The Frenzy Of Evolution Chapter 299: Migration

There are not many people in the Luoxia Base, but it depends on when. When he heard about the book, Duan Fei didn’t think there were tens of thousands of people. After all, when he participated in the battle, he saw nearly 100,000 human soldiers and two or three people. An army of monsters twice as large as human soldiers.

However, what Duan Fei saw at the time was only soldiers in combat status, and he had never seen soldiers in a weight-bearing state. And when more than 50,000 people gathered all the family’s pots, pans, pans, quilts, mattresses, etc. in front of Duan Fei, Duan Fei suddenly felt a big headache. ??

He never thought that moving would be such a hassle, because in his previous life he was alone, and wherever he went, he only had to carry some weapons. So Duan Fei didn’t know much about moving.

Duan Fei was immediately dumbfounded when he saw the team that had suddenly grown four or five times larger.

“Any questions, Ah Fei?” Seeing that Duan Fei’s face changed, Li Feng quietly moved to Duan Fei’s side and asked in a low voice.

“Brother Li, I want to ask you something.” Duan Fei also asked in a low voice.

“What’s the matter, as long as I know, I will tell you everything.” Li Feng said with a smile, but soon Li Feng changed his tune. “If I wanted to ask something private, I wouldn’t say it.?”

When Commander Luo was chatting with Duan Fei, Duan Fei didn’t hide, so Li Feng naturally knew some of the little secrets that Commander Luo “accidentally” said. What Wan Duanfei wanted to know was some matters between men and women, but Li Feng thought he was thick-skinned, but he didn’t want to tell anyone those little secrets.

“What are you talking about?” Duan Fei rolled his eyes and looked at Li Feng, then whispered, “If you move, do you need to bring so many things?”

After all, when the Samsara team of five people added a gold treasure, they only brought a medical kit, some seasonings, and some weapons to carry, and the rest were gone. And because of the existence of the ring, they don’t even need to bring their backpacks when they go out.

“Moving is to bring all the things that can be used at home.” Li Feng moved, of course, after the end. At the beginning, Li Feng and Tranquility needed to move back and forth. Li Feng still knows a little bit about the amount of things he needs to take with him when moving, but he doesn’t have as many things as the people in the base carry.

“Then, people, you are responsible, things, I will be responsible.??” Duan Fei thought about it, and finally chose to use his ring to be responsible for taking away these messy things.

“Are you yourself?” Duan Fei didn’t tell anyone about the dimension ring. Not distrust, but guilt. The existence of the dimensional ring itself is enough to make many people in the world fall into a state of madness. Li Feng didn’t know about the dimension ring, that’s why he asked such a question.

“I feel like I’m about to make a breakthrough in strength recently. It just so happens that this time the relocation base needs to move a lot of things, which is quite suitable for me to practice.” Duan Fei said with a smile.

“That’s it, that’s okay, everyone, listen to me.” Li Feng called everyone over and told everyone what Duan Fei thought.

After a brief negotiation, the civilians in the base finally chose to carry those things that are easy to break with them, and those things that are larger and not easy to break are handed over to Duan Fei to deal with .

“Everyone is following.” Chen Jiahao shouted while sitting on Jinbao’s back, and then exerted gravity control.

“Why do you let us walk while you sit?” This is how the bad roots of civilians are. When they encounter a tyrannical existence, they don’t dare to say a word. But after seeing Duan Fei and his group being relatively friendly, seeing that Chen Jiahao and others were all sitting on Jinbao’s back, while all the tens of thousands of himself were walking, he immediately became unbalanced. Some people even started scolding, but because Jinbao, who kept his “smile” all the time, was a little too hideous, so the complaints were not very loud.

Li Feng is too lazy to care about these people. Poor people must have something to hate. Although the following people who complain are really hateful, but as long as a seed of awe is planted in their hearts, these people will only honestly guard their duties for the rest of their lives, and dare not have any wrong thoughts. . Thinking of this, Li Feng casually shouted:

“Take two steps first and you’ll know.”

“Two steps, just two steps, can you still… eh?”

As soon as they stepped out, everyone was aware of the problems in their bodies.

“My body seems to be a lot lighter, how about you?”

“Me too, I don’t seem to have any trouble walking at all!”

“Me too!”

“Me too!”

A minute ago, the citizens of Luoxia Base who were still resentful of Fei Tian felt the strangeness in their bodies, and naturally knew that this was due to the above few people.

Originally, they also knew that Jinbao’s size was large, but at most he could only climb a dozen people. There are as many as 50,000 civilians in Luoxia Base. If they want to fly to Longmen Mountain on Jinbao’s back, it is estimated that it will be the next day when they are all settled there.

And the reincarnation team has only five people. If the civilians are sent to the Dragon Gate with gold treasures, there must be at least two people left to guard them. Otherwise, in the event of an accident, the civilians who are sent over will be on the chopping block. It’s just fish and meat. Whether it is encountering monsters or awakened people from other bases, they can only be beaten passively and have no room to fight back.

But the Samsara team only had five people plus one Jinbao, and Anya and Lin Ming couldn’t deal with the massive monster attack, so Li Feng and Chen Jiahao were definitely the ones who stayed behind.

Then another problem arises. The only people in charge of escorting were Anya and Lin Ming. And Jinbao, which is the carrier of transportation personnel, must not be able to change tasks at will. At this time, they fell into the first question, the strength of Anya and Lin Ming.

Of course, it is undeniable that both the Black Queen and the Wind Whisperer are extremely terrifying in the later stage, but that was in the later stage, and now, they are just a little boy who has just entered the middle stage of D-level. , the other’s strength is only at the peak of E-level, once faced with a large group of monsters, it is destined to be reduced to food.

So although such a one-time migration target is very large, it is easy to attract monsters to be besieged, but like those herbivores that migrate with the rainy season in Africa, in groups, it can ensure the safety of the large army.

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