Check in to the Douluo Continent Chapter 8: Su Yuntao

Holy Spirit Village.

After Wang Feng helped Tang San back to the village, he didn’t go to Tang San’s house, but returned to his own.

Walking on the ground, Wang Feng looked around the Holy Soul Village, watching the changes in the Holy Soul Village in the past few years…

The ground is paved with stones, not like a pure dirt road a few years ago, it looks flat and smooth.

This is from Notting City. The stones are laid out, and the cost is naturally not small.

The Holy Soul Village, which used to be ordinary and ordinary, has vigorously built many novel buildings in the past two years.

On both sides of the road, colorful flowers are planted.

In the center of the village, there is a stone pillar with a handprint on it.

This stone pillar was redecorated immediately after Wang Feng suggested to the village chief Jack.

Around the stone pillar, there is a circle of uniquely shaped dragon head stone carvings that look like dragon-shaped soul beasts.

From the dragon’s mouth, a stream of water spewed out, surrounding the center of the stone pillar.

It’s like a miniature garden.

In front of the stone pillar, there is a sign.

This sign is the origin of the stone pillar.

From noon to noon, many outsiders looked at the Holy Spirit Village with novelty, then walked to the center, looked up at the stone pillar, and then looked at the sign.

I saw lines of small characters written on the sign:

“Many years ago, there was a girl named Xiao Xun in the Holy Spirit Village. She was innocent, lively and lovely… There was also a young man named Xiao Yan. The two grew up and were childhood sweethearts… Until, one day, the two They are all at the age of awakening their martial souls.”

“Xiaoyan is the hope of the village. He is very talented, and everyone in the village has hope in him. They all think that he can awaken his martial arts and become a powerful soul master. However, on the day when his martial arts awakened, Xiaoyan has not awakened his martial spirit, he…has no qualifications to become a spirit master, and even many children have awakened their martial spirit.”

“He is the only one who doesn’t. Xiaoyan has become a trash that everyone in the village looks down on, a trash that doesn’t even have a martial soul.”

“However, at this time, Miss Xiaoxun has awakened a powerful martial spirit, and she is still full of innate soul power that is rare in a century.”

The story is introduced here, gone.

Many pedestrians saw this, and their appetites were lifted, but they only saw the following line:

“…But, maybe you can’t think of it, the handprint of the Soul Saint on this stone pillar… is not left by Miss Xiao Xun… but, Xiao Yan left it!”

“If you want to know the following story…and various reasons, please visit the Holy Spirit Village…”

See this.

Many pedestrians were stunned.

“Wow, that’s nasty! How can you not finish the introduction?”

An outside tourist said angrily.

“Hey, look, there is a line of small characters in the handprint on the stone pillar: Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don’t bully young poor! Wow, so hot-blooded, could it be left by that Xiaoyan? He must have become a soul saint later, but how did he do it?”

“No, I want to stay in the Holy Soul Village for a few years and read the story of this Soul Holy Handprint!”

Wang Feng smiled and looked at the many tourists and pedestrians who came from outside the village, then stayed in front of the stone pillar, and finally stayed obediently.

“In such a remote place as the Holy Spirit Village, there is only agriculture. Even if the output increases, it will not make a lot of money.”

Wang Feng laughed a few times in his heart.

Now the Holy Spirit Village can live so well, it is naturally not just because of the increase in the production of various crops.

Rather, because of the foreign tourists.

In the past life, that is the development of tourism.

And this Soul Sacred Handprint was Wang Feng’s idea of ​​getting along at that time…

Then, in the last article, Douluo Continent’s version of Soul Breaking the Firmament…perfect.

Anyway, in the original Douluo Continent book, there is no specific mention of who the Holy Spirit Village’s Soul Saint is.

Wang Feng thinks it’s alright for him to make up random things, right?

With tourists, Wang Feng, under the tinkering of Grandpa Jack, built a holiday house with mountains and water, built only with wooden houses, and left a follow-up story, while hanging these tourists Appetite, while allowing these tourists to make simple consumption in the Holy Spirit Village.

