The Frenzy Of Evolution Chapter 226: Tension

The next day, when they were found in the federal base, Duan Fei and his party had long since disappeared. After hearing the news, Commander Luo felt both joy and guilt in his heart.

After all, Duan Fei’s departure means to a certain extent, he has lost much connection with the federal base. If the alliance is held accountable, he will have enough reasons to get rid of most of the federal base. Trouble.

However, at the same time as this kind of rejoicing, deep in Rosling’s heart, there is a deep guilt hidden. After all, what Professor Jiang said was right. Although the federal base was the result of everyone’s efforts, without Duan Fei, the Federation would not have reached today. But he did this, thinking that he had betrayed the benefactor of the entire Federation, which made Commander Luo feel very uncomfortable.

However, guilt is guilt, this sin, Commander Luo has decided to bear, for the future of the entire Federation, he can only do so.

“Report Commander, Yanhuang Base has sent news, the time is almost here.” At this time, a signal soldier looked at Commander Luo respectfully and said quietly, his small eyes were filled with the high respect of Commander Luo. It is the old man in front of him who has always been on the front line. When the end comes, he still insists that the army should be the people’s army, a national tool that exists only to protect the people. For this old man, in the hearts of almost all federal people, there is only gratitude and admiration.

“Okay, I get it!” Commander Luo nodded, putting away the guilt in his heart, and the expression on his face gradually became serious. ????? 1 Now the human defense line plan, after the crisis in city c has been successfully resolved, the initial steps have been completed. All the war zones have been seized and established, so the next step is the great counterattack of the entire Jiangnan monster.

The basic steps have been completed, and all the war zones have been connected into a siege line. At that time, all the base troops of the entire Huaxia Alliance will gather, and mankind will defeat the monster for the first time and regain their homeland.

When Yanhuang Base was building this plan, its grand blueprint really made everyone’s heart move. But apart from those who were agitated, truly wise people like Commander Ross knew that this war was just an empty shell after all. Humans today are far less powerful than monsters, and rash moves will only fail.

As Duan Fei once said, they overlooked a key point, that is, once the general offensive starts, they will not only face the monsters in the city.

And the Yangtze River!

“That boy Duan Fei once mentioned to me that the Yangtze River may not be as peaceful as it seems.” Commander Luo sighed.

“It has already reached this point, and it’s useless to say it.” Professor Jiang also supports Duan Fei’s idea. Although it is only a guess, the Yangtze River, after all, is one of the two mother rivers that gave birth to the Chinese civilization. . Since the Chinese nation has been nourished to such a large number at the beginning, it is naturally possible to breed monsters whose number is not inferior to the number of humans. ?

Who knows how many creatures there are in the river, if the monsters in it burst out of the water, it will be a terrifying force.

However, even though Duan Fei is tyrannical, he is still only a nameless person. Of course, this name is only a reputation within the entire Yanhuang, not within the federal base. Federal bases, among the nearly 100 large and small bases in the country, the size of the federal bases is only low. Duan Fei, the title of God of War, to the people in the base outside, is just a clown-like existence. They don’t really believe it.

After all, a person can withstand a corpse tide of more than 10,000. This kind of thing, don’t even think about it, it’s fake! Especially when this happened at the beginning of the doomsday outbreak?

“It’s good that Duan Fei is gone, but he’s gone. It’s not easy for us to choose a strong leader in our base.” Commander Luo shook his head with a wry smile. . At the same time, I remembered what Professor Jiang said last night – without the God of War, is the Federation still the Federation?

“But even if he’s here, are you really too embarrassed to invite him?” Professor Jiang sneered. “Last night, I said that my biggest bottom line is not to help each other, and now I’m still thinking about letting people continue to help you, but your old man’s face is getting thicker and thicker.”

“Shut up for me!” Commander Roger scolded angrily. “I heard that in this general offensive, each team must have a strong enough leader, and many bases are led by people from the Yanhuang Base. I’m afraid they will send people over, maybe, that Demon Moon is them. The candidate is not necessarily the same.” Professor Jiang said lightly, with a mocking expression:

“In this case, I’m afraid, this time, I don’t know how many soldiers from our federal base will come back.

“It shouldn’t be!” Commander Luo shook his head, his eyes were cold: “Our federation is not a vassal of his Yanhuang base after all, and our army can’t be dictated by others. Don’t forget, we still have ten fighters. , although the God of War is no longer there, the top ten warriors will always be our federation, the most solid backing!”


Duan Fei left quietly, no one knew that the **** of war they admired had been abandoned by the federal base at this time.

After the initial offensive and defensive battle in the war zone ended, it didn’t take long before the final plan of the Huaxia Alliance led by the Yanhuang Base was finally launched.

During this period of time, all major bases have received orders, and after resting for a period of time after the war, all bases begin to assemble troops to prepare for the next final battle.

The reorganization of the army took a few days, followed by waiting for orders to be issued. Showdowns with monsters are no small matter, and if the timing is wrong, it’s broken. Before the war, it was arranged under the command of the Yanhuang base and proceeded in an orderly manner. The endless army gathered together and gathered on the battlefield to form a force capable of destroying everything.

The eve of the war was quiet, but beneath this quiet there was indeed a turbulent undercurrent.


Seven days later, the instructions from the Yanhuang base arrived—the day after tomorrow, at five o’clock in the morning, all the troops of the base were dispatched, with the goal of starting from the first line of defense and advancing in the direction of the Yangtze River!

“Drinking horses on the Yangtze River, this Yanhuang base has a lot of appetite.”

In the base, the federal troops have been assembled. Looking at the troops standing neatly under the stage, Commander Luo sighed in his heart. War is always cruel, whether it is the attacker or the defender, once the war is opened, human life will immediately become a rolling number, that’s all.

“I’m afraid that their teeth are not very good, and they may rest their teeth!” Professor Jiang glanced at Commander Luo lightly. After Duan Fei’s incident, he, who didn’t care about these things at all, also Slowly began to pay attention to the dynamics of the entire Huaxia Alliance. After learning that this action was right, he did not hesitate to express his ridicule towards the Yanhuang base that planned this counter-offensive.

“Anyway, this is the first large-scale battle that we humans have initiated in a year. You old man should have some morals.” Although Commander Luo is not optimistic about the outcome of this war, but this is the general trend, and he can’t To stop, you can only follow the trend.

“It seems that the guys at the Yanhuang Base have some self-awareness, and they didn’t send any special personnel to receive our team!” Looking at all this lightly, Professor Jiang sneered.

Listening to Professor Jiang’s words, Commander Luo remained silent and did not speak, with a very solemn expression on his face.

Somehow, it was precisely because they didn’t send someone here that Commander Luo’s unease was even more serious. He always felt that behind all of this, there was always something moving, like a hound in the dark, always ready to rush out and devour him.

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