The Frenzy Of Evolution Chapter 386: Movement

Lie stared blankly at Bing’s back, then turned to look at No. 3, shaking his head slightly, he really didn’t understand what Bing’s little head was thinking, but there were regulations in Skynet, once anyone If the enemy is bound or the opponent admits defeat, the member in Skynet has the highest execution power over the enemy. [

So even if Lie has the intention to prevent future troubles, he has no right to interfere with Bing’s decision.

The steps under his feet are like phantoms, and Ye’s figure roams between No. 1 and No. 5, like a fish swimming in the water. But obviously, the few people sent by the natural disaster were not vegetarian either.

Aside from No. 1’s powerful ability “electricity”, No. 5 also has a strange ability to create toxins. The squad must have some kind of conspiracy or goal.

But the name of a Skynet-class warrior is not just a shout. Ye’s lips curved, an inexplicable smile rippled on his handsome face, and his figure suddenly stopped. The long knife in his hand was already cut open by No. 5’s exclaimed eyes.

However, just as Ye’s blade slashed No. 5, his body suddenly fell down, causing Ye’s long blade to slash in the air. He looked down, and the thick black soil was wriggling at this moment. , as if it were some kind of viscous liquid, and No. 5 just fell from it.


When the sound of sparks came, Ye suddenly turned around and slashed out a long knife, cutting off the lightning that came from the explosion. It wasn’t over yet. Dozens of lightning bolts filled with electric light flew towards him like tiny long snakes.

Bang, bang, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding ding, but just as Ye concentrated on defense, his ankle was suddenly grabbed by a pair of pale palms, and a huge black robe emerged from the previous swamp. It was No. 5. He held Ye tightly in both hands.


Just when Ye was caught off guard, No. 5 made a sudden force, and Ye fell directly to the ground. A pale smile appeared on No. 5’s face. He continued to pull Ye, trying to push him away dragged into his poisonous swamp.

Ye was caught off guard by the attack of No. 5, and the current situation is a little embarrassing. The attacks of No. 1 are still being thrown at him continuously, and No. 5 is constantly pulling behind his hind feet. The captain of the net-level warrior squad is also a little powerless.

Obviously, the level of the people sent by the natural disaster is no different from theirs, that is to say, they are also Awakeners who have reached the s-level.

Originally, it was only with the joint efforts of four people that they were able to draw a little bit with the king of gods, and they were evenly matched, but now three s-level awakeners are flying in to compete with them, and their abilities are also not weak. It made him a little tired.

The huge tearing force came from the ankle, Ye clenched his teeth, but the pain only lasted for a few seconds before dissipating, he slid to the side, and Bing shot with a cold face. The poisonous swamp has long been frozen into ice, and No. 5’s body is frozen in the swamp with his mouth slightly open.

Ye Chaobing smiled, then quickly got up, his figure flashed in the electric light, and he came to No. 1’s side with a breath, and he pulled a knife and bullied him in.

No. 1 was fearless, with electric sparks beating in the palm of his hand. He stepped back with the soles of his feet, and used his body surrounded by lightning to avoid Ye’s long knife in a very thrilling way.

No. 1 is the owner of the “Lightning” ability. He has the powerful attack power of lightning, and also has the pole of lightning. Therefore, in the previous confrontation with Ye, he was still able to stay ahead, but he From the control of the degree, obviously No. 1 is much inferior to Ye.

So after a few rounds, No. 1 was defeated, and the two collided again. No. 1 flew out backwards, the sharp blade pressed against his throat, Ye lowered his head, and his voice was a little bit loud. Deeply: “You natural disasters, what are you doing here?”

No. 1 looked at Ye, who seemed to kill him if he disagreed, with some hesitation in his mouth. At this moment, his eyes turned to the back of Bing and Lie, who were walking slowly. The ice on No. 3 gradually melted, and No. 5 also produced a strong corrosive toxin at this moment to slowly melt the ice layer of the ice.

No. 1 withdrew his gaze, lowered his head slowly, and said in a hoarse voice: “Does the natural disaster people do what they send and who does it have to do with your Skynet? You four hairy boys are just here to carry out a mission , just do your task well, you don’t need to worry about so many things.”

Ye frowned, his blade was about to pierce No. 1’s neck, but at this moment, cold hairs suddenly stood up on his back, an uneasy sense of danger exploded in his mind, he turned around abruptly, borrowed With the ability of teleportation, he saw that three dark green liquids in the air swept across the air, flying towards Lie, Bing, and behind him, who had arrived at this time. out.

The strong and the ice are also the sneak attacks behind Xian, each automatically defending against this unknown liquid. What surprised Ye Ye was that the dark green liquid was not scattered on the ground because of his long knife, but instead collapsed, like a fountain.

Seeing that the droplets with the sour smell were about to drip onto the body, Ye’s figure suddenly disappeared into the air, and the number one behind him also quickly got up, the electric light flashed in his hand, and three silver flashing arcs suddenly shot out , the target is locked on the three people.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of attacking and defending sounded one after another, and the sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded on the originally quiet hills.


But at this moment, the sound of the dragon’s roar resounding in the sky exploded in everyone’s ears without any warning, and several of them all looked at the God King who had been standing there before.

I saw the God King, whose limbs were fixed, at this moment, a pair of giant claws began to move slowly, with colorful energy beating on the giant claws, blazing flames, strange wind blades, sharp soil thorns, The haunting electric light…

Various energies surged and mixed on his palms, blending together. At first, these fluctuations just stayed on his giant claws, but as more and more body parts were able to move, The energy groups that seemed to be filled with destructive fluctuations began to spread wantonly throughout the body.

The towering trees and branches all over the ground that had been overwhelmed couldn’t bear the mighty pressure that fell from the sky, but they burst and shattered in the eyes of everyone’s astonishment, turning into pieces of debris all over the ground.

A violent wave of light suddenly rose from a circle with a radius of fifty meters around the **** king, the earth trembled at this moment, dust and debris flew together, and a wave that was like destroying the sky and destroying the earth faintly Scattered out from the body of the God King!

It seems that I forgot to update it yesterday, and now I will add it

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