The Frenzy Of Evolution Chapter 604: Human Alliance II

Inside Yanhuang City

Seven or eight military trucks were parked in front of the gate of the command center. A large number of soldiers with guns were stationed outside each entrance and exit. Patrols in groups of five were patrolling back and forth outside the command center. , in which the guard changes every half hour, and twelve tanks are stationed in the open space outside the command center. These do not include the five Awakened troops in the command center. 『www.

This can be said to be the first time since the establishment of Yanhuang City that so many troops were stationed in the command center, and at the same time, the powerhouses in the center were enough to destroy any B-rank monster.

“You said, what happened over there? Why do you say that soldiers are stationed?”

“Yes, since the last fog incident, the City Lord’s Mansion has been mysterious, as if preparing for something?”

“Don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask, don’t say some things, just understand in your heart!”

“Aren’t you just asking, afraid of a bird?”

“Don’t implicate us if you want to die!”

Seeing that the military has made such a big move, many people are extra curious. Although it is now in the period of military-civilian cooperation, important matters in the military will not be published in announcements. The way to know is to wait until the day when it happens, and beyond that it’s just guesswork.

If there is a natural disaster or a mutant beast or a corpse tide that wants to attack the Yanhuang City, then it or they are really looking for the wrong day.

Now, just counting the powerhouses sitting in the command center of Yanhuang Great City, there is one A-rank and dozens of B-ranks. Unless it is a large corpse tide or a large corpse tide, this may pose some threats to the Yanhuang City.

In the command center interior meeting room.

There is a person sitting in every position outside an oval wooden table. Some of these people are powerful people, some are military strategists, and some are political people, but without exception, these people They are all representatives and leaders of their respective camps.

After the last dark fog incident, Luo Yang has clearly realized that a city is insignificant in the entire apocalypse era. He wants to form a force, an alliance, a large-scale force at the national level.

However, an alliance cannot be established by a single city in Yanhuang City, so he must gather other doomsday cities and gather their strength to make this possible.

For a long period of time, there will be reunion, and long-term cooperation will result in division. This is the principle of strength change that has remained unchanged for thousands of years. Whether it is the human world before the apocalypse or the chaotic world after the apocalypse, this principle can be used the same.

The major alliance plan was not proposed at this time. In the early days of the end, the Yanhuang Base once proposed the formation of the ‘Huaxia Alliance’. Under the general trend at that time, Luo Yang was extremely reluctant. It was formed by the Yanhuang base, but in the end it was compromised.

But in the biggest battle before the establishment of the Huaxia Alliance, the “Battle of Jiangnan”, human beings failed, and they failed completely.

In the early days of the apocalypse, Yu wanted to reunite with the power that had not been completely dispersed, but was completely defeated by monsters and zombies after the virus evolved.

After the war, most of the human bases fell into a state of silence. If there is no base to make this proposal again, it is very important that whoever wants to be this big brother must have such strength first. If If it is only a second- or third-level base, it has been rejected by other forces before the proposal to form it has been proposed, and in the end, it will only be a slap in the face.

Now a big city has been established that has gained some fame in the doomsday era. Naturally, the big city of Yanhuang has to seize the time, take advantage of its strong strength to incorporate other small forces, and at the same time form a big alliance to deal with the gradually stronger and gradually emerging The natural disaster organization on the water.

This time, the ‘big alliance plan’ proposed by Luo Yang is different from the ‘Huaxia alliance plan’ proposed by the Yanhuang base before. The goal of forming the Huaxia alliance is to take the south of the Yangtze River as the main base, and then go north and west. Attack east to regain lost ground.

Don’t forget that it was the early days of the apocalypse, the virus had not evolved much, and mutant beasts and zombies were still in the most basic state. At that time, bullet weapons were still the most effective weapons against zombies and mutant beasts, but now Can only be said to be one of them.

It is impossible to recover all the country now. In some places, such as cliffs and lakes, there are a lot of high-level mutant beasts lurking. As long as you influence it to continue to evolve, this mutant beast will continue to evolve. It won’t make any big moves, but once it wakes them up, it takes a few seconds to destroy an entire army, and it doesn’t take a day to destroy a base.

Therefore, without a base, it would be so stupid to wake up these monsters for no reason. Although we know that these monsters are obstacles to the survival of human beings, human beings do not have the strength to deal with them and destroy them. go down.

Until a real strong man emerges.

According to the current situation, Luo Yang’s current ‘big alliance plan’ is to establish a loose alliance with multiple points in the center, with Yanhuang City as the center and other bases as branches.

In addition to the technical support and military support from Yanhuang City, each affiliated base in the alliance can also receive technical exchanges between different bases. How to gather limited resources to do unlimited things is urgent now One of the issues to consider.

The advantage of this loose alliance is that it can increase communication between bases and provide a communication platform for different bases. It is also a military alliance organization. In a certain base, monsters, natural disaster organizations, When zombies attack, they have the right to apply for support from other bases. If a certain base receives support information but is indifferent, it will directly affect the technical support of Yanhuang City. The most serious thing is to directly propose an alliance and be included in it. Support blacklist.

When they were invited by Yanhuang City, many bases felt that they had received an invitation letter for a Hongmen Banquet. Until now, after they came to Yanhuang City, they felt that it was not the same.

Accepting and accepting are completely determined by the representatives of different bases. It is good to join, but if not, Yanhuang City will never force it, nor will it take advantage of all kinds of general forces. to threaten.

Considering the strength of their own strength, many bases decided to join the moment they received the invitation letter, in order to be close to the big city of Yanhuang City, but there are also many bases that do not have the strength of Yanhuang City. The similar bases have other ideas. Since it is to form an alliance, why must Yanhuang Dacheng be the big brother.

To this end, nearly one-third of the bases did not make a statement.

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