Thousand Miles of Knowledge: 176 Light and Darkness (6)

At the same time as Qianli was imprisoned, Char, who was circulating in the turbid land, seemed to have a feeling, his heart throbbed, and he suddenly raised his head to look at the location of Mingcheng.

He took a few steps in that direction, stopped and walked, walked and stopped. This was repeated several times, but in the end, I couldn’t bear the empty feeling of weightlessness in my heart, so I decided to sneak back to the border of Mingcheng.

A familiar whistle came through the air, and on the way, a letter was delivered to him by the dragon eagle.

The letter mentioned Qianli’s recent plans and told him not to return for the time being.

The letter did not reassure Char, however, as it was clearly not written by Qianli himself. Although Qianli can’t see, it doesn’t prevent her from writing normally. There is absolutely no reason for her to send letters to herself under the guise of others, unless… she can’t even move the pen now.

Thinking of this, Charle didn’t dare to delay for a moment.

The flow of the turbid wind is a bit strange recently, it seems to have a tendency to become stronger, and the turbid creatures have also rioted. These changes started from the day when the thousand-mile induction disappeared. The spiritual energy that guarded human beings seemed to have lost its support. It was fluctuating with the turbulent wind, and it did not have the stable and powerful purification power it had before.

Just as Char is the lord of the Earth Springs, so is the heart of aura and faith.

However, not only are everyone else unaware of Qianli’s importance, even Qianli is unaware of the true meaning of her existence.

Char can temporarily suppress the Earth Spring, but he can’t suppress the law of turbidity. It has been opposed to the spiritual energy since its origin. If the aura continues to weaken, the second large-scale beast tide will come again.

Charle doesn’t care about the destruction of the world, but he can’t watch thousands of miles in danger, and he desperately wants to get back to her.

[Don’t come back. ] Suddenly, there seems to be a familiar voice in my head.

Char’s sprinting figure came to a sudden stop.

[Trust me. ]

Qianli…Charle looked around in the turbid world, and repeatedly called Qianli’s name in his heart, but got no response.

He clenched his fists and tensed.

[I believe in you, Qianli. But, I’m scared, scared of you getting hurt, scared of never seeing you again. ]

Char stood for a long time, feeling lonely. After an unknown amount of time, he finally turned around stiffly and walked towards the depths of the turbidity.

The turbid wind whistled in the open field, and the roar of wild beasts was faintly heard in the distance.

A short while later, a group of turbid creatures were attracted by Char’s magical energy and surrounded him.

Char let out a low growl, and without hesitation, he slapped to death a turbid beast that was closest to him. Blood splattered everywhere, reddening his eyes.

In the woods in the middle of the night, there were bursts of shrill screams, and countless looming fog masses roamed wildly in the woods, and the huge area looked like a cold and terrifying ghost land.

“Hmm…” Jieao lay curled up in the cave, groaning incessantly, as if he was enduring great pain.

The resentment and turbid qi attacked his mind and body at the same time, cold sweat mixed with blood seeped out of the pores, veins appeared all over his body, and he kept convulsing.

He was so angry that Cha Er Mingming promised to kill him, but he didn’t do it! Now he is not only unable to control the power of killing demons, but also has been corroded by turbid air, and his spirit is almost collapsed. If anyone approached him at this moment, he would probably kill him.

It was fine a few days ago, but it hurts for a while. But in the past few days, I don’t know what happened, and even in the spiritual area, I can feel the changes in the outside world. Every change makes him want to die, and he can’t sleep at all. That sense of urgency seems to indicate that some kind of disaster is coming. advent.

The power of the aura seems to be waning… Could it be that Qianli is in trouble?

In the chaotic consciousness, the only thing in Jie Ao’s mind is only a thousand miles…

“What’s the matter?” Salomon asked, looking at Dilmer who was rushing over.

“Something’s wrong.” Dilmer said solemnly, “You open up the realm and feel the breath of heaven and earth.”

Salomon closed his eyes, the air immediately became bone-chilling, and the walls seemed to be covered with a layer of frost.

After a while, he opened his eyes, then walked silently to the window and looked out of the spiritual area.

“Could it be that something has changed in the turbid land?” he murmured.

“I’m afraid it’s not the place where the turbidity is causing the problem.” Dilmer walked up to him and said, “It’s the entire spiritual area.”

Salomon did not refute, because he also felt the weakness of the aura. Such a clear change is unheard of.

“Strange, what happened?”

“I don’t know either.” Dilmer mused, “This kind of change seems to have started to appear in the past few days.”

Suddenly, the two suddenly looked at each other, and an answer emerged in their hearts at the same time.

Could it be because of… her?

On the hillside in the northeast of Ming City, a big tree shimmers faintly with a faint white light. Faith alone supports the spiritual system of the entire world. Thousands of miles of breath suddenly cut off from him, instantly causing an imbalance of power. The aura barrier that was not stable at first was about to collapse, and the erosion of turbid energy accelerated the dissipation of the aura.

