Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 106: Direct rolling (8)

However, it’s still too dangerous. If Wang Feng didn’t feel it that time, the two soul beasts might die.

So I can only use this method to transport the two soul beasts out and put them back in the Holy Soul Village, as the big blue bird’s partner.

Unexpectedly, after the big blue bird disappeared, these two guys also disappeared…

“Where did these three guys go? Did they come to the Star Dou Great Forest?”

Wang Feng secretly said in his heart, “Unfortunately, this Star Dou Great Forest is too big. Even if it really comes, I can’t find it. But here, they should be much safer than the Hunting Soul Forest.”

The group slowly moved forward.

On the way, I also encountered several waves of spirit beasts, but they all avoided it.

In addition, I also encountered several hundred-year-old soul beasts who took the initiative to attack, but they were quickly resolved.

Wang Feng did not make a move.

It was a spirit beast that was over a thousand years old. With the strength of Dai Mubai and the others, he was able to kill it quickly.

Not what Oscar needed, though.

“Xiao Wu is listless, I guess she killed a lot of spirit beasts, and she is worried about her eldest brother and second brother coming to her?”

Wang Feng looked at Xiao Wu and thought.

Of course he knows what he will face when he comes to this Star Dou Great Forest.

The Titan Ape!

One of the overlords of the Star Dou Great Forest!

“My third form…”

Wang Feng took a deep breath and murmured, “Perhaps, it can play a role.”

Last night, his soul power was completely saturated, and he also triggered the third form… It seems that it is exactly what he needs!

Right now.

Wang Feng suddenly looked in one direction!

He smelled the breath of the soul beast!

If you talk about the agility of the soul beast, I am afraid that even Zao Wou-Ki might not be able to compare to him. Wang Feng is too familiar with all kinds of soul beasts.

Although this phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake is rare, Wang Feng has seen it in a high-level soul hunting forest, but it is not very aggressive, but he remembers the aura very clearly.

Almost the next moment, Zao Wou-Ki and Tang San also looked in that direction!

But when the two watched, Wang Feng had already spoken in advance:

“Zhu Zhuqing, go ahead and see, is there a soul beast?”

Hearing this, everyone was surprised.

Zao Wou-Ki and Tang San also looked at Wang Feng in astonishment.

“Wang Feng, how did you notice it?” Zao Wou-Ki looked at Wang Feng in surprise.

“I’m very sensitive to the breath of spirit beasts.” Wang Feng said with a smile, “This has nothing to do with strength, it’s just that I’m very sensitive to breath. I have fought with spirit beasts many times…”

Many times, it’s an understatement.

But Zao Wou-Ki sounds a little weird. You, a twelve-year-old great soul master, can fight with soul beasts many times?

On the contrary, Tang San believed in it very much, because Brother Feng helped to hunt down his ghost back then!

The shot is extremely decisive, and can be called a one-shot kill!

The understanding of soul beasts is deeper than that of me who only understands theoretical knowledge!

The master said that any theoretical knowledge has no practical experience, it is more correct!

Now, Tang San remembers that scene…

Therefore, Tang San has no doubt that Feng Ge must know much more about spirit beasts than he does!

Soon, Zhu Zhuqing heard a cold voice from the branch:

“It is a flying snake with a flying height of about three meters. It has a fleshy crest on its head, which looks larger than the head, and its tail is a cockscomb.”

Zhu Zhuqing just finished speaking.

Tang San and Zao Wou-Ki almost spoke in unison:

“It’s the cockscomb!”

Zao Wuji glanced at Tang San, his eyes lit up: “This snake is rare, the fleshy crown on his head has many functions, Oscar, you are blessed. But, I don’t know how old this Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb snake is. ?”

At this time, Tang San asked, “Zhu Zhuqing, how long is this snake, and what color are its wings?”

Zhu Zhuqing said: “The wings are light red and the length is about seven meters.”

After hearing this, Tang San made up his mind and said with a smile:

“This must be a thousand-year-old cockscomb snake. The pale red wings are a sign of evolution. About seven meters, it should be between 1300 and 1700 years old. This snake is just right for Oscar.”

“Furthermore, this kind of snake itself is non-venomous, and its attack methods are very simple. It likes to entangle the enemy with its body. But the speed is strange, and his flesh crown stores various nutrients. In times of crisis, this medicine and nutrients will provide The special acceleration effect, if you get this kind of snake spirit ring, Oscar, your next spirit ability should be related to the speed increase. For you, it should be the most suitable at this stage.”

Everyone was slightly taken aback when they heard this.

I didn’t expect Tang San to say it so clearly.

“Little San, your master must be very powerful!” Oscar said sincerely, “It’s an encyclopedia of the spirit world!”

Zao Wou-Ki secretly said that there is a reason for this little hedgehog to become the master’s disciple.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Tang San was not proud, suddenly looked at Brother Feng next to him and asked:

“Brother Feng, do you have anything to add?”

Tang San knew that Brother Feng also knew very well about spirit beasts, afraid that he might have missed something.

Wang Feng shook his head and said, “Little San, you’re right, but I have a question. Zhu Zhuqing, when you observed the cockscomb snake, you could say that the snake was injured?”

Zhu Zhuqing on the branch was stunned and shook his head.

Wang Feng said: “You didn’t observe carefully, so pay attention next time. Remember, the next time you see a soul beast, you must see if the soul beast is injured. If there is, it means that it may be hunted by humans. Killed, fleeing! There may also be injuries from fighting with other soul beasts. These can be judged based on wounds! For us, we must prepare in advance! If there is no injury, it is naturally the best , is a soulless beast!”

Zhu Zhuqing thought it was very reasonable, so he couldn’t help but nodded.

Everyone was also stunned. Didn’t expect such a statement?

“You kid, be cautious!”

Zao Wou-Ki couldn’t help but say, “I believe you have hunted a lot of soul beasts.”

If what Tang San said just now was pure knowledge.

What Wang Feng said was the real experience! Experience that requires a lot of battles!

Obviously, Wang Feng has encountered such a situation.

In the past five years, Wang Feng has encountered many such situations…

In fact, this crested cockscomb was indeed injured. Wang Feng also knew.

“Wang Feng, how do you think this kind of soul beast is captured?” said Zao Wou-Ki.

“How to capture?”

Wang Feng smiled and said, “Our strength is too strong, we don’t have to do anything at all, Mr. Zhao, you just light up the seven spirit rings, wait for him to come over, use your spirit skills to make combos, which you used to hit me at the beginning. In other words, directly crushing it… This is the safest and most effective way.”

Zao Wuji is a dignified 76th-level soul saint. To deal with a snake that is more than a thousand years old, as long as the snake enters his attack range, a combination of soul skills will be OK. At the end, leave a little strength and do not shoot directly. Just die.

No method needed at all!

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