The Frenzy Of Evolution Chapter 602: Qi

In the late apocalyptic years of previous lives, there was a strange substance that had form and no substance, like a cloud of smoke that could be changed by people. ?

The name of this substance is “Qi”, a substance that has the same sound as Qi and is very similar.

Every creature has this kind of thing in its body since it was born. It provides the most fundamental driving force for the action of the creature, that is, the invisible ‘energy’.

Because of the continuous fusion and absorption of foreign substances by living things in the process of survival, this kind of substance becomes less and less in the body of living things, and finally becomes ‘qi’.

This time, when the evolution of the biological brain and body was given to a certain degree, a special evolutionary direction appeared. The creatures that embarked on this special evolutionary direction will have a primitive kind of evolution in their bodies. “Qi”, also known as the atavistic effect.

This atavistic effect will cause the creature to acquire a primitive power and learn to use the ‘Qi’ energy in the body.

If Duan Fei guessed correctly, the dark cloud that was floating over the Great Yanhuang City just now was the external ‘Qi’ used by a certain creature.

Fortunately, the amount of ‘Qi’ contained in the dark cloud is not large. If the dark cloud is summed up as 100% of the whole number, then the half-hearted ‘Qi’ in it is only 10%. .

If the Qi in the dark cloud reaches 100%, not to mention the people in the Yanhuang Great City will be killed in an instant, even a powerhouse like Duan Fei will not resist at all. Chance.

Duan Fei’s soul combat technique is one of the ways of ‘Qi’ being released.

When using a homogeneous ‘Qi’, no matter how strong the opponent’s host is, it will be offset, so the area that is offset at the same time depends on the number of external qi.

I probably guessed the enemy’s attack method, so the most fundamental question is coming. Duan Fei is a reincarnator and understands some fighting methods in the previous life that only appeared in the later stage. Could it be that there are other reincarnators in this world?

The answer to this question is unknown to anyone but the parties involved, so let’s assume it’s a possible question, but don’t need to keep researching it.

The second question is, why does this creature understand the outward expression of ‘Qi’?

Using one’s own soul to attack people is an absolutely unwise and absolutely stupid way, unless their own life is threatened urgently or when something extremely special happens, people who know this way are not Will use soul attack.

Then that means that the ‘Qi’ in these dark clouds is also like the soul force used by Duan Fei, absorbing the remaining ‘Qi’ energy of other creatures or dead creatures to achieve their goals.

Compared with the former, Duan Fei is more willing to believe the authenticity of the latter.

Duan Fei’s rebirth is a new life. Every major decision he makes will bring about a big butterfly effect. Once this decision is made before, the entire history will be pushed forward.

Maybe the ‘creatures’ that appeared in the new era will also be born early.

There is only one way now, to reduce the occurrence of the butterfly effect as much as possible, but if it is controlled by fate and dominated by the virus as in the previous life, what meaning will the rebirth of the flight be?

Fight! Only with constant battles, all monsters born early, all things that appear early, as long as they are unfavorable to human beings, will be eliminated one by one.

In order to survive, even if it turns into a demon, it will not hesitate.

Duan Fei, who clenched his fists, thought so.

In the last days of the last world, because there was no support from the strong and no leadership from the leader, the surviving humans retreated again and again, from the city to the countryside, from the countryside to the mountains, and finally some people even retreated to the sewers .

From canned food at the very beginning, to hunting for subsistence, to finally putting everything that can be eaten in the mouth.

All of this is for survival. It’s that simple reason.

Perhaps the tide of history is beyond his control, but Duan Fei believes that his own destiny, and that of most people, can still be changed. This is what he can do now.

When using ‘Qi’, there is an extremely important concern – distance. When Duan Fei uses the soul power belonging to ‘Qi’, he uses it at close range, even if it is far, it will not be far. Where to go.

It’s like gathering to form a sniper cannon, which is simply impossible.

