Apex War God Chapter 3491: It’s not quite right!

The holy body condensed on the body of the five people of the annihilation monster also exploded, and the body was also blown up with blood, which was terrible!

However, just when the annihilation demon lord flew out!


The ancestral demon shouted, and directly put away the magic weapon, turned the direction, used the speed, and flew towards the distant starry sky!

Dragon Emperor also quickly put away the magic weapon, his body flashed, turned into a golden streamer, and chased after him!

Two streams of light, one black and one gold, crossed the starry sky and flew towards the edge of this universe!

The Ancestral Demon and the Dragon Emperor also know that a universe is equivalent to a big thousand world. If you want to lead the five people out of this large thousand world, you have to fly out of this universe!

And now is the best time!

Seeing that the ancestor demon and the dragon emperor suddenly turned around and fled, not only the five people were stunned, but Fang Xun and the other four were also stunned!

“Don’t run away!”

The Demon Lord of Nirvana immediately roared, and after stabilizing his body, he turned into a streamer and chased after him!


Tai Xu Tianzun also roared, turned into a streamer, and followed after him!

Eternal God Venerable, Nine Tribulation Demon Venerable, and Tota Luohan looked at Fang Xun, and then chased after them!

In their opinion, the biggest threat is the Ancestral Demon and the Dragon Emperor. As long as these two are killed, the others will not be a concern at all!

Seeing a stream of light streaking across the starry sky and leaving here, Fang Xun, Ye Fei, Ye Hetu and Dugu Qiufeng quickly stabilized their bodies, and their eyes flashed with suspicion!

“What is the situation, why did the ancestor and the ancestors suddenly escape?”

Ye Fei asked suspiciously.

“Not right.”

Ye Hetu frowned slightly and said, “With the characters of the ancestors and ancestors, they would rather die than escape.

Since they suddenly chose to leave this place, I am afraid they have other plans…”

“Could it be that the ancestors of the ancestors and the dragon emperor were trying to protect us, so they thought of taking the five guys from the annihilation demon out of this place?”

Fang Xun suddenly thought of something and said something.

“If this is the case, the Dragon Emperor and the Ancestral Demon are in danger!”

Dugu Qiufeng said in a deep voice.

“Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and help!”

Ye Fei said aloud, and then put away the artifact, his figure flashed, and he flew away in the direction where the ancestors, the Dragon Emperor and others left!

Fang Xun, Ye Hetu, and Dugu Qiufeng also set off at the same time, chasing after them!

Until Fang Xun and others left the starry sky, the starry sky universe suddenly became quiet.

Everyone watching the battle on Earth was dumbfounded and didn’t understand what was going on.

“What’s the matter, why did the Dragon Emperor and the others suddenly leave?”

Wuyazi looked at the direction where Zu Mo, Dragon Emperor and others left, frowned and asked.

“Could it be that the Dragon Emperor and the others didn’t want to destroy this place, so they moved the battlefield?”

Mo Tiansheng frowned and asked.

Gu Tianshang said: “It is possible that the elders have other plans…”

“Then what should we do now, get out of here, or wait for their news?”

Hong Qigong asked in a deep voice.

Wuyazi hesitated for a while, and then said: “Dragon Emperor and Zumo put themselves in danger to protect us, how can we just walk away.

So, just wait. “

“Okay, then wait!”

Mo Tiansheng nodded.

“I hope the elders too have a way to eliminate those guys, I hope nothing happens to them, I hope they can return safely…”

Gu Tianshang sighed deeply, feeling very uneasy.

Others present were also very uneasy and worried.

After all, from the battle just now, it can be seen that even if the ancestors, the Dragon Emperor and others tried their best, they are still not the opponents of the five.

So, they don’t understand how Ancestral Demon and Dragon Emperor can kill those five guys.

However, no matter how worried they are, they have not given up hope, hoping that the ancestors and the dragon emperor can create miracles…

Same time.

The Ancestral Demon and the Dragon King turned into two streamers, and the speed was extremely fast, surpassing teleportation, and even approaching the speed of light, crossing the starry sky and flying towards the edge of the universe.

This universe is vast and boundless, filled with galaxies, star seas, stars, and meteorites, exuding dazzling light.

However, some parts of this universe do not have a light source like the sun, so they appear lonely, cold, deep, and dark.

The Ancestral Demon and the Dragon Emperor flew in front, and the five people, Jiedao Yaozun, Taixu Tianzun, Tota Luohan, Eternal God Zun and Jiujiao Demon Zun were chasing after them.

However, the more they chased, the more they felt something was wrong.

While chasing after the demon, he said, “What are those two guys trying to do?

We can even cross the universe, do those two guys really think they can escape? “

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