It Seems I Love You Very Much Chapter 34: Students are the same (3)

He hates being in front of people the most, so he keeps a low profile, but so many people refuse to let him go. While redialing his cell phone, she read the past that Su Nianqun had deliberately forgotten.

I was sent to the C City Welfare Institute in three months; I was brought back by the Su family at the age of seven, and I was released from the orphanage three times during the period; my mother died in an air crash when I was fifteen; Teaching in a disabled school, accepting family business into business three years ago…

Little by little, they were all mercilessly revealed, and some things were even known to Sang Wuyan for the first time. Her eyes became wet as she read, no matter how hard she tried to dial, there was always a busy tone on the receiver.

The photo in the newspaper, I don’t know when it was taken, probably at what kind of dinner, Su Nianqun was dressed very formally, and he was caught by the photographer at the moment when he turned back, with his usual indifference to outsiders. Hollow eyes.

At this moment, she hears what appears to be her cell phone ringing in the bedroom. She put down the landline and ran to get her cell phone.

As soon as the call was connected, Su Nianqun couldn’t wait to ask: “Wuyan, why is the phone line at home so busy?”

Hearing his voice, Sang Wuyan burst into tears: “Nianshu—”

It turned out that they were both dialing each other’s numbers continuously at the same time.

“Wanyan?” Su Nianqin called her anxiously.

“How are you?”

“I’m fine,” he replied.

“I’m fine too, the baby is very good, and I just rolled in my stomach,” she said.

“Are you alone?”

“And Aunt Zhang, she just came back from grocery shopping.”

“Don’t open the door at home, close the curtains, the telephone line is unplugged. I’ll be back to pick you up at night.” Now that he has someone to protect, he is naturally much tougher.

“Nianshu, are you really good?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll let this pass immediately.” There was a convincing firmness in his tone.

“I’m afraid you’ll be sad.” Sang Wuyan said.

“With you, I will not be sad.”

“You shouldn’t be sad about the past. The more unbearable you look back on, the more you should be happy in the future.”

“Nothing…” He paused, “I’m sorry.”

He wanted to tell her a lot of things for a long time, but he kept delaying, but now he let her know in such a way.

“First time to hear you apologize to me.”

Su Nianqun smiled a little embarrassedly.

“Reading the quilt, I will give you happiness and make up for all the happiness you missed before.”

Hearing the noise outside, Sang Wuyan took the phone and got up to take a look, and found that there were quite a few reporters outside the fence, all of them looking inside. She was instantly nervous, and hurriedly pulled up all the curtains according to what Su Nianqun had just explained.


She was so heavy that she gasped when she moved, and she did not forget to report to her husband when she was done.

“You ask Aunt Zhang to lock all the doors and windows.” He explained again.

“She’s cooking lunch in the kitchen, so don’t disturb her. I’m fine with this little thing, just exercise.”

“Be careful or put the phone down first.”

“It’s alright, I’m strong.” She laughed, then went to check the windows and door locks one by one.

Su Nianqin was on the phone when she heard her panting to climb upstairs, and then hesitantly.

“What’s wrong? Nothing?” he asked in a panic, getting up from his chair.

“It’s nothing, I’m trying to scare you.” She giggled.

Su Nianqun on the other end wanted to say something, but was interrupted and had to hang up.

Sang Wuyan hung up the phone and slowly sat down on the stairs, rubbing his waist. Just now, she accidentally rubbed her waist on the armrest, and it hurt a little, but she didn’t dare to tell him.

He was exhausted after being bombarded by various media reporters. If it was before, he could completely stand by and ignore it, but at this moment, he still represents the entire Su Corporation. As the helm, he cannot do anything that would damage the image of the group in the slightest.

Su Nianqin’s face was pale and his voice was hoarse. He leaned on the back seat of the car and rubbed his forehead with both hands: “I want to go home.”

“There are a lot of reporters and fans over there.” Xiao Qin was worried that Su Nianqun would not be able to escape once he appeared, and he was really afraid that he would not be able to last.

“At home, she can’t live without me.”

Su Nianqun closed his eyes extremely tiredly. In fact, sometimes this sentence could almost become: He can’t live without her.

The matter was arranged by Xiao Qin, and another car took several people to pick up Sang Wuyan. The car then made several detours from the highway junction before evading the tracking behind it.

Two cars meet in a secluded lane.

Sang Wuyan opened the car door and saw Su Nianqun sleeping with his eyes closed.

“Reading the quilt.”

When he heard her voice, he concealed his exhaustion, slowly opened a smile on the corner of his mouth, and opened his arms: “Wuyan, let me hug.”

“Have you eaten yet?” Sang Wuyan sat in his arms.

Su Nianqin smiled and shook his head.

