The Frenzy Of Evolution Chapter 475: Memory Metal

Duan Fei disappeared from the spot in a leap, and when he reappeared, he was already above the head of the Lizard monster!

“Roar!” The lizard monster was not easy to provoke. In desperation, he opened his mouth and swallowed a ball of fire into the air. Immediately, the long tail that was originally behind him also came over!

There is only one target, and it is Duan Fei above its head!

“What an insidious trick!” Duan Fei dodged the fireball with a flash in the air, but then the long tail of the lizard monster swept over!

Duan Fei had difficulty exerting force in the air, and he was very close to the lizard monster, so the fireball of the lizard monster came too suddenly and could not be prevented. Fortunately, after Duan Fei upgraded to A rank, his agility and other skills improved by leaps and bounds, so he was in the air. Flash the fireball!

But the lizard tail that comes with it is the real killer move!


With a violent collision, it was Duan Fei who protected the spear in front of him and collided with the long tail of the lizard!

The moment the spear with the engulfing ability touches the lizard’s long tail, it frantically releases the engulfing ability, and the ability suddenly moves towards the skin of the lizard’s long tail like a very thin and sharp silk thread. Medium penetration!

Looking from the side, Duan Fei and the spear are completely wrapped by the long tail of the strong lizard, and there is just a hint of cyan light between them that is constantly fighting and infiltrating!

With a sound of “Boom”, the powerful abilities of one person and one monster were released, and the surrounding ground immediately began to break and collapse!

“Sure enough defense, at least it has touched the edge of A-level! The more you do, the more you have to kill you as soon as possible, otherwise it will be more troublesome if it happens suddenly!”

Duan Fei was hit by the power of the power burst and retreated several meters. After stabilizing his body, he immediately raised his spear and attacked the lizard forward!

Although the smirking lizard involuntarily opened its mouth and showed a “smile”, it was obviously very uncomfortable!

It seems that Duan Fei has injected the phagocytic power into its long tail. The strong phagocytic power is attacking the skin, blood vessels and cells of its tail. It can feel that the energy of its tail is gradually disappearing. The piercing pain is spreading all over the body from its tail nerve!

Before it could react, Duan Fei’s next attack has arrived!

“Roar~” The laughing lizard roared and gritted his teeth.

At this moment, the tough tail, which it has always been proud of, is seriously injured and can never be used again. Then, it can only be hit with a solid head!

A fireball that was several times larger than before was instantly ejected from its mouth and flew towards Duan!

When Duan Fei saw the fireball, he immediately understood the monster’s intention. He used the fireball to attract attention, and then attacked with his powerful body!

“It’s the trick again! This time I’m not so easy to be fooled!”

Duan Fei’s body flashed and disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he was already bypassing the fireball and appeared right in front of the smirking lizard!

“The tail has been destroyed, and the fireball has also avoided. Let’s see what skills you have this time! Weakness halo, strength halo!” Duan Fei raised his spear, and the cyan’s devouring power became deeper and deeper, as if it was about to become reality. It even cast a weak halo over the head of the lizard, and the power halo just strengthened itself!


A strong and harsh metal crash sounded, and the surrounding zombies covered their ears one after another, and even fell in pieces!

And the human warriors on the city wall hundreds of meters away also covered their ears. The voice was so strong, the supernatural powers were not strong, and even blood was flowing out of their ears!

“Good guy, it’s actually made of steel!” Duan Fei let go, looking at the spear that had pierced the smirking lizard’s head in surprise.

At the moment when I stabbed in, I clearly felt that what I stabbed was not flesh and blood, but metal!

On a closer look, I realize that there is really a layer of tough metal hidden under the thick scalp of the lizard monster!

“It’s memory metal, the same material as my spear! If I didn’t use the blessing of strength and blessing at the same time, coupled with the overbearing power of devouring the ability, with the memory metal spear of the same material, if I didn’t want to stab It’s really difficult to break your metal head!”

Duan Fei carefully looked at the spear that pierced deep into the scalp of the lizard monster in front of him. The more he thought about it, the more incredible it became!

As a B-level hunter in his previous life, Duan Fei had also heard that a scientist with a pervert boiled his memory into a liquid at high temperature, and then injected it into the bones of a human being with supernatural powers. After being able to endure the inhuman pain , The power user who has not died will be transformed into a “metal warrior” with an indestructible body!

And then, that was heard after all! It seems that no one has really seen a power user who can withstand high temperature molten iron without dying!

Right now, Duan Fei saw with his own eyes that the rumors of his previous life became true, and the person who was injected with the memory metal turned out to be a B-rank monster!

“Natural disasters! It must be a conspiracy of natural disasters! What kind of power and technology can make them create such terrifying monsters!” Duan Fei’s heart was suddenly filled with doubts and confusion.

Millions of zombies besiege Yanhuang City, and the number is increasing, but they did not really rush into the city, nor did they focus on attacking at one point. Instead, they surrounded the city and then tore with the intercepting human warriors. Moreover, there are also special monsters whose bodies are injected with memory metal…

Judging from the series of reflections on the siege of Yanhuang City by this zombie tide, this must be a means of natural disasters, but what is the purpose that makes them spend so much trouble?

Duan Fei made various speculations about the purpose of the natural disaster’s operation in his mind based on what he saw and heard in the short ten minutes he had come to the Yanhuang City.

However, what he didn’t know was that the four black-clothed men from the natural disaster had already sneaked into the Yanhuang Great City while the chaos was taking advantage of the chaos, targeting the Huaxia Alliance’s headquarters, which was the residence of the old Yanhuang Base, buried deep in the ground. The secret room has been looted, and the task item given by the organization has been found – a mysterious painting!

“Roar—” The laughing lizard, who was stabbed by Duan Fei’s spear, but did not die instantly, roared.

Because the weak halo that Duan Fei had previously covered it has faded, and the intense pain at the moment made it even more angry and unbearable, it actually rolled!

In an instant, the surrounding boulders and zombies were rolled up and thrown into the air.

“You’re not being honest if you’re going to die! You have to make such a big noise, but it’s okay, help me deal with some low-level zombies, you can do some kind deeds before you die, and you will accumulate virtue!” Seeing the laughing lizard The monster was so furious, Duan Fei was not angry but happy.

But the next moment, his already relaxed face suddenly became solemn!

I saw that the lizard monster had a spear stuck on its head. After rolling on the spot for a few pictures in pain, it stood up staggeringly and rammed around. Because the spear injured his optic nerve and cranial nerve, he I couldn’t tell the direction for a long time, and finally chose a random direction and rushed forward.

The direction the lizard monster is rushing straight towards is not biased, it is the direction of the south gate of Yanhuang Great City!

Because the pain was too severe, the lizard monster grinned and grinned as it rushed towards the city gate with a smirk, as if it had already planned to attack the city!

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