Overgeared Chapter 51:

Chapter 51

The media in each country reported the news that the first second class had appeared.

South Korea.

<Did you know that there was a second class? When a second class is obtained, the user has access to a wider range of weapons, skills and stats. In addition, every level up will give two additional stat points. Reporter Cho Sungjin will give more details. Reporter Cho Sungjin.>

<This is Cho Sungjin. At 1 a.m. today, information from the S.A. Group was released, revealing that the first second class was obtained in Satisfy. The type of second class hasn’t been revealed yet, but experts predict that there is so much content in Satisfy that a myriad of second classes exist. The biggest advantage of getting a second class is that 12 stat points instead of 10 will be obtained with each level up…>

The United States.

<James, what is the identity of the first second class that emerged?>

<The S.A Group said that is isn’t willing to disclose information about the second class that appeared. This is a decision to protect the information of the person who acquired the second class…>

The United Kingdom.

<I just received incredible breaking news. The first person who obtained the second class is from Mongolia.>

<They’re from Mongolia? Do Mongols even know what Satisfy is?>

<Haha, these statistics definitely show that Mongols aren’t interested in Satisfy. In most developed countries, around 60% of the population is playing Satisfy. Meanwhile, only 3% of the Mongolian population is playing Satisfy.>

<Oh dear… According to this statistic, our UK has 68% of the population playing Satisfy? This 68% of the British population couldn’t acquire a second class, yet someone in Mongolia did… The British are advertising to the world that they aren’t talented in the game.>


<The S.A. Group is renowned for thoroughly managing their customer’s information. Experts speculate that the information about the first second class being obtained by a Mongolian user was spread in order to promote Satisfy in Mongolia.>

<It is clear that the S.A. Group intends to dominate the world with Satisfy. Then intend to make everyone in the world slaves to Satisfy. Later on, the whole world might be dancing in the S.A. Group’s hands. People will need treatment for Satisfy addiction…>


<I’m proud that it’s an Asian who acquired the first second class. When will a second class user be born in Japan?>

<As you know, 71% of Japan’s population is enjoying Satisfy. There are many Japanese people who are playing Satisfy. Didn’t a Japanese person obtain an epic class a few months ago? I expect a Japanese person to be the second user to obtain a second class.>

<Doesn’t Korea have 73% of its population playing Satisfy? According to population ratio, Koreans enjoy Satisfy the most. Is there any possibility that the owner of the second user to obtain a second class will be born in Korea?>

<…Perhaps the S.A. Group will help a Korean obtain it…>

<There are no successful Korean users except for Yura, who is ranked 5th on the unified rankings. This is ironic, considering that Satisfy is a game made by a Korean company.>

<Speaking of which, there is a rumor that the S.A. Group is sponsoring Yura.>

<Is that so? What is the source of the rumor?> 

<That… on the net…>

<Please refrain from making unfounded remarks. The slightest slip can cause an international issue.>

<I’m sorry…>

People’s interest in the second class was so high that the media from all over the world organized a special program for the first second class.

On the other hand, Shin Youngwoo sighed after escaping from the dungeon, leaving Rabbit and logging out. As soon as he opened his eyes, he sat in front of the TV, boiled ramyun and trembled as he watched the news.

“I’m really envious… Getting two more stat points with every level up, isn’t that completely a scam? What **** got a second class? Ah, damn. I’m sick from envy.”

Shin Youngwoo couldn’t even imagine that he knew the first person who acquired the second class.


The whole family gathered for dinner.

I declared in front of my family, “I won’t go to the labor office anymore.”

It was a bolt from the blue!

“My son Youngwoo. You finally got a job? Great, my son! I believed in you.”

“Wow, Oppa! Are you going to be an employee now? Congratulations! What should I prepare as a celebration gift?”

“Sob sob, Mother has been heartbroken in the meantime from all your suffering at the construction sites. Haven’t you gone through a lot of trouble so far?”

I expected such reactions from my family. But reality was cruel.

Tak! There was a loud sound as my father placed the spoon down on the table.

“Are you going to start your life again?”

My mother sighed. “No matter how hard you work… How will you pay back the debt in the future and what will you do about marriage…?”

