Thousand Miles of Knowledge: 47

Qianli returned to her residence, and immediately used the computer to check the information of the Si Ke family. She used the authority of Cang members and obtained quite detailed information.

The Sike family is indeed one of the best in 4B03, but its influence in the supernatural world is only second-rate. Their family’s awakening ability has no more than five people directly, which is really weak for a big family. It’s no wonder that Gary was sheltered by his family, evaded the responsibility of participating in actual combat, and was spoiled for being domineering and ignorant.

Such people generally love face, hold grudges and act recklessly, and do not know how to hold back a momentary anger.

But the Xike family can achieve today’s achievements, it must have its own advantages, it will not offend the middle-level power users for such a trivial matter, and she also has the privileges of Cang members, even if they do not know her specific details identity, and proceed with caution.

She doesn’t regret teaching Gary, and if she did it all over again, she would have made the same choice. As long as the Sick family doesn’t get involved, she is not afraid of just one Gary.

Three days later, the semi-finals of the Arms Competition will begin.

The venue of the competition is the Zangxing field, which covers an area of ​​more than 2,000 square kilometers. It was rebuilt by a small town.

When I first entered the Tibetan star, Qianli thought that I had entered a large platform. The ground here was all paved with alloy steel plates. There were dozens of electronic eyes floating in the air, and several small diamonds with protective shields were built around the edges. fortress.

However, when Qianli let go of his perception, he soon discovered that there was a mysterious sky beneath the endless large platform in the middle, with a complex structure, just like another world.

All contestants are on standby in the fort, spectators cannot enter the hidden star, and can only enjoy the game through a light curtain.

On the opening day, the teams that have advanced to the semi-finals are routinely introduced, and then the rules and regulations of the competition are announced.

The semi-finals are completely different from the preliminary rounds. Participants in the weapon group, auxiliary equipment group and mechanical group must demonstrate their talents in the simulated battlefield.

After the introduction, Buster went to the draw on behalf of the team and unfortunately drew 1-36, which means they were the first to play in the first game against No. 36.

However, the specific content of the competition has not been announced, and no one can prepare in advance. This tests the participants’ experience and ability to create on the spot, as well as… luck.

“Luck? Why is it related to luck?” Qianli asked.

Buster explained to Qianli: “In the competition tomorrow, all assistive devices must be removed from our bodies, and the computer will select the competition environment for us.”

“Entry environment?”

“That is to say, we will randomly assign a semi-abandoned base. The types of bases include comprehensive, attack, defense, radar, anti-monitoring, logistics supply, treatment, ordnance, and entertainment. There are various types of types, such as type, life type, construction type, etc. Most of the mechanics have their own strengths. If they are assigned to areas they are not good at, it will be bad. Of course, the rematch is also a three-game system, I don’t think there is that. The team is unlucky enough to be assigned a type that is not good at all three games.”

“So it is.”

The next day, Baston and others arrived at the entrance of the competition early, waiting for the results of the computer lottery.

With a beep, the screen displayed: No. 1 Defensive Type VS No. 36 Attack Type.

Coffier laughed: “Not too bad luck.”

Then the announcement reminds both teams of competitors to prepare for entry. Hand over all the auxiliary equipment on your body – including computers, weapons and various tools to the inspector.

When she handed over the computer, Qianli hesitated, because she had collected spiritual patterns and all research records for the past two years on her computer. Although a special smart password is set in the computer and a small locator is also installed, it is not guaranteed to be foolproof.

But she is even more worried about putting the computer in the rest area, so she can only trust the supervision of the competition.

Several people entered the floating ladder, first descending, then panning and turning, moving for dozens of minutes before stopping.

Going out of the floating ladder, the surroundings are dark. Of course, from a thousand miles “look”, this seems to be a central control room.

At this time, an electronic voice sounded: “The first round of the Arms Competition semi-final, No. 1 defensive type VS No. 36 attacking type, it will officially start after ten seconds, and the timekeeping will start at 10, 9, 8, 7…”

With the completion of the count, there was a sudden roar in the surroundings, and the ground seemed to be gradually rising.

When everything stopped, the lights in the control room where thousands of miles were located were turned on, and the alloy platform on the ground was also replaced by the mountainous terrain, forming a natural environment.

Their base is only over 600 square meters, which is indeed a pocket-sized base.

Qianli suddenly turned his face to the door on the left side of the control room. From there, a man walked in. He introduced himself: “My name is Xiping. I am your assistant. If necessary, I can fight as a soldier.”

Buster and others also introduced them one by one.

“Xiping, what’s the current situation at our base?”

“At present, the central computer and energy system are damaged. There are weapons and machinery in the warehouse, but most of them are in a semi-abandoned state. In addition, there are shuttles and transport vehicles that cannot be started. The parts may not be complete, but they can be collected at the garbage collection station. Looking for supplements.”

Several people look at each other, which means that no one is intact.

Xiping added: “Also, the attack base owned by the other party can be repaired within 3 hours under normal circumstances.”

In other words, the first wave of attacks may appear after 3 hours, and they must repair the defense system during this time. The opponent’s defense is definitely not high. After the first wave of attacks, there should be a period of rest. As long as they quickly create attack weapons to make a surprise attack, they will have a chance to win.

“Does the other party know the location of our base?” Buster asked.