Before there was no thousand miles, the spiritual energy of this world was chaotic and mixed. After the arrival of thousands of miles, the spiritual energy has a soul, and the power gradually sublimates. It was not until the birth of faith that the spiritual energy finally formed the central source and had the power to compete with the ground spring.

As the tree of the world, Faith cannot let go of the responsibility of protecting the living beings. Although he is angry with the people who have been imprisoned for thousands of miles, he has no energy to distract himself.

[Ignorant people, do you know how dangerous your actions are to the world? ]

The fading of spiritual energy began in Mingcheng and soon spread to the whole world. At the beginning, only a few strong people could feel it, but soon after, even ordinary people experienced anxiety, depression, irritability, and various negative states such as insomnia, irritability, and body cold.

People in Border Town feel particularly pronounced. Because of the previous invasion of the beast tide, the army and mercenaries who stayed behind have not left. They have been paying attention to the changes in the turbid energy and spiritual energy to prevent the beast tide from appearing again.

The trees are swaying in the wind, and the turbid air seems to seep into the ground. Although there is no turbulent beast tide before, this slow erosion like a virus brings a kind of suppressed fear to mankind.

Soon, the first wave of disaster struck.

There are tens of millions of refugees in the southern district who have not been properly resettled and can only temporarily camp in the wild. The wild trees are deep and wild beasts are rampant, and it is not suitable for ordinary civilians to live for a long time. Millions of people, like locusts, are destroying forests beyond measure.

In the unstable state of homelessness, under the influence of turbid air and various negative emotions, disputes and fights began to occur frequently, and finally turned into a riot that affected hundreds of thousands of people. They rushed into the city, burned, killed, and looted, originally for food, but later purely to vent their fear and anger.

The dungeon forces in charge of the Southern District did not care about the lives of these civilians. In order to suppress the riots, the army launched a unilateral massacre of civilians in the D world. The earth was stained with blood, corpses were scattered everywhere, and the **** scenes were terrible. This is the first **** case in hundreds of years caused by upper-level force, and the ruthlessness of the dungeon can be seen.

Since then, martial law has been imposed in the southern district, and anyone without identity verification is not allowed to enter the district. Trespassers will be shot to death.

Many survivors had to flee to the North District. However, if you want to reach the North District, you must either directly cross the land of turbidity, or go to the sea and take a detour from the sea.

Ordinary civilians can only choose the second path. However, the underground city has cut off this road, just to completely block the news. The Southern District has an independent network, Fengyi, and it is not difficult for them to control the news about the massacre of civilians. As long as there is no actual evidence, it is entirely possible to attribute the deaths of these people to the invasion of turbid air and animal tides.

Millions of people, some died in the massacre, some died in the minions of wild beasts, some people were turbidized, and only a thousand people actually survived…

Sia, Tai’an and other eight members in the Southern District were unable to contact Qianli.

Without Kai’s help, the game networks in the north and south districts could not be connected under Feng Yi’s surveillance.

Analysing Bai used her dream interpretation ability to get in touch with the members of The Fool. She wanted to discuss the current situation with Qianli, but unexpectedly learned that she was imprisoned. For a time, Ana Bai felt extremely disappointed with the entire power class, whether it was the North District or the South District.

As if in response to the **** killing in the southern region, the plants in most areas of the D world began to decline, and the erosion range was extremely wide. Almost every day, some trees withered in the turbid wind.

The beast tide can be solved by force, but who can stop the turbidity of plants?

I don’t know how long it took, Qianli felt that her consciousness seemed to wake up from the chaos, and when she cleared the fog, she saw her imprisoned body, her memory returned, and she immediately understood her current state – the soul was out of the body.

Involuntarily floated outside the house, overlooking the entire Ming City from a high altitude.

There are people coming and going on the street, but it is not as lively as usual, and everyone’s expressions seem to be a little solemn. Jin Qi, who usually likes to run around, is now nowhere to be seen, and all stay quietly in the breeding base.

The aura in the air is also a little strange. The shelterbelt in the south is in decline and lifeless.

Thousands of miles tried to contact Faith, but got no response. She wanted to get closer, but was pulled by some force and flew in another direction.

It turns out that not only near Ming City, but the forests in the entire border withered in the turbid wind, and the spiritual energy continued to dissipate.

The turbid qi has not evolved again, it is only because the spiritual qi is gradually weakening.

Finally, thousands of miles across the land of turbidity and entering the southern district, I saw that some people were being massacred, some were fleeing, some were turbidized, and some were eaten by wild beasts… The death caused by the beast tide is even worse than human slaughter.

Qianli feels extremely angry. The sacrifices of the warriors, the ultimate guardian, are such a group of demons?

Their vileness is more terrifying than turbid creatures!

There is nothing I can do for a thousand miles, I can only watch.

If only she had enough power, enough power to change the world… that would be great!

The spiritual energy is turbulent, the world is disordered, and if you can’t master the rules, you can’t override the rights.

Qianli has a faint realization in his heart.

The author has something to say: I hope to update a chapter after the early morning, and I don’t want to stop here.

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