Sehee clicked her tongue. “How can an adult be so selfish? Are you thinking about relying on our parents until you’re old? Oppa is terrible, how pathetic.”

Unbelievable… Was this my family?

“Who is planning on playing around at home?” I exclaimed. “Why do you think that stopping the labor jobs is a sign of giving up? Why don’t you think that your son and your Oppa has found a new job?”

Sehee’s eyes widened like she was really surprised. “What? Oppa got a new job? There is a place that will accept Oppa?”

My mother spoke to herself. “Perhaps it is a job at a convenience store…? A convenience store job is easy, but the hourly rate is less than the labor jobs…”

My father asked me with a serious face. “Youngwoo, you haven’t been deceived by a friend and dragged into a multi-level company like last time?”

“Hey! It isn’t anything like that! I have an incredibly good job!”

“What is it?”

“It is a professional gamer. I will make money from the game! Don’t you know that I’m a blacksmith in the game? This is a really good job and I can sell my items for an expensive price. With a little more luck, I can earn the equivalent of a CEO salary someday. A great merchant in the game has promised to support me.”


In the sudden silence, my father spoke in an angry voice. “…So you want to stay home and play games?”

What? Why was he mad?

“It is easy to say. The more I play the game, the more money I can earn. Maybe I should live in the capsule all day. Hehe.”



The spoon flew and hit my forehead. My mother gave my father a new spoon and he threw it at my forehead again.

“Ack! Why? Why all of a sudden?”

“Tomorrow, go to the labor office.”

“No, why? Didn’t you hear my words? I will make money from the game!”

My mother wiped at her tears. “Gosh, your brother is really serious. You shouldn’t be like this, Sehee.”

What was my mother saying?

Sehee bit her lip angrily and shouted, “Please grow up, Oppa! You’re going to make money from the game? Haven’t you been playing for the past year? And your debt has only increased! Face reality!”

“No… it’s different now. I have a new fate now that I’m a blacksmith… I’ve gone through a lot of things and now the best merchant will help me…”

“Stop talking about the game! The game is a joke!”


I tried to explain the details but they didn’t listen to me. As I looked at the dark scene of chaos unfolding in front of me, I realized my family wouldn’t believe me even if I explained it properly.

Then the next morning. Due to my crying mother, I had to change clothes and go to the workplace. I took a labor job and worked out the plan for the rest of my life. I needed to level up and complete the class quest, but the most important thing was making money.

‘First, let’s accept Rabbit’s proposal.’

I didn’t know yet how Rabbit would help me get rich. But I was sure that it wasn’t an exaggeration. He was the second highest ranked person in the Mero Company, so he was obviously great. It would be good to trust him as a business partner. 

‘If I use Khan’s smithy as a base, I can be very comfortable… Well, I hope to have more time to play the game. But first of all, I need to make money inside the game so that my parents will apologize.’

Satisfy news could be found at any time when turning on the TV or Internet. My parents should’ve come across people who became world famous or rich through Satisfy.  But nevertheless, they didn’t think I could make money with Satisfy. As Sehee said, it was because I spent one year… no, to be exact, I spent a year and a month already playing Satisfy.

‘It isn’t unreasonable that they don’t trust me… I need proof to persuade my parents.’

That evening. I came home from work and immediately connected to Satisfy. Then I went to Khan’s smithy.

“Ohh, welcome Grid!”

Khan greeted me with an incredibly bright expression. It wasn’t just him. The anxiety on all the faces of the residents that I passed by had disappeared.

‘Is Winston at peace? It looks like Euphemina and Rabbit did a good job.’

I asked Khan, “Has Rabbit came here?”

Khan’s expression darkened. “Um… this letter arrived for you.”

Khan handed me a letter. I read it.

[Mr. Grid.

This is Rabbit. Earl Steim couldn’t excuse all the sins I committed against the people of Winston when I was still part of the Mero Company, so I couldn’t receive a full pardon. My business plan with you is in vain. Mr Grid, with your abilities, you will become the richest person with your own strength. Please ask for Khan’s advice and make wonderful items. Khan’s artistic sense will be a great help to you. I will watch your myth from a distance and sincerely pray for your success.] 


What was this?


Current schedule: 20 chapters a week.

