meet here. I don’t want anyone to be late or get special training!”

After the master finished speaking, he glanced at everyone again, then turned around and planned to leave with Frank and several teachers.

The crowd is also about to disperse.

At this moment, Tang San suddenly let out a painful roar.

Immediately afterwards, a purple light appeared on his back, and the spine on his back seemed to be wriggling, as if it was about to burst out!

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and after walking a few steps, Flender and the master just turned their heads.

Right now.

Wang Feng suddenly shouted: “Everything is scattered!”

His voice was loud, and the other seven immediately returned to their senses!

Before in the Great Star Dou Forest, I received a lot of battle guidance from Wang Feng. Just as Wang Feng said it, without any hesitation, he immediately dispersed to the back!

That’s right!

Eight extremely sharp spider legs suddenly sprang from Tang San’s back!

It is the spider legs of the human-faced ghost spider! Like eight spears flickering with cold light, they appeared behind Tang San and wriggled wildly!

Everyone was shocked when they saw this! Fortunately, with Wang Feng’s reminder, the seven got out of the way in time!

Unfortunately, Ning Rongrong and Oscar, the two auxiliary spirit masters, were not as sensitive as the others because of their slow speed, and they were cut open in their arms.

Quickly fell to the ground and was caught by Xiao Wu and Dai Mubai!

Ma Hongjun on the side was shocked into a cold sweat. In the Star Dou Great Forest a few days ago, when Tang San absorbed the spirit ring of the human-faced demon spider, this also happened. He accidentally touched it, and the result was Poisoned…

Fortunately, Tang San controlled the eight spider legs in time, and absorbed the toxins from his body in time with his mysterious jade hand.

Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Unexpectedly, this time, he escaped the catastrophe… Instead, it was Ning Rongrong and Oscar… Ma Hongjun was a little fortunate in his heart, but he was also anxious about the situation at this time.

I saw the eight spider legs on Tang San’s back, wriggling slightly, exuding an attractive aura.

Seeing this, Flender and the master hurried over.

“Little San, Little San!”

The master didn’t come close, just snorted a few times.

Tang San rested his hands on the ground, didn’t answer, his whole body trembled slightly.

“Flander, take these two children back first,” the master said quickly.

Ning Rongrong and Oscar in the distance were hugged by Xiao Wu and Dai Mubai in time, but the poison in their arms had already begun to spread.

Obviously, the specificity of this spider leg is spreading very fast.

Wang Feng frowned frequently.

He thought that the master should have gone to Xiaosan to sort out the use of this external spirit bone for him, but he didn’t expect it.

As a result, Little San has not yet been able to fully control the Eight Spider Lances attached to his own spirit bones!

That’s what happened now.

There are some discrepancies with the plot in Wang Feng’s memory.

Master got a little closer to Tang San and said solemnly:

“Little San, control your soul power, walk around your body to calm yourself down, let your soul power slowly approach your back, and slowly touch the eight spider legs on your back. Take it back, relax, take a deep breath, don’t be nervous! Think of the eight spider legs as part of your own body… take your time.”

Wang Feng watched intently, the attached spirit bone itself was a part of the spirit beast, possessing the will of the spirit beast in it, it was not easy to control it.

He originally controlled it because he knew the spirit bones very well, and your Xuanming Turtle’s will was completely engulfed.

The Xuanming Armor that came out, because of his exquisite control of soul power, can completely control it at the first time, but later, he needs to deeply control the bone spurs in it, which requires a lot of mind and soul power.

Slowly, Tang San’s spider legs slowly retracted into his back one by one, but still only half of them were retracted, with a few remaining, which seemed extremely difficult to control.

Seeing this, Wang Feng stepped forward and whispered:

“I’ll try it.”

Speaking, both hands controlled spirit power, pressing directly on Tang San’s back.

He condensed his spirit power like a strand of hair and gave it to his fingertips. Instead of pouring into Tang San’s body, he lightly tapped Tang San’s back, pulling Tang San’s spirit power and wandering on his back.

There was a glimmer of light in the master’s eyes, and he secretly said, Xiao Feng, this child, has too subtle control over his soul power. He uses hair-like soul power to guide the soul power of Xiao San’s back. This effect is no less than words and deeds. .

A moment later.

Under the guidance of Wang Feng’s spirit power, Tang San also quickly learned to control the subtle spirit power, and immediately took the spider legs back.

Tang San was slightly panting on the The power of the attached spirit bone was obviously beyond Tang San’s imagination. He had never seen such a thing before, didn’t understand it, and no one helped him Confused.

So this leads to control.

Wang Feng is different, he knows this stuff too well.


Tang San exhaled and stood up reluctantly, looking at everyone apologetically.

“Little San, you should rest for a while.”

Master also breathed a sigh of relief, “I’ll go see Ning Rongrong and Oscar’s injuries first.”

Speaking, the master walked towards the distant room.

The group also hurriedly followed.

(End of this chapter)

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