The Frenzy Of Evolution Chapter 387: The god-king of the berserk

The earth trembled under the great majesty of the God King. Everyone looked in horror at the God King who opened his huge dragon eyes in the air. The dark yellow and turbid eyes were now covered with blood and blood. The color of hatred, in the terrifying pupils, seems to hide the devil that eats people.

A black shadow flashed beside the **** king like a ghost. In his palm is a light group that flashes regularly. Through the light group, you can see that it is a very evenly cut surface. The crystal, that light is emitted from the crystal.

At this moment, the elder was holding the energy crystal that he had just obtained through hard work. His old face was full of greed and eagerness. He turned to look at No. 1, No. 3, and No. 5, and nodded slightly.

Afterwards, the faces of several people showed joy, and they quickly asked Zuo Ye and others, and the figures converged towards the elder.

“Bastard, what did you do?!” Ye Bao drank.

“Hmph, stinky brats, you will suffer from this now.” The elder looked at the furious Ye Jiren from a distance, said coldly, and waved his arms at the same time, and the figures of the four were in the distance. The place jumped and flickered, and in a few breaths, it disappeared into the air.

Lie chased after him with anger on his face, but he was quickly stopped by Ye Ye: “Lie, don’t chase, since they’ve come, they’ll be able to leave, there should be people outside to meet them, otherwise they won’t be able to. It disappeared so quickly.”

“What should we do then? Just let them run away like this? I’ll just say that there’s nothing wrong with this group of scumbags. Look, that person doesn’t know what to do with the king of God.” Lie heard Ye’s The voice stopped rationally. Even though they had a high degree of freedom, they still had to obey the captain’s arrangement when carrying out the task.

“Let’s see what’s going on with this God King first, and then… Hey, be careful! Everyone spread out, don’t be covered by the God King’s attack!!” Ye looked solemn, just as a few people were worried At the same time, the light wave that carried the destructive wave of the king of gods attacked, and several people instantly plunged into the combat state.


“Elder, what is the use of the monster’s energy crystal in the organization?” No. 1 respectfully stood beside the elder, looking at the faintly fluctuating energy crystal in the elder’s hand, and asked in a low voice.

At this time, several people were standing not far from the battlefield where Ye and the God King fought, and there was a black-robed man among them. His hands turned to the sky, as if he was supporting something.

And if you look from the outside, you will only see a desert and air, and you will not find a few people at all.

The elder stood on the ground, facing the **** king who was gradually furious in the distance, and said slowly: “Since we have taken out the energy core of this monster, it’s okay to tell you here, but you know you have to keep your mouth shut when you go back. Say it as if you don’t know.”

“Yes.” Several people said in unison.

The elder put the energy core in front of him, his eyes seemed to show vicissitudes and melancholy, and said: “That seems to be a long, long time ago, that is, in the ancient times, when the ancient **** civilization still existed, human beings had the supreme Treasures and wealth, they stand at the top of the pyramid of the world.”

“Beyond this, there are always some races that covet the wealth of human beings, but they are just some low-level races, and it is natural to go against humans. When a disaster strikes, several great men among human beings take action to seal it, and at the same time, the catastrophe of heaven and earth comes, and human beings urgently seal all the wisdom crystals in the forbidden land, smash the keys to open the forbidden land, and disperse them in the world. Everywhere.”

“And one of the pieces was directly sealed by humans in the body of the **** king, and this has become the most critical key to suppress the **** king. With this key of origin, the **** king can be suppressed in the ancient city. However, the key to the origin is hidden in the body of the God-king, that is, in the dragon-shaped monster you have seen.”

“So the organization has not taken action for thousands of years. The reason is to wait for the moment when it recovers, and this energy core in my hand is the key to the origin of one of the keys to the forbidden land of the ancient gods.”

The eyes of everyone listened to a fiery look, and greed was raised in their eyes. Looking at the eyes of several people, the elder snorted coldly: “You guys shouldn’t have any unreasonable thoughts, this origin Even I only know the background of the key, and I don’t know the details. The access permissions are even more limited, and once the key of origin is brought back, it must be handed over to the organization, so you don’t have greed. .”

“Let’s go, although the key of origin can keep the god-king unchanged for thousands of years, once it is lost, the god-king is just a crazy reptile, let it go to the skynet’s Kill a few stinky brats.” The elder waved his sleeves and nodded, then turned back, and the figure quickly disappeared to the extreme.


The blazing flame shrouded the ice, she resisted it stubbornly, and she couldn’t pull out her hands to resolve it. The god-king in a state of rage was several times stronger than before, and the temperature of the flame instantly reached the top of Baidu. Getting ice is a little bit laborious.

The shadow of the blade flashing like lightning swept outside the flame mask shrouded in ice, and then a figure came in through a subtle slit, and then hugged the shocked ice and disappeared instantly.

Ye put down the ice unnaturally. He dared not look at Bing’s eyes at this time. This is the second time he has touched ice in this battle. According to Bing’s character, if there is a third time, even if It is the icicle that cannot escape the ice even if he is the captain.

This is known to everyone in Skynet.

Simply, the situation is urgent, Bing didn’t care too much, turned around and threw himself into the defense, Ye slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and a wave of nothingness slid through the void in front of him, and his figure flickered. , to avoid the wind blade that is several times stronger than the original.

But when he dodged away, there were several high-speed wind blades flying from the right side. The speed of the wind blades had reached the level that even the night had to deal with it, but he still underestimated the rage. the king of gods.


A turn around accidentally, Ye’s waist was cut with a long cut by a huge wind blade, and a bloodstain appeared under Ye’s torn clothes. After a few seconds, the blood was left along Ye’s skin. .

Zero ran from one side. She took out the medicine box she was carrying, quickly found the hemostatic agent, and sprayed a few drops on Ye’s wound. The blood slowly solidified and turned into a crimson blood flail.

Ye turned her head and nodded: “Thank you.”

Zero smiled and shook his head.

Lei didn’t say hello to Ye when he ran over to spray the hemostatic agent just now, but Ye stood there stably and let him play with it. It’s not that Ye’s reaction ability is slow, but that he completely trusts his own Team members, they have been almost perfect after years of running in.

So the trivial matter of rushing to the battlefield to apply medicine has become accustomed to the team members.

The god-king in the runaway state seems to be getting more and more violent. A fierce flame burns on his body, the flames rise, and it seems to be scorching the sky. A huge lightning is brewing and descending in the sky, and then it is injected into the body of the god-king. .

The frightening wave that seems to destroy the world is also getting stronger.

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