Once you leave your body for too long, the ‘Qi’ will naturally dissipate, and eventually disappear without a trace. This is the same with the power of the soul. There are not many ‘Qi’ in the huge dark cloud. So it means that the creatures using this power are not far from them, five kilometers? ten kilometers? No one knows what the distance is.

Since this monster that can use ‘Qi’ knows how to dismount, rather than always attack, it means that this monster’s evolutionary wisdom is not low, at least it is a strategy that can be thought of by human brains over twenty years old.

You don’t have to show your true body to let the enemy appear, and at the same time, you can deal a certain blow to the enemy. This is a two birds with one stone for that monster.

Duan Fei, a ‘butterfly’, didn’t wake up for a long time to control the ‘Qi’ ability, and the impact and area of ​​the butterfly effect would not be too long.

In order to get off the horse, it seems that it uses a lot of ‘Qi’ in its body.

There are two questions to be faced now, one is whether this attack is a tentative attack or is it trying to attract the attention of their Yanhuang city, and the other is that the monster after awakening the ability to control ‘Qi’ is actually the first Time chooses to attack Yanhuang City, why is this?

Duan Fei, who was thinking about it, didn’t know that this attack would be the beginning of a series of events that followed, and the beginning of these events was also the beginning of uncovering the truth about the ancient civilization.

Who can survive this big storm, no one dares to take out the insurance policy.

Drip! Answer!

The sound of rapid footsteps interrupted Duan Fei’s thinking.

Duan Fei looked up and saw that they were two guards he had never seen before. It was the first time that he didn’t need an acquaintance to be a messenger. At the same time, Duan Fei also understood that the cloud of black smoke a few days ago was for Yanhuang Great City. The blow was too great, and many of the soldiers turned into liquid, and the last word was not left. In order to re-mobilize the remaining soldiers, the city lord and other senior personnel in Yanhuang City spent a lot of time.

Although houses have collapsed and people have died, the battle continues. This is the end of the world.

After confirming that it was Duan Fei, the owner of one of the footsteps said in a worried voice, “Master God of War, there is an emergency in the command center, please come over immediately!”

The Frenzy Of Evolution Chapter 602: Qi

In the late apocalyptic years of previous lives, there was a strange substance that had form and no substance, like a cloud of smoke that could be changed by people. ?

The name of this substance is “Qi”, a substance that has the same sound as Qi and is very similar.

Every creature has this kind of thing in its body since it was born. It provides the most fundamental driving force for the action of the creature, that is, the invisible ‘energy’.

Because of the continuous fusion and absorption of foreign substances by living things in the process of survival, this kind of substance becomes less and less in the body of living things, and finally becomes ‘qi’.

This time, when the evolution of the biological brain and body was given to a certain degree, a special evolutionary direction appeared. The creatures that embarked on this special evolutionary direction will have a primitive kind of evolution in their bodies. “Qi”, also known as the atavistic effect.

This atavistic effect will cause the creature to acquire a primitive power and learn to use the ‘Qi’ energy in the body.

If Duan Fei guessed correctly, the dark cloud that was floating over the Great Yanhuang City just now was the external ‘Qi’ used by a certain creature.

Fortunately, the amount of ‘Qi’ contained in the dark cloud is not large. If the dark cloud is summed up as 100% of the whole number, then the half-hearted ‘Qi’ in it is only 10%. .

If the Qi in the dark cloud reaches 100%, not to mention the people in the Yanhuang Great City will be killed in an instant, even a powerhouse like Duan Fei will not resist at all. Chance.

Duan Fei’s soul combat technique is one of the ways of ‘Qi’ being released.

When using a homogeneous ‘Qi’, no matter how strong the opponent’s host is, it will be offset, so the area that is offset at the same time depends on the number of external qi.

I probably guessed the enemy’s attack method, so the most fundamental question is coming. Duan Fei is a reincarnator and understands some fighting methods in the previous life that only appeared in the later stage. Could it be that there are other reincarnators in this world?

The answer to this question is unknown to anyone but the parties involved, so let’s assume it’s a possible question, but don’t need to keep researching it.