Chapter 52

Perhaps I was too stupid to understand the contents of the letter? It was like how I couldn’t understand a barking dog. “Where is this person now?”

Khan carefully replied, “Earl Steim has sentenced him to 10 years in prison.” 

It  was ridiculous.

“No, why? Wasn’t Rabbit the one who helped Winston?”

“He is certainly a hero who saved Winston, but Winston was in this crisis in the first place due to the Mero Company. He eventually realized his sins, but the earl thinks it’s too unreasonable to completely wash away his sins.”


“Shit… What is this…?”

Didn’t Rabbit promise to make me rich? But now he was trapped in prison? Stupid bastard! He said he would do something good for me, but it ended up like this.

Khan patted my shoulder as I was feeling frustrated. “I understand the sadness of seeing the person who rescued you now trapped in jail, but cheer up. You have your life. Don’t be so frustrated.”

What was he saying?

“No… I don’t care about Rabbit right now… Oh, by the way, I heard that you were also arrested after me? You didn’t get hurt, did you?”

Khan laughed. “Why are you worried about me when you were framed and insulted? Your heart is truly as wide as the sea. Ugh…”

The smiling man was once again in tears. “I actually heard the story. You were surrounded by knights, and didn’t you open your mouth to protect me? Once again, I am deeply moved by you.”

Was he referring to the incident in the interrogation room? I tried to give up Khan as the one who commissioned Huroi, but I couldn’t answer because my mouth was gagged. I laughed awkwardly. “Well… I could’t sell you out.”

“Sob… even if you were tortured… Grid! I believe that I can entrust it to you!”


“This smithy!”

“… Huh?”

What did he mean by the smithy?


Ah, I must’ve heard wrong. I shouldn’t count my chickens before they were hatched. As I felt doubts, Khan smiled benignly and said, “You disguised yourself as my successor to defend this smithy and compete with the Mero Company. From then on, I have already thought of you as my successor. This smithy will be yours in the future.”

“… No way.”

There were some users who received a position from a NPC. But I’d never heard of a user becoming the successor of a business. Maybe I was the first.

“You aren’t joking?”

“Haha, have I ever said anything false before? As you know, I don’t have a successor. Very soon, I will become too old to work… then this smithy will lose its owner and be neglected. I don’t want this smithy that has been in my family for generations to disappear. I sincerely want you to take over this smithy. You are Pagma’s Descendant and have a great personality, so my ancestors will be delighted. Also, my son is dead…”

Khan’s face darkened the moment he brought out the story of his dead son. He stimulated a person’s emotions so I asked him to make sure. 

“Don’t just say it with words. Write a contract! Then I will believe you and will work hard for the sake of this smithy!”


After a while, I received a contract from Khan about the smithy ownership transfer. Then a notification window popped up.

[You have obtained the position ‘ Smithy’s Successor.’]

[Smithy’s Successor]

You will have the same status as the owner in Khan’s Smithy. 

“This isn’t a dream, right?” I pinched myself as hard as I could. “It hurts…”

I used so much strength that my cheek was tingling. It wasn’t a dream.

“This definitely isn’t a dream! It’s real. Hah…! Hahahat! Puhahaha! Yes! Oh yes! Ye~!”

I couldn’t suppress my joy at the thought of this large two-storey smithy someday becoming mine. Khan looked at me smiling like crazy and declared, “I’m glad that you’re so happy. You can definitely lead this smithy well.”

“Of course! Now! Let’s work. We will make great items and tell people how amazing our smithy is!”

“Ohh. Isn’t this good? You’re really motivated!”

I would receive recognition from my parents from my work at the smithy. I devoted myself to making items for the next few days. From morning to afternoon, I headed to the labor jobs. Then from night until dawn, I connected to Satisfy and made items.

“I am doing labor again… It seems I am unable to escape from the quagmire of labor…”

I was only sleeping for four hours a day due to excessive motivation. I was tired, but I could endure it due to the money, stats and skill experience accumulated.


The Tzedakah Guild only had 17 members, but they were composed of top rankers and a few elites! 

Among the 17 people, Jishuka was the guild leader and she developed the habit of checking the auction house every day. It was because she was addicted to the performance of the Special Jaffa Arrows, which she bought around two months ago.

