Cover The Sky With One Hand, Beat The Ground With The Other Chapter 2:

I spent two days in the inn in tears.

Of course, you will rest when you are tired from crying, eat when you are hungry, and sleep when you are full. The so-called use of tears is outside the normal work and rest time.

But that doesn’t mean I’m not sad enough. In fact, that night, I was really devastated. I didn’t want to open and close the door, untied my belt and hung the beam, and committed suicide.

Then the beams collapsed.

Afterwards, it was me who took pains to put the blame on the material of the wooden beams. The shopkeeper still made me lose three taels of silver. He obviously thought it was mainly because I was too heavy.

I was so heartbroken that I broke the jar and spent a lot of money on the food.

In the end, I’m going to die, and I’m also a dead ghost.

However, although this inn is not very strong, the food is excellent. I forgot to meet the king of **** while eating. By the time I remembered it, I had largely passed the period of despair, and my sanity gradually returned to normal.

I can’t help but reflect on how I always commit suicide on the spur of the moment. Although I can’t remember why I jumped off a cliff a few years ago, hanging the inn silently is definitely a stupid act.

Death is more important than Mount Tai, and a too low-key way of dying has no meaning in life.

I’m thinking about a flamboyant sacrifice, such as hanging at the wedding banquet mansion held by the Nie Zhao family.

Thinking of this makes me cry again.

I miss Xu Fang so much, how to die for him, but he wants to marry another woman.

A year ago their wedding had an accident, and they reunited a year later. Maybe he doesn’t care about the blank of one year, but for me, it is all the memory is full of.

I don’t think I can just sit still and muster up the courage to grab a relative. It is true that I will not be killed when I sit in the inn. If I go to grab my relatives, I will probably be able to fulfill my long-cherished wish of a heroic sacrifice.

First of all, I don’t have a wedding invitation, so I can’t walk in openly. Then I don’t have martial arts skills, so I don’t have the ability to break in unimpeded. Finally, the walls of Nie’s house are a bit high. If you climb up with a ladder, then jump down. It is to die before the apprenticeship.

After thinking about it, I gave up this too radical idea and thought it would be safer to ask Xu Fang to come out and have a good talk.

How to ask him out is another big problem. If there is enough time, I may consider stalking or following the whole day and other methods step by step, but unfortunately, they will get married the day after.

I wrote two letters.

While Zhao Yanran was strolling around the cloth, she seduced a passerby with a candied haws and gave her one of the letters.

Usually Zhao Yanran would ask after reading the letter: “Little brother, who gave this to you?” And the child immediately shook his head, said he didn’t know, and then ran away. As soon as I saw the envelope, my face turned crimson with a smile, and I rewarded my little brother with a piece of silver, which really made me feel very scary.

Fortunately, her expression changed drastically after she opened the letter, and then she looked around in astonishment, and finally ran away with her skirt in hand.

This is a normal person’s reaction.

I walked out of the blind spot with a bag on my back, and walked slowly along the street for two laps. When I reached the gate of Nie’s house, I handed another letter to the guard at the gate, and shoved the silver I stole from my little brother into the door. He just went to the appointment with satisfaction.

The location of the date is a bamboo forest on the outskirts of the city, and the date is with Zhao Yanran.

Dating her is not because I was abandoned by Xu Fang, so I am not in love, even if I really want to be empathetic, it will not be transferred to her, although I have to admit that she is a great beauty.

Beauty is standing alone in the bamboo forest at this moment, her delicate and gentle body is shivering by the wind, and she looks weak. I quietly approached her and said affectionately, “Miss Zhao wears so little, be careful of catching a cold.”

Seeing that it was me, Zhao Yanran took two steps back: “You… why did you come.”

She was probably annoyed that I was not punctual, so I said apologetically, “I’ve been delayed on the way, and Miss Lao Zhao has been waiting for a long time.”

She began to look around in a panic again, until when she confirmed that there were only two of us left, she took out the letter I gave her from her sleeve and asked through gritted teeth, “Why do you want to write this in your brother’s handwriting? letter?”

I was startled, no wonder she showed that look when she saw the letter, thinking it was a love letter written to her by her brother Ran, I smiled: “I used to be intimate with him, but I would Is it any wonder to write his words?”

Zhao Yanran stared at me angrily: “If you say that, he won’t believe you.”