The second question is, why does this creature understand the outward expression of ‘Qi’?

Using one’s own soul to attack people is an absolutely unwise and absolutely stupid way, unless their own life is threatened urgently or when something extremely special happens, people who know this way are not Will use soul attack.

Then that means that the ‘Qi’ in these dark clouds is also like the soul force used by Duan Fei, absorbing the remaining ‘Qi’ energy of other creatures or dead creatures to achieve their goals.

Compared with the former, Duan Fei is more willing to believe the authenticity of the latter.

Duan Fei’s rebirth is a new life. Every major decision he makes will bring about a big butterfly effect. Once this decision is made before, the entire history will be pushed forward.

Maybe the ‘creatures’ that appeared in the new era will also be born early.

There is only one way now, to reduce the occurrence of the butterfly effect as much as possible, but if it is controlled by fate and dominated by the virus as in the previous life, what meaning will the rebirth of the flight be?

Fight! Only with constant battles, all monsters born early, all things that appear early, as long as they are unfavorable to human beings, will be eliminated one by one.

In order to survive, even if it turns into a demon, it will not hesitate.

Duan Fei, who clenched his fists, thought so.

In the last days of the last world, because there was no support from the strong and no leadership from the leader, the surviving humans retreated again and again, from the city to the countryside, from the countryside to the mountains, and finally some people even retreated to the sewers .

From canned food at the very beginning, to hunting for subsistence, to finally putting everything that can be eaten in the mouth.

All of this is for survival. It’s that simple reason.

Perhaps the tide of history is beyond his control, but Duan Fei believes that his own destiny, and that of most people, can still be changed. This is what he can do now.

When using ‘Qi’, there is an extremely important concern – distance. When Duan Fei uses the soul power belonging to ‘Qi’, he uses it at close range, even if it is far, it will not be far. Where to go.

It’s like gathering to form a sniper cannon, which is simply impossible.

Once you leave your body for too long, the ‘Qi’ will naturally dissipate, and eventually disappear without a trace. This is the same with the power of the soul. There are not many ‘Qi’ in the huge dark cloud. So it means that the creatures using this power are not far from them, five kilometers? ten kilometers? No one knows what the distance is.

Since this monster that can use ‘Qi’ knows how to dismount, rather than always attack, it means that this monster’s evolutionary wisdom is not low, at least it is a strategy that can be thought of by human brains over twenty years old.

You don’t have to show your true body to let the enemy appear, and at the same time, you can deal a certain blow to the enemy. This is a two birds with one stone for that monster.

Duan Fei, a ‘butterfly’, didn’t wake up for a long time to control the ‘Qi’ ability, and the impact and area of ​​the butterfly effect would not be too long.

In order to get off the horse, it seems that it uses a lot of ‘Qi’ in its body.

There are two questions to be faced now, one is whether this attack is a tentative attack or is it trying to attract the attention of their Yanhuang city, and the other is that the monster after awakening the ability to control ‘Qi’ is actually the first Time chooses to attack Yanhuang City, why is this?

Duan Fei, who was thinking about it, didn’t know that this attack would be the beginning of a series of events that followed, and the beginning of these events was also the beginning of uncovering the truth about the ancient civilization.

Who can survive this big storm, no one dares to take out the insurance policy.

Drip! Answer!

The sound of rapid footsteps interrupted Duan Fei’s thinking.

Duan Fei looked up and saw that they were two guards he had never seen before. It was the first time that he didn’t need an acquaintance to be a messenger. At the same time, Duan Fei also understood that the cloud of black smoke a few days ago was for Yanhuang Great City. The blow was too great, and many of the soldiers turned into liquid, and the last word was not left. In order to re-mobilize the remaining soldiers, the city lord and other senior personnel in Yanhuang City spent a lot of time.

Although houses have collapsed and people have died, the battle continues. This is the end of the world.

After confirming that it was Duan Fei, the owner of one of the footsteps said in a worried voice, “Master God of War, there is an emergency in the command center, please come over immediately!”

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