The Special Jaffa Arrows had the best attack power among the existing arrows. The Special Jaffa Arrows were twice as powerful as general Jaffa Arrows, and had a chance of ignoring the enemy’s defense completely. Jishuka had been thrilled as she felt the excellent performance and destructive power of the Special Jaffa Arrows.

But after that first day, the Special Jaffa Arrows never appeared in the auction house again.


Usually blacksmiths would create thousands of arrows. In other words, it was likely that thousands of the Special Jaffa Arrows existed. But the creator of the Special Jaffa Arrows only offered up 99 at the auction.

‘It can’t be… has another guild already found the blacksmith?’

Jishuka became nervous. If another guild got their hands on the blacksmith and monopolized the items, Jishuka and her guild members would be cut off.

“It’s Jishuka.”

“Wow, her body looks even more amazing up close.”

“Shall I give it a try?”

“Hey you. You will have a terrible experience.”

Jishuka was the focus of people’s attention as usual. The tanned skin and sensual body made the hearts of men pound. Many males were drawn to her sharp eyes and full lips.

Jishuka tried to ignore them, but there was a limit. The users started to gather after hearing that Jishuka was at the auction house, so it wasn’t long before the auction house reached the limit.

“Can you get out of the way?”

The half moon eyes drew in the men. However, her heavy-handed tone caused an invisible wall around her. In the end, the men couldn’t endure it anymore and gave way. After leaving the people at the auction house behind, Jishuka summoned a hologram keyboard.

Then she declared in the guild chat window.

{If you don’t find the blacksmith within this month, you will all enter **** training.}

{Ohh! I welcome **** training!}

{Regas! Don’t talk nonsense! It is called **** training for a reason.}

{Captain, to be honest, it is almost impossible to find a person in Satisfy with so little clues. Do you know how many users there are in Satisfy?}

{It can’t happen.}

{…Ohh…I agree…}

The guild members started complaining. Jishuka told them seriously.

{A small guild of elites like us must be stronger than others in order to accurately show our value. We need the blacksmith to become stronger. So please find them.}

{Understood. I will be sure to find the blacksmith.}

{Hey! We should make a bet. 100 gold from each person for the one who finds them first!}

{What? I will make 1,600 gold if I win? Okay, I will find them!}

Jishuka was always tenacious. She truly was a steely woman. It was extremely rare for her to ‘ask’ something from them. Therefore, the guild members were able to realize the urgency of the situation and became motivated.

Only Regas had a complaint.

{I want to train…}

{Where are you? ^^}

Jishuka used emoticons! The guild members saw it and thought simultaneously.

‘Captain is angry.’

‘Regas is dead.’

At that time, there was a notice in the guild’s chat window.

[Vantner has logged in.]

It was the appearance of Vantner, who finally took the top spot in the guardian knight rankings five days ago.

{Welcome Vantner.}

{Hey, why were you sleeping for seven hours? Aren’t you being too lazy? Your ranking will be taken away.}

{I saw something interesting on the Internet. I was a little late because I was looking for articles related to the incident. Have you heard of a place called Winston?}

{A village in the north of the Eternal Kingdom?}

{Ah~ that place? I stopped by it once on my way to Bairan Village. Why? What’s going on?}

{There was an item creation game that took place there. It was said that one of the competitors created an epic rated dagger in three hours.}

{A user, not an NPC?}

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{That person!}

{The blacksmith finally appeared!}

{We’ve got you!}

The guild members became excited. A blacksmith who could create an epic rated item in just three hours wasn’t common. Even the number one blacksmith, Panmir wasn’t capable of it.

Jishuka commanded.

{Everyone head to Winston! From now on, we will focus our investigation in Winston!}


{If it’s Winston… It will take around three days for me to get there.}

{I will take a week.}

{…The person who arrives the latest should be prepared. And Regas, if you don’t arrive in half a day then I really will kill you ^^}

{C-Captain! I’m in the Burns Principality right now! It will take me two days to get to Winston on horseback!}

{Don’t rely on a horse and run there directly! Then won’t you somehow arrive in a day?}

{O-Ohhh! Can I arrive in half a day?}

{I will kill you if you don’t arrive in half a day.}

{What should I do?}

The Tzedakah Guild started to gather in Winston.


