Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 2059: I’m waiting for you!

“Father, what are you talking about!”

“You were the one who asked me to marry Shu Yun, and you kept moving me to get me engaged to Shu Yun!”

“I didn’t like Shu Yun in the first place, what would Shu Yun do to me?”

“I heard my mother say that the Yi family will soon become the lord of the Shenmu King Court.”

“The relationship between our Yu family and Yi family has always been the same. How could Yi family let our Yu family go!”

Yu Yihe grunted angrily when he heard the words.

“Women’s view! It’s a woman’s view!”

“Yi Huailong will not only do nothing to our Yu family, but will rely on our Yu family in the future!”

“Apart from our Yu family, where is there any decent power in the entire Sacred Wood City!”

“Without our Yu family, is he Yi Huailong as the polished commander!”

Hearing what Yu Yihe said, Yu Feifei stopped crying immediately and asked subconsciously.

“Father, what you said is true?!”

Yu Yihe nodded when he heard the words.

“Eight nines never leave ten!”

“I will now go to the Shenmu Wangting to talk to Yi Huailong!”

After speaking, Yu Yihe got up without riding in the sedan chair.

I walked towards Shenmu Wangting alone.

Yu Yihe and Yi Huailong are old rivals for decades, and Yu Yihe asks himself that he knows Yi Huailong very well.

So Yu Yihe doesn’t think Yi Huailong will do to the Yu family.

Even if I have troubled Yi Huailong many times before.

Of course, there is another prerequisite for Yi Jia not to do anything to Yu Jia.

That is, I must come to Yi Huailong to express his surrender to Yi Huailong before the Royal Council.

I want to come now, Yi Huailong should be waiting for himself to pass!

If you didn’t express surrender to Yi Huailong before the royal council began.

Then extermination is bound to be the ultimate fate of the Yu family.

Yu Yihe, who understands this, is not nervous.

Just looking at the Shenmu Wangting not far away, Yu Yihe sighed softly.

After fighting for so many years, I finally lost to Yi Huailong.

For the sake of the Shenmu Federation, I will be Yi Huailong’s minister in the future.

If Yi Huailong can tolerate himself sincerely, then he will take the Yu family to assist Yi Huailong with all his strength.

But if Yi Huailong just didn’t care about what he had done before, but he refused to give the Yu family a chance to continue to develop.

Then I took the Yu family and moved out of the Holy Wood City and opened up a big city in the courtyard area.

Away from the central area of ​​the Shenmu Federation.

When Yu Yihe came to the entrance of Shenmu Palace, he found Yi Lingxi was standing at the entrance.

As if waiting for someone.

Even if Yu Yihe was in a competitive relationship with Yi Huailong before, the two belonged to the enemy.

But Yu Yihe has never been upset with a junior like Yi Lingxi.

In the past, when Yu Yihe saw Yi Lingxi, he could ignore Yi Lingxi and walk over.

But doing this now is obviously inappropriate.

Yi Lingxi was the only daughter of Yi Huailong. Yi Huailong became the lord of the royal court, and Yi Lingxi became the eldest princess of the Shenmu Federation.

The status is extremely respectable.

I came to Yi Huailong to be soft when I came.

Since it is with such a purpose, Yu Yihe bows and salutes to Yi Lingxi.

“Hello Long Princess!”

Yi Lingxi heard the words and accepted Yu Yihe’s name.

However, Yi Lingxi didn’t put up any scores, and said directly.

“Uncle Yu, my father has always asked me to wait for you here, saying that you will definitely come.”

“Let’s go, Uncle Yu, let’s go to the main hall together.”

“My father is in the main hall!”

Yu Yihe was slightly startled when he heard the words, and then smiled bitterly.

Yi Huailong, his old rival, knows himself best.

Yi Huailong’s willingness to let Yi Lingxi wait for himself here is a sign of his attitude of valuing himself.

Yi Huailong’s attention to himself gave Yu Yihe a deeper understanding of Yi Huailong’s courage.

If you become the lord of the king’s court, although you will not embarrass Yi’s family and kill Yi Huailong.

But what I did by myself is definitely not as good as what Yi Huailong did at this time.

Yi Huailong’s heart and spirit are still much bigger than himself.

Following Yi Lingxi all the way to the main hall of Wang Ting.

As the head of the Yu family, Yu Yihe, as the existence second only to the Yi family, has remained neutral.

It was not long ago that Yu Yihe decided to marry his daughter to Shu Yunyun, the most outstanding young generation student of the Shu family.

Yu Yihe will contribute to this marriage, not because of greed for the strength of the Shu family.

It’s because among the younger generation of Sacred Wood City, only Shu Yunyun’s character and appearance can meet Yu Yihe’s satisfaction.

In the past, Yu Yihe didn’t know how many times he had walked, this section of the road from the entrance of the palace to the palace of the palace.

However, as time has changed, Wang Ting’s surname has been rewritten.

It is no longer Yang Hanxian, but Yi Huailong who went to worship this time.

At the door of the main hall, Yi Lingxi made a request.

“Uncle Yu, please come in!”

“After you talk to your father about business, I won’t go in!”

Yu Yihe nodded when he heard the words, and walked into the palace of Wang Ting.

Yu Yihe only saw Yi Huailong, standing with Yi Huailu talking.

The Shenmu Federation has a tradition, that is, when the subordinates pay homage to the lord of the royal court.

Need to give a gift of nine prayers and sixteen buttons~IndoMTL.com~ When Yi Huailong looked at him, Yu Yihe knelt on his knees.

I took very seriously the etiquette I needed to perform when I worshipped.

After finishing the last buckle of the nine bows and sixteen buckles, Yu Yihe only felt that a pair of powerful hands lifted himself up from the ground.

Yu Yihe, who had just been helped up, heard Yi Huailong’s hearty laugh.

“Yihe! I knew you would come over!”

“You really didn’t let me down!”

After hearing this, Yu Yihe bowed his hand to Yi Huailong again.

“I have been competing with you before because, as the owner of the Yu family, I also want to fight for a better future for the Yu family.”

“This time I will meet you for the first time, so I will give a nine-paying and sixteen-buckle gift.”

“It means my intentions as a minister.”

“The top power of the Shenmu Federation is now at its weakest stage in history. If you think about it, there is no one to use.”

“I am willing to assist you wholeheartedly, and hope that you can give the Yu family a bright future!”

“I, Yu Yihe, can swear to the rules of the world, and the ancestors of the Yu family will never do the things of the Shu family and the Bai family for generations.”

As soon as Yu Yihe finished speaking, he heard Yi Huailong’s hearty laugh.

“Yihe, I am missing a helper like you!”

“No need to swear, there is no need for this!”

“Huailu has become a five-star creator, and smart people know what to do.”

“Since my Yi family can now become the dominating family of the Shenmu Federation, no one dares to push our Yi family down.”

“After that, my Yijia will only become so strong that other forces will compete for it.”

When Yu Yihe heard what Yi Huailong said, he looked at Yi Huailu incredulously, and his heart was shocked.

What! Yi Huailu turned out to be a five-star creator!

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