“Since Miss Zhao is here, she’s worried that the paper won’t cover the fire,” I indifferently spread my hands: “If you’re not afraid, then why should we talk about it?”

She hesitated for a moment, then took out a stack of silver bills from her clothes and stuffed it to me: “One thousand taels, a lot of money, what about the stuff?”

I was speechless and choked for a moment, and I couldn’t help but wonder if this young lady was too simple, and she didn’t even understand the principle of “paying for money and delivering goods with one hand”. I took off my bag, glanced behind her, and asked cautiously, “I wonder how Miss Zhao’s martial arts are?”

Zhao Yanran slowly turned her head in the direction of my eyes, and said with some fear, “I, I don’t know martial arts, what’s wrong?”

I breathed a sigh of relief and calmly took out the hemp rope in my bag: “That’s good.”

Zhao Yanran stared at the hemp rope in astonishment and stammered: “What, what are you going to do?!”

I said: “Don’t worry, I don’t know martial arts either…”

She also sighed in relief.

I just didn’t finish my sentence: “But I have a lot of strength, I should beat you.”

Zhao Yanran: “…”

After I tied her up tightly, she finally got tired of scolding: “If I lose a hair, then my brother will never let you go.”

I leaned down and stretched out my hand to pull out one of her hair: “Why don’t you show this hair to your brother Ran, it will make him feel distressed?”

She had probably never seen a kidnapper like me before, she choked for a long time, and her delicate appearance was really pitiful, I sighed: “I won’t hurt you, but there are some things I want to tell him face to face. “After a pause, “Actually, you know me, right? You should also know that he is… Why did you forget me.”

She turned her head silently and didn’t answer, as if she was sad. I think I guessed why she was sad, but she really didn’t want to think about it.

When Xu Fang came, it was the time when the moon was sinking. When he saw us, deep anger brewed in those dark eyes: “Who are you?!”

I was stunned for a while before I realized that he was talking to me. Just now, because I thought Zhao Yanran was making a lot of noise, I had blocked her mouth with a cloth. At this moment, it really looked like I was being held hostage. I simply exposed the dagger in my sleeve, By the side of her neck: “You take one step closer, don’t blame the sword without eyes.”

He looked at me coldly and finally took a step back: “What’s your purpose?”

No purpose, just want to have a good talk with you, Xu Fang.

I didn’t say that, but threw the letter I wrote to Zhao Yanran to him: “Do you know why she came? Because I told her that I have evidence that you have lived in Chenjia Village this year, There is also a notice that Xia Yanghou was looking for you that day, use these to exchange for her 1,000 taels of silver notes.” I threw the silver notes in front of him, “Look, she actually gave it.”

Xu Fang frowned and read the letter and notice: “You…”

“My purpose is to tell you the truth, although I don’t know why you forgot about the past year overnight, but I… don’t want you to be so confused with her before you find out the truth. married.”

Zhao Yanran wanted to shake her head helplessly, but for fear of being hurt by the dagger, she had to open her tearful eyes and whimper in grievance.

After a long time, Xu Fang put down the letter, and his voice could not hear the emotion: “What is the girl trying to tell me? Tell me that this year, I have become a different person? But what does this have to do with me marrying her?”

I said incredulously: “You, aren’t you curious about what happened this year? How do you know that after all those things you still…will you marry her?”

Under the hazy moonlight, Xu Fang looked at me momentarily: “Could it be that the girl is saying that I have changed my heart this year?”

My heart skips a beat.

He said: “I had a white-headed appointment with Yanran. If I really did what the girl said, wouldn’t I be a heartbreaker? Since God made me forget this memory, why should I insist on remembering it? Meng Yanran If I don’t give up, I should treat her wholeheartedly, right?”


I saw Zhao Yanran burst into tears.

It turns out that I was wrong from the beginning. On that day, they were forced to separate, and it was me who took advantage of the emptiness to enter. Now, they’re about to get married, and I’m another mess.

I pursed my lips tightly, restraining myself from crying. Xu Fang stared at my hand holding the dagger: “You haven’t let her go yet?”

I didn’t let go, I’m still… unwilling. However, what can be done.

On that day, Xu Fang told me not to leave sadly. Now, what can I do other than leave?

I didn’t even get to say goodbye to him.

I took off the jade flute from my waist and looked at him: “Can you play a piece of music for me?”