Current schedule: 20 chapters a week.

Chapter 53

“Damn! Daaaaammmnnnn!”

Katz, possessor of the third epic class, was furious.


[You have killed the poisoned pioneer.]

[5 gold has been acquired.]

[The poison-soaked cloth has been acquired.]

[543,500 experience has been acquired.]


[You have killed the closed-off pioneer.]

[2 gold has been acquired.]

[617,000 experience has been acquired.]

“This thingggg!”

A month ago, Katz finally got 39th on the unified rankings. It was the result of taking advantage of his epic class that was specialized in hunting. Katz had been fine until then. It only took him a month to get from 53rd to 39th, so he believed that the number one goal he was aiming for wasn’t far behind.

But what was going on? Except for sleeping time, he sat in a capsule all day and hunted. However, his rankings stagnated at 39 and he couldn’t increase it. Then today, his ranking dropped to 40th place. Katz’s high pride was shattered.

“This is me! Why am I wandering around the 40th rank for a month?”

He got a great epic class, so he declared on air that he would win first place in the rankings. Then what was this? People from all over the world were laughing when they saw the list of rankers. The second son of ‘JIN,’ a leading Japanese conglomerate, was branded as a braggart to the world.

‘I can’t understand, no matter how I think about it.’

Katz didn’t stop thinking while hunting monsters.

‘The Blood Warrior’s attack power and battle speed is unmatched. There is no other class that can hunt as quickly and easily as this. Then why isn’t my ranking going up? How are those other people levelling up faster than me?’

Katz was currently level 215. From level 210, the amount of experience needed to level up increased significantly. This was called the **** section by rankers, yet Katz was quickly climbing the hill by hunting solo.

But his ranking wasn’t going up. It was useless, despite the fact that his experience kept climbing. He utilized the power of his family, was armed with the strongest items and had the best class. Nevertheless, his ranking…

“I… it means my gaming skill is less than others!”

Katz couldn’t understand.

“I’ve never missed the top spot in any game so far!”

Compared to his brother and sister who were called ‘geniuses,’ his brains were somewhat lacking. He had a weak temperament and he was totally excluded from being a successor. However, his talent at gaming exceeded his older brother and sister, and he was confident that he was the best in the world.

But now his pride was shattered.

“I can’t accept it… I can’t accept it!”

Katz was a loser in the real world who couldn’t cross the wall of his brother and sister! He didn’t want to be a loser even in Satisfy. So he made a decision.

‘I will move my hunting ground. To a stronger place!’

Currently, Katz was hunting at a place filled with level 230 monsters. Monsters here appeared in groups of three and had different skills, so even the best rankers hunted in a party at this place. 

Even Katz, who absorbed the enemy’s health every time he attacked, had to rely heavily on potions to play solo here. Now he wanted to play solo at a higher level hunting ground? It was tough, no matter how excellent his class was. If he was the slightest bit careless, he would die and lose experience.

But Katz had money.

‘I will arm myself with better equipment and potions.’

Katz’ weapon, armor and accessories were all unique rated. But Katz wasn’t satisfied. In particular, the performance of his armor and gauntlets were unsatisfactory.

[Armor of Great Sorrow]

Rating: Unique

Durability: 38/310   Defense: 459  Movement Speed: -11%

* Reflects 10% of the damage received.

* Once durability drops below 100, all stats will increase by 5%.

An armor that Daymode, a former knight, wore when he fought with Piaro and was falsely accused as a traitor. 

Daymode’s armor is filled with his grudges and pain.

User Restriction: Level 180 or higher. More than 750 strength. More than 600 stamina. Intermediate Heavy Armor Mastery Level 4 or higher.

Weight: 2,300 

[Black Wind Gauntlets]

Rating: Unique

Durability: 110/170   Defense: 57 Attack Speed: +5%   Accuracy +10%

Gauntlets used by the Black Wind Assassins.

It is very light and comfortable to wear, so you can attack the target faster and more securely.

User Restriction: Level 200 or higher. More than 220 agility.

