Super God Gene Chapter 1606: Fallen Slayer

“Which human is where?” The Fallen Slayer looked around and saw no humans nearby.

“Over there.” Qing Ya pointed in one direction and said.

The fallen slaughterer looked in the direction of Qingya’s finger, and saw a large canyon over there, but no one was seen.

“Where?” The fallen slaughterer frowned slightly, but he didn’t get angry at Qing Ya, a human with the ability to move, even he can’t be treated as a low-level creature.

“I can already feel his breath, it should be coming soon.” Qing Ya said, looking in the direction of the canyon.

The fallen slaughterer didn’t say anything else, and stared in the direction of the canyon. Sure enough, after a while, he felt the breath of a creature approaching, and then saw a human rushing out of the canyon.

“He is Han Sen.” Qing Ya pointed at Han Sen who rushed out of the valley.

“Okay.” The fallen slaughterer’s eyes narrowed, and terrifying arrogance surged from his body. The infinite magic flame condensed on his fist, turned into a destructive arrogance, and slammed towards Han Sen who rushed out of the canyon.

The arrogance and black gas billowed, like a huge **** dragon attacking, sealing the entire mouth of the canyon, the fallen slaughterer wanted to kill Han Sen directly, so as to avoid further trouble.

A mere human being, the fallen slaughterer naturally didn’t take it to heart at all, let alone human beings, even among alien creatures and alien spirits, there were not many who could match him.

As the top alien creature of the dark system, the Fallen Slayer is at the top of the food chain.

If you are hit by this punch, I am afraid that even a super **** creature will be half-crippled by it.

Han Sen just ran out of the canyon, when he saw the terrifying demonic energy swallowing the sky and eating the earth, as if it was a **** monster rushing towards him with his mouth open, and he secretly complained in his heart: “I don’t know what horror is ahead. It’s really troublesome for the creature’s territory.”

But there is no time for Han Sen to think more now. He has already released the super emperor spirit state, and it is useless anyway.

The experiments that Lin Feng and the others did before, although they failed to save Han Sen, they let Han Sen know one thing. Strength still has an effect on him, but it can’t change the direction of his progress.

So at the moment when the demonic energy surged, Han Sen’s wings vibrated behind him, and at the same time he punched the demonic energy.

It’s just that his punch was not to fight against the demonic energy, but to use the technique of the Great Yin-Yang Magnetic Cannon. With the help of the powerful force of the demonic energy, he directly bounced into the air, avoiding the rolling demonic energy.

Han Sen stepped on the demonic energy, and the demonic energy rushed under him, just in time to hit the terrifying creatures chasing Hansen.


A violent explosion sounded, and the peaks on both sides of the entire canyon were blown flat.

The fallen slaughterer could not help but draw hundreds of meters in the air, spitting blood from his mouth, and a look of horror on his face. He could not think of anyone with such terrifying power that could defeat him in a head-on collision. vomiting blood.

Glancing at the canyon, his face changed greatly, and he saw hordes of terrifying creatures rushing out like a hundred ghosts walking at night, each with a terrifying aura.

None of those terrifying creatures are the opponents of the fallen slaughterer, and the fallen slaughterer does not take them seriously, but there are too many now.

The fallen slaughterer asks himself that he can fight two or three, but more than five is a bit surprising, and there is no possibility of defeating more than ten. Now there are at least dozens of all kinds of terrifying creatures, even fallen The slayer was trembling when he saw it.

And those terrifying creatures blocked the attack of the fallen slaughter together, and they were even more angry. They regarded the fallen slaughter as Han Sen’s helper, and suddenly all kinds of terrifying power and gene core were smashed at the fallen slaughter. past.

And Han Sen has also arrived in front of the fallen slaughterer.

The fallen slaughterer thought that the terrifying creatures behind were Han Sen’s helpers, and he was horrified. He dared to fight Han Sen recklessly. His majestic body avoided Han Sen’s splitting knife and wanted to run.

But his speed is much slower than that of Han Sen. After all, it is a power-type alien creature. While dodging Han Sen’s attack, he has to run away.

The attacks of those terrifying creatures in the back immediately fell on the fallen slaughter.

The fallen slaughterer roared furiously, his body surging with demonic energy, and his black metal body burst out with extreme power like an ancient demon god.


Two terrifying forces collided together, and the body of the fallen slaughterer was blasted out, and the impact of those terrifying creatures was also a violent meal. Some terrifying creatures with relatively poor strength were shocked and vomited blood. .

To contend with so many terrifying creatures by The Fallen Slayer’s performance is already amazing.

After all, among those terrifying creatures, there are also top-level beings like the Black Horned Chilong. The fallen slaughterer blocked hundreds of them with one shot, and was not directly bombarded. Its power is unimaginable.

Han Sen was still running forward when he suddenly saw the fallen slaughterer’s body falling towards him. The body was full of cracks and blood kept pouring out. It looked like he was seriously injured.

In line with the idea that it is a **** to take advantage of it, Han Sen slashed at the fallen slaughterer with a backhand, just on the back of the fallen slaughterer.

The destructive power of the splitting knife ranks high among the God’s Gene Core, but this knife slashed on the back of the fallen slaughter, but it only slashed three inches in, and then it could no longer be slashed. down.

The fallen slaughterer was slashed out again by Han Sen’s knife. Han Sen was secretly depressed. This knife could not kill the fallen slaughterer, otherwise he might have a chance to get a beast soul.

But after the fallen slaughterer was slashed and flew out, the direction it flew was those terrifying creatures.

The terrifying creatures who had collided with the fallen slaughter twice before had already been aroused by anger, and without hesitation, they bombarded him wildly.


The fallen slaughterer tried his best to resist in horror, but this time he was hit even harder than the last time.

Han Sen, who was still depressed, saw that the fallen slaughterer flew over again, and his heart was ecstatic.


It’s a pity that the fallen slaughterer didn’t figure out what the situation was.

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