He said coldly: “What other tricks do you want to play?”

I threw Yu Xiao at his feet and said, “That piece is called Xu Feng and Yue. After you finish playing, I will let Miss Zhao go.”

He said, “I’ve never heard the name.”

Yes, Xu Feng and Yue, this is a song composed by Xu Fang for He Feng. He has forgotten about Xu Fang, how can he remember it.

He once said that if he changed his mind, I would hit him on the head with Yu Xiao.

But I was reluctant to do it after all, so I just said: “Then I sing a sentence, you blow a sentence, okay?”

He did not refuse. In order to protect his Yanran, how dare he refuse.

In the bamboo forest under the moonlight, a woman hummed softly and a man played a flute in the forest. The scene was so beautiful, just like the days when Zefeng and Xu Fang were still in the countryside.

The tune he blows, the way he blows the flute, the calm and quiet gesture, he is my favorite Xu Fang.

But these are fake, I stole them.

Suddenly I couldn’t sing any longer, and the sound of the xiao stopped abruptly. Xu Fang maintained the posture of holding the xiao, and his indifferent expression suddenly changed: “Girl…is your love for me?”

I’m stuck.

He looked at me fixedly, with a familiar look between his brows: “I am in love with me in the past year?”

I shuddered at a loss: “You, do you remember anything?”

Just as I took a half-step to get close to him, the dark shadow in front of me swept the wind, and I received a real slap on the shoulder. In an instant, I heard a cracking sound, and Xu Fang was already hugging him. Zhao Yanran was a few steps away from me.

The weeds swayed in the wind, and I fell into it, clutching my heart in confusion. I couldn’t help but wonder why the palm was clearly on the shoulder, but the pain was piercing here.

Xu Fang untied Zhao Yanran’s restraints and confirmed that she was not injured, before he said to me: “Do you know what crime it was to kidnap the prime minister’s daughter?”

I didn’t answer. It doesn’t matter what the sin is.

For a long time, he said, “You can go.”

Zhao Yanran said in surprise, “Brother Ran, how can you just let her go?”

He didn’t answer her, but said to me again: “You go.”

I still can’t make it.

The next moment, a bright white light appeared in front of me.

In a moment of stunnedness, many men in black with knives suddenly appeared around them. Their target was Xu Fang. His skills are good, but when he attacks, he has to be distracted to protect Zhao Yanran, so naturally he is at a disadvantage everywhere.

Xu is because they saw Xu Fang attacking me earlier and thought that Zhao Yanran was more threatening, so they ignored me sitting on the ground and tried to force her. If I took the opportunity to escape at this time, I probably wouldn’t Someone distracted to catch up.

Unfortunately, I’ve been stupid again.

When one of the men in black with the scarred eyebrows pointed the tip of the sleeve arrow in the direction, I subconsciously rushed to block it, and then… successfully blocked it.

The development of the plot at this time is usually that I am paralyzed on his back, he turned around in shock and held me “Why do you do this…” “Because I like you…” “You, you again Why bother…” “Don’t feel guilty, be with Miss Zhao in the future, and grow old together…” “No! He Feng! I remember it, don’t go…” Then I died completely in his arms.

However, drama is like life, and life is not as good as drama.

Just when I felt my back being pierced by the sharp blade, Xu Fang swept away recklessly, hugging Zhao Yanran and hurriedly dodging the shadow of the sword.

He didn’t even notice that I blocked an arrow for him, and he was satisfied with Zhao Yanran.

I don’t know if the arrow pierced a hole in my back, but when the sharp pain spread all over my body, the pain in my body was far less than the pain in my heart.

It’s a shame I didn’t die in that instant.

The man in black can’t believe that there is still a fool like me in this world who will block the arrow. The point is that he is ignored by the person. He probably also feels that living like me has long been unlovable, even if He waved his knife at me to end this life for me, but Xu Fang stopped him with a loud noise.

He didn’t know I was shot: “Go away!”

I couldn’t speak for a long time in pain, and Zhao Yanran’s legs were so frightened, how could she walk.

The men in black surged up like a rising tide, and Xu Fang chopped and said, “Let’s go!”

I saw his anxious expression, and I didn’t know where the strength came from. I wiped the blood that was dripping from the corner of my mouth, struggled to support myself, and dragged Zhao Yanran to run towards the cliff.

