The Frenzy Of Evolution Chapter 532: Totally kill

During the defense, the Devouring Shield converts most of the attacks it absorbs into its own energy, but in the process of converting, Duan Fei realized something was wrong.

I didn’t pay attention to the temporary organization of the Devouring Shield for defense just now, but now I realize that what I am absorbing is an extremely high temperature flame. Its composition is the same as that of the **** flame. of.

Looking at the back of the devouring body that has already flown 100 meters, it also has the same wings as himself, plus a replica of **** flames. Could it be that the devouring body copied its own abilities?

Thinking of this, Duan Fei can no longer calm down. Any creature has the possibility of evolution, especially when the most dangerous time is the most dangerous. The evolutionary tree awakened at the dead end, and absorbed the souls of tens of thousands of warriors in the entire Tangde City, including the mountainous areas and urban areas, with the power of ancestral devouring.

“Don’t want to run!” The soul scanning beam entrenched in the eyebrows forms the aiming line, no matter if you are hundreds of miles away or thousands of miles away, you can still accurately aim at the target.

The flames of **** flew away like a cloud-piercing arrow, and after a second, there was a sound of hitting.

But the flames of **** did not hit the target as Duan Fei expected. A light black shield stood in front of the devouring body. At this time, it had turned around, revealing its white teeth. Looking at Duan Fei.

The Devouring Shield! This!

Duan Fei is familiar with the Devouring Shield composed of Devouring Power. Due to external and personal reasons, Duan Fei has never used Devouring Power indiscriminately. He only goes all out when he encounters a strong enemy. Because he still retains his humanity.

If the Devouring Body completely replicated its own abilities, Duan Fei really couldn’t guarantee that something unexpected would happen in the human base and various factions attacking indiscriminately.

The original nucleus, the power of devouring, the fire of hell, the blessing, etc. are superimposed on each other, and it is not a problem to destroy the entire human base with the strongest blow. will cause an indelible disaster.

With a swoosh, his hands were covered by the engulfing energy, turning into two very familiar devouring blades, he grinned and said, “Devouring versus devouring, I want to see if your devouring power is stronger or mine is stronger!”

The devouring gene on his body has already researched 70% of Duan Fei’s ‘devour’ ability, which is enough for him to deal with Duan Fei.

The energy of the only remaining inextinguishable devil snake quickly recovered from the severed hand, and the bone-piercing, flesh and blood, and nerves grew wildly. If it wasn’t for Mo absorbed too much energy before, the recovery time would be much faster now.

“Aura of Devouring! Release!” The aura of a wolf like a tiger, like a bloodthirsty beast appeared in the aura of Devouring.

Blessing halo, increase!

With a swoosh, it flew out like an arrow, and a punch of hellfire hit the body that swallowed. It stopped after rolling for a few laps.

The swallowing body, which suddenly became extremely soft, removed most of Duan Fei’s impact.

With a few soft coughs, the swallowing body used the same phagocytic phagocytosis Qi, and the two canceled each other out, causing Duan Fei’s swallowing qi to disappear without a trace.

“There is still the ability to increase?” Resisting the energy of swallowing, the body of swallowing looked at Duan Fei’s blessing halo.

The more difficult it is to analyze the ability in the later stage, the analysis of the ‘devour’ ability only stops at 80%. Now that Duan Fei has other abilities, the swallowing body immediately orders the Devouring Gene stopped the analysis of the ‘devour’ ability and turned to the ‘blessing’ ability.

But it is this change that makes its actions stagnant, that is, its actions cannot keep up with the changes in thinking.


But at this moment, a roar came from the ruins of the Tiankeng behind him, and bursts of white light waves appeared in the outline visible to the naked eye, and the Devouring Body, which used the Devouring Shield with one hand, changed greatly in the next moment.

The Swallowing Shield not only did not convert the roaring light wave into its own energy, but instead became a burden and fixed its ability to be unable to convert. Although it was only for two seconds, this was enough for Duan Fei to be fatal to the swallowing body. hurt time.

Dealing with this scourge cannot be reserved.

The power of devouring Zou Randong, but the target is not the body of devouring, but the soul of a warrior floating on the ground. This is the third time Duan Fei has used the power of the soul. Even if the body can still bear it, he His soul and spirit are already on the verge of being critical, but at this time he can’t care so much.

The accumulated number of warrior souls is not enough for possession, nor for soul slashing, and can only form soul scanning beams and weapon infusion.

A slap will collect it and turn it into a soul storage light spot and shoot it into the blade of the Force, a dim colorful light appears on the blade.

Buzzing, getting the bonus power of the warrior’s soul, the blade of the force turned into a small soul cutting blade, and Duan Fei, holding the long blade, rushed to the body of devouring.

At this time, the Devourer’s face was full of impossible and unbelievable looks, and it still didn’t understand what the sudden roaring beam was all about.


A blade cuts from the top of the head to the soles of the feet. Wherever the blade with strong soul erosion power passes, the recovery ability of the swallowed body is completely abolished, and the newly grown flesh is instantly destroyed by the warrior. The soul is ‘burned’.

“Give me back the power!” At this time, Duan Fei, who had recovered from his severed hand, inserted his hands into the body of the devouring body, and poured the devouring power into the body with a bang, frantically absorbing energy and abilities.

“How is that possible! That attack is!” Before he could finish speaking, his eyes widened, as if he had seen something incredible, and he devoured his body until he was completely swallowed by Duan Fei. The sentence is finished.

The Devourer, once again turned to ashes, floats through the air.

The exhausted Duan Fei automatically disarmed all abilities in an instant, including Devouring Force, Hellfire, War God’s Wings, etc.

Fall down like a meteorite.

The coalition soldiers who came behind saw Duan Fei, the God of War, losing all support and falling down. Many people rushed over frantically to catch him, but it was too late.


A soft wind came from the Tiankeng not far away and flew under Duan Fei and became a buffer cover, so that the impact was slowed down.

A black shadow flew out of the tiankeng at an incredible speed at this time, and then flew under Duan Fei.

With two soft snaps, a huge black shadow caught Duan Fei.

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