Super God Gene Chapter 135: Not a good match

The room was silent. In the rooms with more than 100,000 online connections, no one sent a message to speak, and they all stared blankly at the duel between the two.

Not because the matchup was too good, but because the matchup was too bad.

One person’s speed has completely surpassed the other person, and even a high myopia without glasses can fully see it. This is an overwhelming game, there is absolutely no suspense and no controversy.

Everyone stared blankly, with their eyes wide open and their mouths wide open, but no sound came out.

Ji Yanran’s red lips also opened into an O-shape. Looking at the holographic image of the game, she seemed to have seen a ghost. The pupils in her beautiful eyes were involuntarily enlarged to the limit, and her eyes were straight.

In the office building, Liu Jianguo was also stunned, and he could hardly believe his eyes; while Zhao Lianhua, who was on the side, had a cigarette in his mouth, his mouth was wide open, and he was completely unaware that the half of the cigarette that was lit had already fallen out. Go down and land on his clothes.

Zhao Lianhua didn’t notice at all, and was still staring at the two hands in the hologram.

Li Zai, Liu Ke, and Wang Long were even more stunned, and didn’t react for a while.

The huge difference in strength is perfectly contrasted on the two hyperactive hands. The hand that originally belonged to Li Yufeng is already amazingly fast. It is an amazingly flexible and agile hand. hand.

But in front of the other hand, Li Yufeng’s hand suddenly seemed a little clumsy, which made people feel a little weird.

That’s Li Yufeng! The personal first place in the school’s Hand of God competition, Li Yufeng, who has always been known as a dreamy right hand!

How could it possibly feel that his hands were clumsy? It’s simply impossible to trust your own judgment.

However, in the comparison of the other hand, Li Yufeng’s hand does appear to be clumsy. This kind of feeling does not exist at first, but under the strong opponent, it suddenly creates this illusion.

“It’s not that Li Yufeng’s hand is clumsy, but the other hand is too fast and agile.” At this moment, someone came to his senses and looked at the other hand involuntarily.

Long, powerful, dexterous, rounded, this is a beautiful hand, and they can’t see anything else, and they want to see who the owner of this hand is.

However, the game Hand of God only projects the part of the hand and the wrist, and it is impossible to see who the owner of this hand is.

There was silence. Although the facts were clearly seen, there were still many people who couldn’t believe that Li Yufeng would be suppressed like this.

That’s Li Yufeng!

Li Yufeng concentratedly raised his hand speed to the limit, constantly tapping the light spots that appeared.

“At least beat him by five points.” Li Yufeng thought proudly in his heart.

He knew that Ji Yanran was definitely watching this match, and he was happy to show his strength in front of Ji Yanran.

Although Ji Yanran never agreed to his pursuit, and even deliberately kept a certain distance from him, he had no intention of giving up. He believed that with his ability and conditions, he would have the opportunity to impress Ji Yanran.

And this time is a good opportunity. He knows that Ji Yanran is very angry with that id. As long as he can defeat him, let him change his id, and apologize to Ji Yanran in public, Ji Yanran will treat him to some extent. Somewhat grateful and kind.

And that’s enough. Li Yufeng has time and patience. He believes that he will be able to impress Ji Yanran sooner or later.

But now, first of all, I have to kill this despicable and filthy **** on the opposite side, step on his corpse as a ladder, and step by step to the goddess in my heart.

Li Yufeng was tapping the light spot with all his strength, thinking that if he was faster and could pull the difference to six or seven points, the effect might be better.

But when Li Yufeng reached out and tapped the newly appeared light spot, the light spot suddenly disappeared.

“Could it be that the server is out of order? Why is the light spot gone?” Li Yufeng was slightly stunned. With his rich experience, he naturally knew that the 100 light spots on his side were still far from finished and could not disappear. Missing, unless something went wrong.

But when he looked up, he was stunned.

The word ver has jumped out of the hologram in front of him, and his score is also fixed at 80.

Someone rolled his eyes mechanically, his eyes falling on the opponent’s score.

A 100% was reflected in his eyelids, and Li Yufeng was stunned. He couldn’t believe that he would be won by 2000 points.

Not only he can’t believe it, but anyone who knows Li Yufeng and his level of the hand of God can’t believe that Li Yufeng has been beaten by 20 points.

Everyone stared blankly at the score, and no one made a sound.

At this time, when Han Sen said what Han Sen said, everyone suddenly thought it was very interesting.

“It’s too easy to win you, so I won’t mention any conditions. I’ll be more conscious in the future, just don’t bother my family Yanran.”

At the time, everyone thought it was just a pretentious remark, but now it seems that this is really a big a very big truth.

“It’s another twenty.” Li Zai came back to his senses and said with a wry smile.

And Li Zai’s words also reminded Liu Ke and Wang Long, making their already shocked expressions even more exaggerated, and their mouths wide enough to fit a big duck egg.

The number 20 was too sensitive for them, and what it represented shocked them even more.

“Yanran, your boyfriend is so fierce!” Qu Lili took a long time to recover and said something to Ji Yanran, who was staring at the score with her beautiful eyes.

“Who is this person? Who is this person?” Ji Yanran has forgotten her anger and shame, she just wants to know who this person is.

Twenty points, someone who can beat Li Yufeng by twenty points can definitely be ranked in the top ten in the entire Alliance Military Academy League.

If he can be invited into the school club, Ji Yanran can imagine how the club’s grades will improve.

Now she just wants to know who this person is, but she just doesn’t know.

Right now, Ji Yanran felt like a cat caught her, she really wanted to find this person, but she was stunned when she turned around, because she didn’t know where to go to find this person.


The cigarette **** burned through Zhao Lianhua’s trousers. Zhao Lianhua, who was in pain, finally came to his senses. He jumped and slapped the cigarette **** off his body, but a large hole had been burned in his trousers.

“This person, I want to decide, he must join the hand of God.” Liu Jianguo was awakened, excitedly watching the score of 100 to 80 and shouted.

He knows what this score means, it’s a score that will make Blackhawks take off in the Hand of God competition.

“Go, find this person and let him join our club.” Liu Jianguo said to Zhao Lianhua, who was beside him. (.)

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