I think I’m really crazy. I can’t even keep myself in control of what she does, but I don’t think it’s too crazy. At least I can remember that there is a river flowing under the cliff, and maybe I can find another piece of life.

The pain in the vest spreads rapidly, I walked forward with difficulty, not knowing if I would die of exhaustion in the next moment, I suddenly heard Zhao Yanran’s voice like a thin thread ask: “Why…you want to block this arrow for him? “

Her lips were pale: “He obviously doesn’t remember you anymore.”

I don’t turn my head, I climbed all the way to the edge of the cliff, looked back at Xu Fang and retreated step by step, and then whispered to Zhao Yanran: “He will remember me one day, just think about it this way. , you will feel very happy.” The throat choked, “Jump down, he is very good at water, he will definitely save you.”

The moment I turned and fell off the cliff, I heard Xu Fang calling out Zhao Yanran’s name.

I close my eyes and pray to God, that’s it.

I don’t know how long I was floating in the cold water, I heard a familiar voice: “Hurry up!”

Suspecting that I had auditory hallucinations, I raised my head and opened my eyes with difficulty, and I actually saw Xu Fang.

I was ecstatic, thinking that it would be worth dying to die at this time, but in a flash, I saw Zhao Yanran in his arms.

Hold tight. Not to me, but to Zhao Yanran.

He said: “Don’t be afraid, I will be with you, Yanran.”

Don’t be afraid, I’ll be with you, Zephyr.

The same voice, the same words, haunting my ears, haunting my heart.

Zhao Yanran grabbed my sleeve tightly and said to Xu Fang, “She, she was shot by an arrow…”

“Oh?” Only then did Xu Fang turn to look at me, his dark eyes were cold, “Does the girl know that her life is not safe, so she wants to be buried with La Yanran? She really is a snake and a scorpion!”

The heart of a scorpion? Xu Fang he… what is he talking about.

The body suddenly felt the turbulent impact of Jiang Tao, Xu Fang was clinging to the rock and shouting to Zhao Yanran with great difficulty: “The current is too big – if you don’t let her go, we will all die-“

Zhao Yanran can’t catch me anymore: “Brother Ran, we can’t wait until we die…”

My wrist tightened suddenly, Xu Fang held me at the last minute, with a cruel expression: “I’m saving you for Yanran’s sake.”

The shadows of the mountains are scattered, and the water mist is hazy in front of him. I guess if he sees it, he will think it is grateful.

As of now, I finally know why God has not let me breathe, that is to make me see clearly and completely shatter my dreams.

The irrepressible loss of one inch of life, the past is like a revolving lantern, flickering and appearing.

I feel like a dead fish, tightly hooked by the hook, I try my best to raise my head, try my best to open my eyes, but no matter what, I can’t put the two shadows on top of each other.

I slowly freed up a hand, but instead of reaching for him, I turned to my back and held the arrow body, blood slid down the gap between my fingers. come out. Maybe it was because the movement was too big, or maybe it was because of the blood stains, Xu Fang froze there: “You—”

After all, I still didn’t dare to tell him that the arrow was blocked for him. I was afraid that he would ridicule me, a viper-like woman, for being blunt. Such words, one sentence, was enough to make me ashes.

Tears bursting out of my eyes blurred my vision, Zhao Yanran’s voice came from the wind, and I couldn’t hear a single word. In fact, I was very afraid of death, although I was often self-willed regardless of life or death, it was because I thought Xu Fang would always be stay by my side.

I heard myself say softly, “Young Master Nie, just now you asked me if I was in love with you. Now, I’ll tell you.”


“The person I like is called Xu Fang.”

The moment the tip of the arrow pierced into his arm and grabbed me, it was just as a huge wave hit, and the heavy weight in my heart seemed to vanish in an instant.

This suicide should not be messed up again.

It’s great, so I can go to Xu Fang.

The Xu Fang who will be stabbed to death by needles because of the Zephyr, the Xu Fang who is the best and the best for Zefeng in this world.

The author has something to say:

One hair and two have wood ~ shiny and wood ~

I think everyone must be accustomed to each author saying in the author’s words at the beginning of the article: Leave more comments~ Everyone collects more~

I really want to be exempt, but…TT follows the trend~~

In short, the ultimate purpose of posting on the Internet is to read messages, which is my only motivation~~mua!

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