The Frenzy Of Evolution Chapter 607: Calories

Since this major operation was carried out at the time of the establishment of the Human Alliance, this battle is not an important battle for Yanhuang Dacheng or for those bases who want to join the alliance. If successful, this will directly promote the process of the entire joint plan, but if it fails, not only the soldiers of the allied army will be lost, but also the confidence of each base in Yanhuang City.

Luo Yang, who deeply understands this point, will make this arrangement. This battle can only be won but not lost.

The dark and foggy incident a few days ago caused a lot of damage to the machines in Yanhuang Dacheng. In addition to gunships, there are also a large number of military vehicles and tanks that cannot be used at this time.

It is also said that although this battle is a combination of B-level powerhouses from other bases and has powerful supernatural support, at the same time, a large number of weapons and equipment cannot be used for ordinary warriors, which is also weakened. combat power.

Pre-battle preparations for this battle have both pros and cons.

But at this time, I can’t worry about so much anymore. If we delay like this, thousands of innocent people in the entire Yanhuang City will be wiped out. For them, there is only one battle for the coalition forces, which is beyond doubt.

An hour later, the private group has reached the second line of defense and the third line of defense to build a simple line of defense. What they have to do is harvest the leaky fish on the front line and prevent them from reaching the third line of defense. . For this battle, almost all the warriors were used, and only a small number of the Awakened were reserved to guard the wall.

Because the gunships were unavailable, the reconnaissance team couldn’t observe from a long distance. The only option was to have a few wind-type awakeners take them for a long-distance observation, which can be seen here. Let all of them, including the awakened ones, break into a cold sweat.

The zombie group that stretches for thousands of miles is like a black cloud shadow slowly advancing in the distance. The huge number of zombies is not different from the impact of a tsunami.

“Oops! We have to go back!” said the scout 1st squad leader, panting.

-type corpse tide, it was only an hour ago, and now the scale of the zombie group has reached a large corpse tide.

Transition area between the second and third lines of defense, joint temporary command center

“News! News!” yelled a correspondent.

“What’s the matter?” Luo Yang and others, who were arranging tasks with the various Awakened units and private corps, turned to look at the same time.

“Report from the second team of reconnaissance, a large mutant beast appeared behind the corpse tide, the level is unknown…”

Large mutant beasts? How is this going? Isn’t this time an ordinary corpse tide? But a big attack united by zombies and mutant beasts?

“Report! News from the first reconnaissance team!” said another correspondent, taking off his earphones with one hand.

“Speak! What’s the matter!” Luo Yang, who was suddenly interrupted, asked calmly without being annoyed.

“The corpse…the corpse tide has exceeded the size of the size…it is approaching the large!”

As soon as this news came out, the faces of the people in the temporary command center sank. They never imagined that in just an hour, the zombie group could actually gather from large to large. You must know that large and large zombies The number of mutant beasts is not only separated by one level, but at least five levels or more.

Then the question is, who can resist this large wave of corpses?

B-level powerhouses in each base? No!

Awakened troops in Yanhuang City? No!

A concubine with great power? No!

Even Duan Fei can’t resist a large corpse tide alone, at least not now!

A lot of combat instructors sat down on chairs, staring blankly at the top of the tent, a large corpse tide, how to fight? Hit hard? They’ll be wiped out in less than an hour, strategy? What they have to face are zombies with no intelligence but super fighting ability.

Suddenly! A combat instructor seemed to have thought of something and shouted loudly.

“Yes! I have a way!”

In a desperate situation, any light may be the hope of turning defeat into victory, and everyone will not give up this hope, even if they are facing an unprecedented large group of zombies.

“Come on, what can I do!” another combat instructor asked anxiously.

“Kill the leader! Such a large-scale zombie group has reached a large corpse tide. Although we have never encountered a large corpse tide before, it is possible that they will have one or more commanders. The intelligent zombies. Without commanding the zombies, they wouldn’t have assembled so quickly from the corpse tide to the large corpse tide!”

“It makes sense for you to say that, but how do you know if there are any intelligent zombies in this large wave of corpses!?” A bespectacled commander who had followed Luo Yang for many years asked rhetorically.

“Think about it, there are so many mountains between Yanhuang Great City and the first line of defense, and the corpse tide can move towards Yanhuang Great City accurately, so there must be something in this direction of Yanhuang Great City that is attracting them. , or something that makes them feel like they’re going to kill it. Using this fictional attraction, we can create an illusion!”

“What an illusion, say it clearly!”

“A moving fake point, what is it about Yanhuang City that attracts zombies? Tens of thousands of living people? Or individuals with powerful strength? Although we have no way of knowing what really attracts zombies. We can spread these things apart, and if the zombie swarm changes its direction of action, then it means that they are moving for this attraction!”

“Your assumption is good, but you want to transfer tens of thousands of living people, not to mention that the mobile equipment in Yanhuang City is not available, you want tens of thousands of people to leave on foot? The real target is them, so what’s the difference between letting the people die!” a commander said angrily.

“Don’t forget, zombies can feel the attraction here several kilometers away, definitely not by ‘seeing’, nor by ‘listening’, but by feeling, the heat generated by tens of thousands of humans is very high Terrible, if these heat spots with larger heat are created, then the heat released by tens of thousands of people can be simulated, and these zombies who can only act by feeling can be deceived!”

“You will say it! The heat generated by tens of thousands of people is what you want to produce. Do you know how much this heat is?”

“I said, don’t be too stubborn, have you forgotten some people? We still have Awakeners! In the Awakened troops, there are quite a few fire-type power users, and the heat they create ball, but the normal heat released by tens of thousands of people?”

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