The Frenzy Of Evolution Chapter 492: Killing weapons!

“Of course I know! By the way, don’t call me Xiaoli directly, you want to call me the eternal, brave and invincible evolution **** tree Xiaoli!” Evolution tree Xiaoli looked at Duan Fei dumbfounded He looked so proud that he sucked the juice in his hand. Δ』8Δ1 Chinese』Δwang

“That’s not a means, but another ‘killing weapon’! That is, a powerful ability user powerful enough to crush everything that exists!” Evolution Tree Xiaoli said firmly.

“The killing weapon is actually a power user?” Duan Fei felt incredible. “So, what can control millions of zombies is really a power user’s ability to move?”

Duan Fei also had a guess: behind this zombie, is there an existence beyond the s level that is always controlling this corpse tide?

It seems that he really guessed it right! The owner of this ability, known as the “killing weapon”, is the culprit of this action? Could it be that he was the one who stole the treasure? What is his purpose?

“That’s right, it’s the power user known as the ‘killing weapon’. It was he who controlled the attack of millions of zombies and monsters towards humans! He hid behind the zombie tide and never showed his face. , I also sensed him with a trace of memory left by the tree of life!” Evolution Tree Xiaoli looked at Duan Fei with an unbelievable face, and smiled unconsciously, “But don’t be afraid, we also have a ‘killing weapon’! And, he’s right in front of you!”

“Huh? Don’t tell me?” Duan Fei was even more confused.

The evolutionary tree mentioned before that he was a “killing weapon”, but he didn’t explain it clearly. Could it be related to his performance before he passed out? Duan Fei secretly guessed.

“The title of ‘killing weapon’ is the title given to the most terrifying power user! It can be said to be the “king” among power users! Power users with this title, as long as he is willing, can Destroying the entire human race in the blink of an eye! This is what is called, the “King”‘s supernatural powers can overwhelm the ground day and night, and can conquer the city in the blink of an eye!”

“The earth can be overturned in the morning and evening! The city can be swept away in the blink of an eye!” Duan Fei sighed secretly, if it weren’t for the guards of hundreds of thousands of human warriors, the Great City of Yanhuang could really be swept away in the blink of an eye!

What Duan Fei didn’t know was that in this battle, the power user gave up the siege for some reason, and the Yanhuang Great City was saved. Otherwise, the current Yanhuang Great City would have long since become a pile of ruins!

“Yes, this is the true power of the ‘killing weapon’! And you, too, are a ‘killing weapon’!”

“Me?” Duan Fei was even more surprised.

Although I knew that Xiaoli, the evolutionary tree, had been alluding to him, but when it was confirmed that he was a “killing weapon”, Duan Fei still couldn’t believe it!

Yes, he wants to become stronger, to have the strength to fight against natural disasters and against the zombie tide!

However, he is currently only a Grade A ability user, called “Killing Weapon”, which is too early!

“Xiao Feifei, when the natural disaster organization took away Jinbao, your cry of pain stimulated the genetic potential in your body, making you break through the supreme ‘concentration’ ability! And the owner of this ability can definitely It can be called a ‘killing weapon’!” Xiaoli explained.

“The ability ‘concentration’? What kind of ability is it?” Duan Fei was puzzled.

“The ‘concentration’ ability is the name I gave it! It should be related to the perfect genetic engineering in your body of unknown origin! The specific performance is just like that day, when he roared, and most of the surrounding defenders were killed. The shock is in a coma! You must know that they are all strong warriors who have been trained thousands of times! And your ‘concentration’ ability, which is still in the primary stage, is enough to stun them directly!”

“Most of the defending warriors were stunned by me? This is just a beginner?” Duan Fei couldn’t believe that he had caused such a big movement before he was unconscious!

With roar, without touching, a large number of trained and powerful defenders will be stunned by earthquakes, how domineering this ability can be!

And this is just a beginner!

“Then, the ‘concentration’ ability is so domineering, what will happen when it reaches a higher level?” Duan Fei asked directly.

“Do you still remember Wu Hao, a Skynet member who was frightened by you? At that time, I felt that there should be some hidden potential in you, which was not opened. After this Jinbao incident, it finally exploded. Come out! This is the power of the ‘concentration’ ability. It is also a Grade A ability user, but you can directly make the opponent fear. That kind of fear is a tremor in the heart, and it is the suppression from the genetic source! ‘Concentration’ is different Able to reach the advanced level, you can use it as you like, the same level of ability users can be directly suppressed, and even higher-level ability users can also be forcibly suppressed, leapfrog killing will no longer be a myth!”

“Direct suppression at the same level? Even leapfrog kills? The ‘concentration’ ability confirms domineering, no wonder it is called a ‘killing weapon’!” Duan Fei thought thoughtfully.

For Duan Fei, who is in urgent need of powerful strength at this moment, the ability of “concentration” is definitely a rare gain!

Power, the mighty power he needs!

After this defeat with the natural disaster night team, Duan Fei deeply realized his own shortcomings. Next, he must sum up his combat experience and put “concentration”, “devour”, “hell fire”, “blessing” “Wait for the ability to be mastered and mastered, and use it to the extreme!

“By the way, how is the outside now?” Duan Fei asked.

“It’s fine outside, the zombie tide should not attack again in the short term! However, time is still short, and it is estimated that it will not be long before another frontal conflict between humans and zombies is coming! The time at your disposal is not much. It’s over!” Xiaoli reminded the evolutionary tree.

How could she not know that Duan Fei had just suffered a defeat and needed enough time to digest the gains from the battlefield! Summarizing experience and improving the use of abilities are all what he needs to do in front of him!

However, from the moment the doomsday explodes, time waits for no one, and human beings are racing against death all the time!

Also, Xiao Li of the evolutionary tree can clearly feel that there is some kind of mysterious ancient thing calling her in the northwest of this big 6!

Can’t wait! The sound of summoning is getting more and more urgent, as if it is about to be born!

“I see! I will really master all kinds of abilities as soon as possible and use the greatest fighting power! Natural disasters, we will never die!”

Duan Fei also realized that time was running out, Jinbao was taken away, his sister’s whereabouts are still unknown, and one step later will be more dangerous, and he has to race against death!

“Okay! You just need to reflect and cultivate in this evolutionary system first. The real body doesn’t have to be in a hurry to wake up! There is no major chaos in the outside world. You are in a hurry to wake up, but you are disturbed by many trivial things, and you can’t meditately cultivate! Just sitting here , to experience the “Concentration” and the “Hellfire” ability obtained before!” Evolution Tree Xiaoli looked serious, like a coach.

“Yes!” Duan Fei nodded.

Now, you can think carefully about your current abilities.

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