Slowly, the days of the Natural Holy Spirit Village became much better.

Otherwise, let Wang Feng be a modern house in the 21st century, to get used to the harsh days of this kind of Holy Spirit Village, which is similar to the rural areas of the 1970s and 1980s.

How come…

“Hmph, who made up this messy story?”

At this moment, Wang Feng suddenly heard a slightly dissatisfied voice.

Turning around and taking a look, I saw a handsome young man with Jian Xing brows, with his hands on his back, staring at the sign next to the stone pillar and said dissatisfiedly.

The young man was wearing a white dress with a black cloak behind him. At the center of his chest, there was a fist-sized soul character.

Between the eyebrows, there is a bit of arrogance.

In the village, many people looked at this young man with some novelty.

Because, this young man is dressed differently, so he looks like an ordinary person.

“Why did Brother Tao come? Grandpa Jack said, isn’t there a few days before the martial soul awakens?”

Wang Feng looked at the young man in surprise.

Although I have never seen each other, but with the other party’s clothes, there is a unique atmosphere.

Wang Feng concluded that this young man was the well-known tool man in Douluo Continent: Su Yuntao!

Thinking of this, Wang Feng walked over and said lazily:

“My lord, what’s wrong with this story?”

Su Yuntao turned around and looked at a lazy child, as if he was not afraid of the sky or the earth. He didn’t think about the children in other villages at all. When he saw his fear and awe, he couldn’t help frowning slightly.

“This story is obviously made up, but it just hangs people’s curiosity, but it’s really boring!”

Su Yuntao looked at Wang Feng, pointed at the stone pillar and shook his head.

“Disappointed? Why are you disappointed?” Wang Feng asked.

“In this story, that Xiaoyan has no martial soul, but it is implied later that Xiaoyan will become a soul saint later, which is obviously impossible!”

Su Yuntao smiled lightly, “A person without martial arts, let alone becoming a soul sage, is impossible to become a soul master! Isn’t this story made up?”

Hearing this, Wang Feng couldn’t help laughing.

Brother Tao is still Brother Tao, this is a familiar taste.

It was the same as when Wang Feng first watched Douluo Dalu, Tang San awakened the blue silver grass spirit, and Brother Tao swore that it was a useless and useless spirit.

Although it didn’t appear much later, it must have been slapped in the face…

“So what?”

Wang Feng said slowly Since you think it is a fabrication, Your Excellency, if you leave, it will be the Holy Spirit Village. “

“You kid. It’s interesting…” Su Yuntao laughed dumbly, “I’m here, and there are important things to do, you kid, if you drive me away. Be careful of your village chief, spank you! “

Su Yuntao looked at this little guy and said indifferently:

“Is it possible, do you think I came to your Holy Soul Village ahead of time because I was curious about the story of the soul saint?”


Wang Feng shrugged and sighed: “So you are not curious. Unfortunately, I have a full set of stories here, recording how this Xiaoyan became a soul saint. Since you are not interested, then I will not give it to you. You saw it.”

After speaking, Wang Feng turned around and walked into the village.

“Huh? You have a full set of stories here?”

Su Yuntao was stunned for a moment, looked at the child’s back, took a few steps forward, stretched out his hand, hesitated, and seemed to want to stop the child…

At this moment, Wang Feng suddenly turned around.

Su Yuntao quickly retracted his hand and carried his back behind his back, with a calm expression: “What? You child, what else is going on?”

Wang Feng gave him a strange look, shook his head, and said to himself:

“In a few days, I will awaken my martial spirit. I don’t know what martial spirit I will awaken…”

After speaking this time, Wang Feng turned and left without looking back.

“Hehe… this kid…”

Su Yuntao looked at the back of the child as he left, pondered for a few seconds, and said, “Just right, I’ll stay for a few days. Immediately ahead, let’s see if there are any good seedlings that can become soul masters in this Holy Soul Village…”

A few days later.

Grandpa Jack brought Wang Feng, Tang San, and the other seven children in the village to the Spirit Hall of the Holy Spirit Village…

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