Weight: 200 

The Armor of Great Sorrow had very good options, but its defense was less than other heavy armor. Meanwhile, the Black Wind Gauntlets had a good basic performance, but no special options. Both of them were lacking despite being unique items.

“I need new armor and gauntlets.”

Katz decided to log out. Then he went to the item trading site and looked at the list of armor and gauntlets. Tens of thousands of items appeared on the list, but he couldn’t find any that were better than the Armor of Great Sorrow and Black Wind Gauntlets. At this point, the Armor of Great Sorrow and Black Wind Gauntlets were the best items.


It was no use, even if he wanted to spend money. Katz cursed at the blacksmith users.

“Are the blacksmiths just playing around? When will they be able to create items superior to items obtained through hunting or quests? Shit, isn’t this a dereliction of duty?”

There were at least two billion users in Satisfy. The demand for items was astronomical. But the growth of production class users was relatively slow, so supply couldn’t keep up with demand. The users of Satisfy sincerely hoped for the appearance of a skill blacksmith.

Euphemina was fortunate that she became aware of the blacksmith called Grid and asked him to make her an item. But right not, Euphemina didn’t feel so good.

Frontier, the capital of Earl Steim.

In a place where hundreds of merchants came and went every day, Euphemina had stayed here for a week already. She gathered information from where she practically lived at the market, and she also monitored the item trading site and auction site every hour.

But she couldn’t find a way to make the orb. No, all methods of making an orb seemed to have disappeared. Euphemina wasn’t normally interested in how to make items, but now she realized how difficult it was.  In particular, the methods of making items with a high level restriction was like obtaining a star in the sky. 

“Ohh…in the end, all my efforts are in vain. Is crafting really that rare…?”

In the past month, Euphemina searched all the major cities in the Eternal Kingdom. However, she didn’t get any results, so she wanted to cry. She earned 6,500 gold from the item creation game and Rabbit’s quest, so she believed that she could easily obtain a production method using this money. However, reality was too cold.

‘It is annoying but…’

Euphemina’s expression stiffened in front of the auction house. It was because her unusually high insight stat detected someone’s gaze. It had started two days ago.  Unknown people were systematically monitoring her.

‘Who is it?’

Euphemina was a secret ranker who renounced many benefits, including fame, by making her name private on the list of rankings. She operated carefully under many pseudonyms. In other words, it was unlikely for someone to catch onto her tail. This was her first experience with being monitored.

“It is unpleasant…”

Who? Why? How?

Euphemina entered a secluded alley. Then she spoke to the air, “Come out. I know that you’re there.”


“Come out. I know that you’re there.”


The words of the target he was observing caused Faker’s heart to drop.

‘Surely, she didn’t see through my stealth?’

No, it was impossible. Faker was the genius who reached 1st place on the assassin ranking only eight months after starting Satisfy. Even Old Sword Demon, who had been the number one assassin since Satisfy launched, fell down before Faker’s talent. 

‘A blacksmith can’t detect my stealth.’

Faker was convinced and reported it to the party chat window.

(Does it make sense that she is referring to me? It must be you guys.)

There was a backlash.

(Don’t make me laugh! We have secured a safe distance! She can’t have noticed us!)

(Hey hey, she is staring in your direction in the first place…)

(ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ The number one assassin is found by a mere blacksmith.)

(Why did you stick so close…? You have too much pride as the number one assassin…)

Faker and his party members were all part of the Tzedakah Guild.

It was around a month ago.

The Tzedakah Guild received information about the item making game in Winston and quickly gathered in Winston. Then they collected information about the blacksmith who made the epic rated dagger. There were many people watching the game at the time, so it was easy for the Tzedakah Guild to gather information.

The blacksmith’s ID was Erina. The gender was female. Her height was 160cm She was estimated to be between 17-19 years old. She had bright golden hair down to the waist and a beautiful appearance that was unforgettable.

The Tzedakah Guild completed a portrait of Erina based on witness statements, before splitting up to track down Erina. Then two days ago, Faker was able to find Erina at Frontier.

Jishuka heard the report from Faker and commanded.

{I will meet her in person. Keep watching her until I get to Frontier.}

And now.

Faker’s surveillance was on the verge of being noticed by Erina.


Current schedule: 20 chapters a week.

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