Super God Gene Chapter 325: Wonderful move

Han Sen has no room to dodge at all. The Queen’s knee strike is more terrifying than the old turtle’s bite, but it has reached his chest in an instant.

Without any thought, Han Sen’s hands were folded together and pressed towards the Queen’s knees. Unloading and sticking were also used by the muscles of the whole body in an attempt to offset part of the power of the Queen’s knee hit. , and at the same time use this power to retreat.

But it is useless. The method of unloading force needs to be able to master the force of the opponent, and the stickiness also needs to be able to obey the force of the opponent.

But the Queen’s knee strike gave Han Sen an invincible sharpness, as if a weapon that slashed iron like mud and cut gold and jade came at an unbelievable speed. How do you unload and stick it? ?


The knee directly hit Han Sen’s folded hands, and then placed it on Han Sen’s chest. Han Sen’s entire body was directly smashed, and the virtual body instantly dissipated.

One-shot kills, and it is not a vital part. There is only one possibility for this kind of system judgment. The power of the two is too different, and it is not above the same order of magnitude.

Han Sen returned to the waiting area, looked at the queen on the field, and asked a friend to apply to the queen.

If there is another chance, Han Sen hopes to fight with the Queen again, but if the Queen does not add his friends, he has nothing to lose.

I didn’t expect that the Queen actually passed his friend request directly. Han Sen was quite happy when he saw the Queen’s name in the friend column.

I was sending out an invitation to the queen, but I found that the name of the queen among my friends has been dimmed, and she has apparently left the gladiator community, which makes Han Sen feel very sorry.

“It’s a pity, but since she has added me as a friend, there should be a chance to invite her to fight in the future.” Han Sen licked his lips, thinking a little.

The queen is stronger than those super **** creatures. If you can practice with her a few times, it will be very beneficial for Han Sen to kill level **** creatures.

As for why the queen came to him, Han Sen was too lazy to think about it. The registration information he used was not his real information, and he also used the facial blur system. No one should know his true identity, and the queen also It was impossible to know that he was Han Sen.

Han Sen was about to leave this room, but suddenly thought of something, he quickly called up the system, used the payment function, and transferred the video of the battle just now, and sent it back to his communicator.

Han Sen is ready to go back and study, what is the matter with the Queen’s movement, why she is only dodging, but in the end, she has been attacking herself into a corner.

The queen left the arena, picked up the communicator and dialed a number, said a few words very succinctly, and ended the communication.

The queen reported her results to Huangfu Xiongcheng. In her opinion, the soldiers on the battleship have the ability to fight against Qianhezhen. In the battle just now, although she crushed Han Sen, Han Sen’s Many performances still surprised the Queen slightly.

So when Han Sen came to apply for a friend, the queen hesitated and chose to agree to the friend request.

And in the Queen’s friend column, there is only one soldier on the battleship, and she has not even added friends from the same sect of the God of War Budokan.

In fact, after the queen entered the arena, she kept fighting with people and never chatted with anyone, so she did not add any friends, and rejected all friend requests.

Applying through Han Sen’s friend application is purely because Han Sen’s strength is weak when he is fighting against Han Sen, but there are a few skills that touch her.

For example, Han Sen’s shot method, even she sensed his intentions when she was very close.

For example, Han Sen’s grasp of the rhythm actually forced the Queen to change her own rhythm.

Han Sen’s power and control over himself surprised the Queen. It’s a bit surprising that a physical quality like Han Sen can achieve such a level.

Perhaps she saw someone’s shadow in Hansen, so after the queen hesitated, she still passed Hansen’s friend application, and she was the only friend in the arena community.

After the battle with the Empress, Han Sen had no desire to continue challenging others. After leaving the gladiator community, he returned to his bedroom to watch the video of himself fighting the Empress repeatedly.

There is no doubt that the Queen is a truly terrifying figure, the top powerhouse among the Evolutionaries, and Han Sen can’t find the slightest flaw in his every move.

However, this is not the focus of Han Sen’s attention. What fascinates Han Sen the most is the Queen’s position.

Yes, it’s just a move, it’s not even a movement technique. Although the queen didn’t deliberately use her movement technique at all, the movement she chose to dodge Han Sen’s attack made Han Sen feel great. The threat, and never involuntarily shifted to the Queen’s preset position.

In other words, although the queen didn’t make a move, just where she was has given Han Sen a huge threat and pressure, making Han Sen involuntarily want to avoid it, so it is obviously Han Sen. Sen was attacking, but in the end it was Han Sen who was forced into the corner.

Conversely, inferring, Han Sen’s body involuntarily broke out in cold sweat. Every time the Queen walked to a position after dodging, it was a position that could pose a threat to Han Sen, which was Han Sen’s own flaws. where.

This is not the battle with the Empress. Han Sen never thought that there would be so many flaws in his body. If the Empress was really his enemy, that battle would be a life-or-death decision in reality. Sen did not know how many times he had died.

This now makes Han Sen both admire and excite the Queen. It’s not scary to have mistakes. The scary thing is that he can’t find his mistakes. Now the Queen has pointed out the mistakes and let him see his original Unseen errors in themselves.

There’s nothing more exciting than knowing where you’re going wrong, and then there’s the opportunity to correct it, and there’s the possibility of progress.

Naturally, the Queen did not intend to do so, she just wanted to force out Han Sen’s true strength and see if Han Sen was qualified to be Qianhe’s true opponent.

I’m afraid even the Queen herself didn’t think that Han Sen could think of so many things in the battle with her.

Han Sen watched it over and over again, and the more he looked, the more terrifying the queen felt. Her every move seemed unintentional, but in the end, it made Han Sen feel like he was in her setup.

It’s like a master of Go. It seems that it’s just some idle chess, but it plays an important role at the last critical moment. It is not the real idle chess, but the previous set up.

The last time he watched the Queen’s duel, he only saw the Queen’s strength, but this personal experience made Han Sen know the real horror of the Queen. 8

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