The Frenzy Of Evolution Chapter 354: Charming

In the early morning, before the sun has risen, the 50 competition areas in the outer city are already full of people at this moment. Water leaks.

Now the 1,000 members of the patrol team have all been selected. This is to choose the strongest among the winners, so today’s battle will be more intense and exciting than yesterday’s.

At the judges’ table, the five judges and some senior members of the Star Alliance have already taken their seats, while Duan Fei is still wandering around the competition area, looking for some more potential fighters.

After visiting all the competition areas, Duan Fei couldn’t help but feel some emotions in his heart.

After the establishment of the Covenant, all his energy has been focused on the basic construction of the Covenant, as well as the cultivation of his own top combat power, but neglected, it turns out that there are many scattered Awakeners and the public among these huge bases. The existence of infinite potential.

Of course, among these thousand people, none of their abilities are A-level, and even B-level abilities are not more than one-handed, but the level of abilities is not a criterion for judging a person’s potential. Taking all aspects into consideration is the best way to consider talents.

As mentioned before, the level of power does not mean everything. Each power is a few special beings, all with their own unique properties. As long as the awakened person can grasp the nature of his ability well, and use it, or even change it, then even if the power level is low, he can still exert power beyond the power itself.

For example, the ability of “growth”, the ability of this ability is to make plants grow rapidly. Among the plant-based abilities, the “growth” ability is just an extremely common D-level ability.

In a previous life, Duan Fei knew an owner of the “growth” ability. No matter where he was, he would carry a large number of plant seeds with him, especially the seeds of thorns and vines. When fighting , sowing seeds, activating abilities, and facing endless vine attacks, even if you encounter a powerhouse with A-level ability, you can still fight.

And, because of the characteristics of his ability, he can produce a large amount of food for a period of time, so the owner of the “growth” ability, his treatment in the base, and those A-level awakeners, are all is on an equal footing.

So don’t underestimate these ordinary awakened people. They are the Covenant and the backbone of the entire human race. At certain critical moments, they are often able to do things that the so-called top powerhouses cannot.

After walking around in the various competition areas, Duan Fei returned to his seat, looked back at Luo Haisheng, and said with a smile: “This competition, there are many interesting players, it seems that our Star Alliance is crouching tiger hiding. Dragon!”

“The commander is joking!” Hearing Duan Fei’s words, Luo Haisheng’s expression did not fluctuate at all, then took out a roster from his arms, handed it to Duan Fei, and said:

“After the game yesterday, the Magic Moon and I selected a few players who we think have more potential. Take a look at them first!”

“You have done a very thorough job, not bad!” Duan Fei nodded with satisfaction, and then focused his eyes on the roster in his hand.

Yesterday was just an audition. They were able to select the best among the thousand people in such a short period of time. It seems that Luo Haisheng really put his heart into this work.

There are not many names on the roster. According to a rough calculation, there are about 100 to 200 people. Each person’s name has a detailed introduction and ability analysis. The combat power and potential of each team member are clear at a glance.

Among these names, Duan Fei found a lot of familiar shadows. Of course, he didn’t know the names of these people, but he knew their abilities by heart. And among the more than 100 people, there are twelve, and their names are marked with red stars.

“There are eight of these people, and their abilities are all B-level, while the remaining four, although the ability level is slightly lower, their comprehensive combat power is no worse than the owners of these B-level abilities, and even Even better!” Luo Haisheng explained while noticing that Duan Fei’s eyes were focused on the names marked with red stars.

“Actually, before the competition, these 12 people were also some well-known guys in the Star Alliance, so I wrote their names before the screening. But from the actual combat point of view, they The performance did not disappoint me, these 12 people have never lost a game since the beginning of the game, and the top 12 winners have all been firmly grasped by them!”

“Well, good!” Duan Fei nodded, stretched out his hand to close the roster, and slowly swept his eyes across the field in front of him: “Xiao Luo, among these twelve people, who do you like the most!”

“Eh, who do you like?” Luo Haisheng was slightly taken aback, as if he did not expect Duan Fei to suddenly ask him this question. Compared with Duan Fei, Li Feng, and even the zodiac signs, he is much weaker. It is a bit embarrassing for him to judge this kind of thing.

Noticing the change in Luo Haisheng’s mood, Duan Fei smiled slightly and said, “It’s okay, just tell me your own opinion, don’t think about anything else!”

After Duan Fei finished speaking, Luo Haisheng was silent for a moment, his eyes slowly extended into the distance, and then he focused on a figure that was moving very fast, and murmured: “If you want to say the most optimistic thing, it is the sixth-ranked warrior. , charm away!”

“Sixth!” Duan Fei was a little surprised when he heard Luo Haisheng’s words.

He thought Luo Haisheng would recommend the first ranked Awakener with B-level ability to him, but it turned out to be the sixth ranked Meili.

“As far as I know, this Mei Li’s ability is only a “beast-like” ability in the middle C-rank range. What is it that can make you have such confidence in her!” Duan Fei couldn’t help asking.

“If you want to say the reason, I can’t tell you the specifics. If I have to say it, it’s the feeling!” Luo Haisheng said seriously.

“Feel?” Duan Fei was slightly taken aback.

“Yes, I feel!” Luo Haisheng nodded, his eyes narrowed slightly: “I have seen her battle with this Meili, no matter if she is facing anyone, even if it is an existence that is much stronger than her, I will never I haven’t seen any panic from her, only the calmness that is almost scolding. Maintaining this amazing calmness, she will not make any mistakes in battle, any details, any slight mistakes of the enemy, she will To hold it firmly, so to speak, she is a born warrior!”

“Born warrior!” Duan Fei muttered to himself.

There are some people in this world who have talents beyond ordinary people in some aspects, and of course also have talents in combat. Perhaps this Meili, her outstanding fighting talent, to a certain extent, made up for the shortcomings of her own abilities.

Thinking in his mind, Duan Fei has developed a strong interest in this charm, or in the existence of the top 12.

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