Sang Wuyan has an “I know” expression. Then he took out a thermal insulation box from his carry-on bag, and opened it was a steaming bowl of preserved egg lean meat porridge.

“It’s a little mushy, but it’s not that I can’t drink it.” Sang Wuyan explained.

For the first time, Su Nianqun drank without frowning at all.


Su Nianqin didn’t say anything but kissed her immediately.

The kiss was deep but very gentle, and the smell of rice porridge remained in Su Nianqun’s mouth. There is still a great simmering taste, and the taste is too salty, Sang Wuyan concluded in his heart.

During the kiss, Su Nianqun caught Sang Wuyan’s hand and felt the empty space above her ring finger, so she slowly released her lips and asked, “Where’s the ring?”

“I took it off when I washed my face before going out and forgot to wear it.” She hurriedly explained that in fact she couldn’t find the ring after searching all afternoon, but she didn’t dare to say it.

“You shouldn’t always take it off when you put it on. You don’t have a good memory. If you lose it, I will buy another one for you at most, but you will feel unlucky.” Su Nianqun saw She always gets angry when she doesn’t wear a ring, but this time she didn’t get angry and reasoned with her kindly.

The tyrant also has a day of reasoning, this is called Sang Wuyan a little at a loss, completely like a kitten who has made a mistake, without the slightest refutation.

“Where are we going?”

“You can go to the hotel.”

Sang Wuyan suggested: “Why don’t we go back to the elevator apartment you used to live in, I don’t like hotels.”

Su Nianqun nodded, she could say anything.

“Xiao Qin said that you are very tired, so close your eyes and rest for a while.”

“Can’t sleep.” When I close my eyes, it’s all about the mess of the day.

“Why don’t I sing you a lullaby.” Sang blinked wickedly.

“I’m afraid I’ll have nightmares for three days.”

“Hey, Su Nianqun, you are so immoral.” She bared her teeth and bit him.

Su Nianqin touched the bangs on her forehead and laughed deeply.

“It turned out that the mother who was reading the quilt had an accident on the plane.”

“Well. No body was found. There is a hole in the cemetery.” Su Nianqun said lightly.

“Are you sad?”

“Since I have Sang Wuyan, I am no longer sad.”

“I want to hear you tell me about the past when you are free.”

“Okay.” Su Nianqun promised.

Sang Wuyan frowned as he touched his stomach. She didn’t know if it was because of the bump on the stairs just now, or because the crowd was crowded when she came out of the house, and her stomach was a little uncomfortable.

They arrive at the underground parking lot of an apartment in the city. Xiao Qin went out to have a look first, and there were really few people who knew this place, no reporters.

Su Nianqun got out of the car first, then walked around to lead the way: “Be careful.”

“This word, you have to say it to me at least ten or twenty times a day.” Sang Wuyan was helpless.

At this moment, Sang Wuyan suddenly saw a few people getting off the two vans, and ran towards them with a camera in hand. She reacted faster than Su Nianqin, and quickly stepped forward to protect him behind her.

“Mr. Su, I’m Zhang Wei, a reporter from the Morning Post. I want to interview you,” said one of them.

“Zhang Wei?” Su Nianqun said, “You wrote that report?”

The man named Zhang Wei said complacently, “Not bad.”

“There will be a press conference tomorrow, you can go there if you have any questions.”

“But there are some issues that I would like to know privately, provided that Mr. Su doesn’t mind making it public.” Zhang Wei smiled.

“Whatever you want.” Su Nianqun smiled lightly, and led Sang Wuyan to the elevator.

Zhang Wei wanted to follow, but was stopped by a later driver.

“Mr. Su!” Zhang Wei said loudly, “I don’t know if the headline ‘Young stepmother and blind stepson have an affair outside of marriage’ is published tomorrow, can anyone guess which one is the scandal?”

Sang Wuyan was startled, and then burned with anger.

“There are many truths in this society worthy of your interviews and reports. There are many orphans and disabled children waiting for you to report and help, and there are also many unjust, false and wrong cases waiting for you to explore and analyze. Why do you keep holding on to him?” Sang Said without anger.

“Because Mr. Su has money, status and reputation, readers love it. As soon as he reports, sales increase. With profits, we can free up money to report the social truths that Mrs. Su said. Simple and simple Logic, this is killing two birds with one stone.” Zhang Wei said sarcastically.

“You!” Sang Wuyan’s face turned blue with anger.

Su Nianqun shook Sang Wuyan’s hand and comforted her softly: “Wuyan, don’t be angry.”

Then he turned his head and slowly said to Zhang Wei: “My wife has not dealt with society very much, so what she said is a little too idealistic. But you shouldn’t irritate her. She is nine months pregnant with a child. I have to be helped when I walk, so I can’t get angry.”