“Know, once the computers are restored, both of you will be within radar detection range.”

Koffel then asked: “What is the maximum attack index of the opponent?”

“This question is outside the scope of authority, and you need to speculate on your own.”

Gu Fei said: “So, don’t we have to increase the energy of the shield to the maximum we can adjust?”

Xiping smiled: “Probably so.”

Gu Fei rolled his eyes.

“Okay, don’t gossip, we don’t have much time left.” Baston said, “Koffel, Gu Fei, you guys are in charge of repairing the computer and energy system, I’ll go to the warehouse to see if I can find it in the warehouse. A set of combat equipment was assembled in a short period of time.”

Coffier and Gu Fei nodded at the same time, each getting busy.

Baster said to Qianli again: “Qianli, you are responsible for collecting parts and gathering all the parts that can be used.”


“Mr. Shiping, please come with me to the warehouse, I need to know what fighting style you are good at.”

Hipping followed Buster out of the control room without a word.

Qianli first used his perception to scan the base inside and out, and then took Char to the rearmost garage to check the transporter and found that the damage was really serious, and it could basically be thrown into the abandoned station.

She checked the shuttle again. It was a combat vehicle. It was very fast, equipped with positioning light bombs, and had a certain degree of protection. But the photobomb launcher was broken and the shield could not be activated.

It doesn’t matter for the time being, she only needs the shuttle to provide loading and transportation for the time being.

Bringing tools, Qianli began to repair work, while Charle inspected the situation around the base under her advice…

Both teams are realistically reflected on the screen and can be viewed from multiple angles. From the entire ground situation to the individual action pictures of each contestant.

This is a demonstration of the team’s overall strength and individual abilities.

Both teams performed very well. In comparison, No. 36 seems to be a little faster. Their leader is a low-level ability user with extraordinary hand speed and rich programming experience. In just over half an hour, 30% of the system has been repaired, and the rest is relatively cumbersome local program detection.

If there are no accidents, the time for them to launch the first wave of attacks is at least dozens of minutes faster than Hipping’s estimate.

The audience watched with excitement and discussion, eagerly looking forward to the first confrontation between the two sides. It can be said that which side can achieve results in the first confrontation, the balance of victory will be in favor of which side.

“Huh? What is that little girl doing?” A surprised voice suddenly appeared in the crowd.

As the smallest contestant, Qianli is also in the spotlight.

On the screen, the little girl removed all the weapons and equipment on the shuttle, leaving only the body, and then quickly repaired the internal structure, as if she already knew the damage to the shuttle. The small figure that is out of proportion to the shuttle, the familiar movements and the solemn expression are really impactful.

In just a few tens of minutes, the shuttle was repaired for thousands of miles, and the appearance has also changed a lot. The weapons have been unloaded and the loading space has been expanded.

But that’s not the most amazing. Qianli also modified the control system and added remote control positioning. As long as she activates the remote control device hanging around her neck, the shuttle can move according to the instructions, which undoubtedly greatly facilitates the process of selecting parts.

Although it is not a complicated design to add a remote control positioning system, it obviously requires sufficient practical experience and keen manufacturing thinking to do so in such a short period of time. What’s more, the one who did all this was a little girl who was only eleven or twelve years old, which had to be unbelievable.

For this, the audience outside the screen sent thousands of miles of warm applause.

However, Qianli’s behavior in the following is confusing. She drove the shuttle with the basic functions repaired to the parts machine room. Like picking up stones, she kept throwing parts into the car without checking at all. Picking randomly. This is a bit unreasonable. With Qianli’s ability, it should be impossible for her to distinguish the quality of the parts.

Do you want to ship it to the warehouse for selection? Isn’t this a waste of time?

When the shuttle is full, Qianli transports the parts to the warehouse, and sorts them out while picking them up.

There are many missing parts and many more.

“Are all the parts she chooses usable?” the audience wondered.

“No way? Small parts are fine, but those large parts or semi-finished products are impossible to know if they are damaged without inspection.”

“But she’s sorting, not checking.”

“She’s sure that the parts she just glanced at are all intact?”

“Or, she knows the pros and cons just by touching it?”

“Ugh, that’s so unscientific! If she were an adult, maybe I would believe it, but she’s so old…”

“Go ahead and see if it works, I’ll find out later.”

Thousands of miles drove the shuttle to the abandoned station behind the base. The metal waste here is piled up like a mountain, and the metal melting table has also been damaged. Otherwise, it can be used for melting and re-quenching to produce new and more desirable metal parts.

Qianli’s whole body is shrouded in the shadow of this pile of waste, forming an extremely strong contrast. Even as an adult, seeing so many wastes at first glance might give rise to a feeling of having no idea what to do.

Qianli breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the workload this time was not small. Not only did she have to find the missing parts from this mess of junk, she also had to find a way to transform it into a usable part.

Battle, let’s get started…

The author has something to say: If I didn’t order Fanwaiyi last time, I will post it again tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Whether I ordered or not, you can snap up and save points.

In the future, one or two new stories will be released every week, and they will be replaced with the main text after the benefit period. Before the next update, the last episode will be repeated again. If the second episode has not been booked, then I can only express regret…

I hope everyone will actively buy it~_~, there are a lot of benefits~~

Thank you for your support~~

MOMO threw a mine

Yueya Fengyuan threw a mine

707.jj threw a grenade

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