Zhang Wei did not speak.

“It was my negligence that the news you wrote today was published in the newspaper. But I can guarantee that this negligence will never happen again.” There was an unquestionable kind of inconsistency in his calm tone. strength.

“Mr. Su, are you threatening me?”

“It’s not a threat, it’s just a suggestion.” He smiled and nodded as a farewell, then turned around and entered the elevator with Sang Wuyan.

As soon as the elevator doors closed, she couldn’t help leaning against him. When those people appeared just now, she subconsciously wanted to protect him, but she didn’t know when he had become her backbone.

“I’ll protect the family, don’t worry.” He touched her cheek.

“I’m just afraid you’ll feel bad,” she said.

“Your man is not as vulnerable as you think.” He laughed.

Waking up in the middle of the night, she felt a little uncomfortable in her stomach. She couldn’t sleep well, and she was afraid of disturbing Su Nianqun next to her, so she quietly got up and prepared to sit in the living room.

Unexpectedly, just as she walked to the door, her legs suddenly became weak and she fell, and she sat abruptly on the ground.

She couldn’t help but let out a cry.

Su Nianqun stood up suddenly from his sleep: “Nothing?”

“Nanjing.” She called to him with a moan.

“Falled?” He looked for the direction of the voice and walked up anxiously.

“I hurt.”

Su Nianqun knelt down and hugged her, feeling the warm liquid pouring out of her legs, panicking to the point of madness.

He didn’t dare to tamper with her, so he just called everywhere, and finally waited for the ambulance.

“Wuyan, Wuyan, you wait, it’s coming soon, it’s coming soon.” His face and lips were as white as paper, and even his teeth were trembling.

“Nanjing…” She called him in pain.

“Don’t talk, save your energy. We’ll be there soon, we’ll be there soon, it won’t hurt when we get there, if you hurt, bite me.” He comforted her incoherently.

“You said you were going to teach our baby how to play the piano.”

“No problem.”

“You have to be patient and don’t be cruel to the baby.”

“I definitely don’t get mad at him, I promise.” He nods very seriously.

Sang Wuyan looked at his expression and couldn’t help crying: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it’s all my fault. What if the baby is gone?”

“It’s gone, we don’t want him anymore.”

“You love him so much, how can you say you don’t want it. Then if I die, don’t you want me too?”

“You dare!” He was annoyed, “You are not allowed to say anything about dying.”

“What if I really died?”

“If you dare to leave me alone and leave alone, I will immediately find someone again, and then I will forget you in two or three days.”

“Liar.” Sang Wuyan smiled weakly, “You can’t bear to forget me.”

He heard the words and kissed her face hard.


Sang Wuyan finally remembered that when she was put on the shelf, Su Nianqun held her hand tightly and the nurse said, “Sir, please let go, we are going to send the patient to the operating room.”

Xiao Qin said: “Mr. Su, let go.”

An elderly nurse said, “Does your family want a doctor to treat her? She was born prematurely, and we are not responsible for the delay.”

Another voice shouts: “Hurry up and take him away!”

Then she heard nothing.

In the haze, someone called: “Wuyan, Wuyan…”

She opened her eyes and saw a dazzling white light. Cheng Yin was standing in front of her. She had two pigtails and a dark blue denim dress the last time they were trapped in the elevator.

“No Yan.” Cheng Yin said, “I’m leaving.”


“You have a husband, and now you have children, so you don’t need me.”

“Then…” Sang Wuyan asked, “Are you coming back to see me?”

Cheng Yin smiled: “I won’t come back.”

Sang Wuyan lowered his head: “I can’t bear you.”

“If you can’t bear me, just follow me?” Cheng Yin asked mischievously.

Sang Wuyan thought for a while, then shook his head: “I can’t bear them either.”

“That’s right, you have your own life. And I will have a new beginning. So we have to say goodbye.”

Cheng Yin approached and hugged her gently: “Goodbye, Wuyan.”

Seeing Cheng Yin becoming transparent little by little, and finally disappearing in front of him, Sang Wuyan couldn’t help reaching out to grab her, wanting to keep this phantom.

Unexpectedly, she stretched out her hand in the air, but was caught by another person’s hand, and then called her Wuyan – it was Su Nianqin’s voice.

She opened her eyes and saw Su Nianqin sitting on the edge of the bed, her eyes were puffy, and the beard on her chin had grown a lot.

“Our baby, okay?” she asked.

“Very well.” He laughed.

Note: The lyrics of the three songs “Libya Shell”, “Tianming Slightly Blue”, and “Liang Jianyan” appearing in the text are all written by Wenyou Blue Purple Green Gray specially for this article, I would like to express my thanks.

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