Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 2056: The ambition of Shenmu!

Speaking of this, Lin Yuan paused before continuing.

“Yi Huailu has become a five-star creator.”

“Although there is the shadow of the Sky City behind the Yi family, the Shenmu Federation still depends on your Yi family to protect it.”

“Remember what you said to me before.”

“I hope that after ten years, the Shenmu Federation will no longer have refugee areas.”

“At least everyone has a place to live.”

“And the Shenmu Federation can gloriously appear at the All Nations Conference.”

“Let the entire main world know the existence of the Shenmu Federation.”

Lin Yuan’s words made Yi Huailong and Yi Huailu, the Yi family and Ding Chengshuo, their eyes blushed for no reason.

Yi Huailong, Yi Huailu and Ding Chengshuo all know.

Lin Yuan came to Holy Wood City for resources.

Lin Yuan Mingming has enough strength to rule the Shenmu Federation by thunder means.

However, after entering the Shenmu Federation, Lin Yuan did not take it like the Truth Society.

Instead of exchanging materials for creator resources.

Now even if Lin Yuan can control the Shenmu Federation at will, Lin Yuan has no such intentions.

Instead, he told Yi Huailong to do good things for the Shenmu Federation.

From this alone, we can see Lin Yuan’s pattern and character.

This kind of structure and character is worthy of everyone’s respect.

Yi Huailong promised Lin Yuan with red eyes.

“My lord, what I said to you at that time, I will definitely do everything.”

“Don’t worry, the Shenmu Federation will be rejuvenated in my hands!”

Lin Yuan said with a smile upon hearing this.

“I will stay in Holy Wood City for another two days, and then I will leave Holy Wood City.”

“Take this hollow tamarisk away with you.”

“If you have anything later, remember to use the piece of paper I gave you to notify me.”

“I will also reply to you on paper.”

Yi Huailu asked aloud after Lin Yuan finished speaking.

“My lord, do you want me to follow you?”


Yi Huailu hadn’t finished speaking, so I heard Lin Yuan speak.

“If you follow me, Yi Huailong can’t really revive the Shenmu Federation.”

“On the Hammer Federation side, you don’t need to worry about the Yi family.”

“After the hammer king, the new king lord will negotiate with you.”

“Strengthen the trade between the Hammer Federation and the Shenmu Federation.”

“Let the Hammer Federation in the cold season, there will be no more famine.”

“Let the Shenmu Federation also have enough metal ore and fur.”

“No longer let metal ores and fur become luxury items!”

Lin Yuan’s remarks are tantamount to giving Yi Huailong a reassurance.

What Yi Huailong fears most is that after he enters the royal court, the largest tribe of the Hammer Federation will invade the Shenmu Federation for food because of hunger in the cold season.

Even if Yi Huailu became a five-star creator.

The resources of a five-star creator cannot be produced all at once.

It takes a certain amount of time for aura professionals to digest the resources of the five-star creator.

In this case, the powerhouses of the major tribes of the Hammer Federation entered the Shenmu Federation and burned, killed and looted them.

The Shenmu Federation was simply unable to respond after the reform.

Even the powerful tribes of the Hammer Federation, it is not impossible to hit the Shenmu King Court.

But now Yi Huailong doesn’t need to worry anymore.

At the same time, Yi Huailong also hopes to strengthen trade with the Hammer Federation, as Lin Yuan said.

After getting to know Lin Yuan, I understand how big the world is.

Yi Huailong’s gaze is no longer confined to inherent things.

Thinking has also changed.

The Shenmu Federation wants to develop well, blend with the Hammer Federation, and deepen trade is a must.

If Lin Yuan facilitated this matter, then when this matter is implemented, the interests of the Shenmu Federation can be guaranteed when the Shenmu Federation is weak.

Lin Yuan regards Hewen Road as a hotbed for incubating the Sky City.

Since it is a hotbed, predatory development is far inferior to planned development.

Lin Yuan does not need to hold too many resources in his hands now.

When building the Sky City in the future, Lin Yuan only needs to tell Yi Huailong.

Yi Huailong will do his best to help him find the materials he needs.

In addition, Lin Yuan has already taken control of the Shenmu Federation, so he doesn’t need to collect information on his own.

If you have any information you want to collect, just ask Yi Huailong directly.

Even if Yi Huailong was selfish, he swore to Lin Yuan with the rune of the rules he controlled.

Faced with Lin Yuan’s request, he is bound to do his best and be loyal.

But the Philharmonic will still exist everywhere in the Shenmu Federation.

Because the Sui people want to raise the star of the Holy Origin Thing, Never Love Poppy, they rely on Philharmonic Fang.

When Lin Yuan was about to go back, he informed the Suyi.

Let Sui’s Philharmonic Square cooperate with Yijia.

Let the Philharmonic Square count the resources owned by the Shenmu Federation.

After the Philharmonic Square counted the resources of the Shenmu Federation in detail, Yi Huailong didn’t need to spend so much effort if Lin Yuan had any needs.

Just collect the details directly through the information compiled by Philharmonic Square.

After sending away the Yi family, Lin Yuan stretched out.

For more than a month, the situation on the Shenmu Federation has finally been dealt with~IndoMTL.com~The reason why Lin Yuan decided to stay in the Holy Wood City for two days before leaving to return to the underground palace.

On the one hand, it is to help Yi family take control.

Once there is any emergency, it is better to help Yijia solve it.

On the other hand, Lin Yuan also wants to give Yi Huailong a list.

Let Yi Huailong help Lin Yuan collect the materials on the list at the royal council tomorrow.

Of course, the materials on these lists do not have the names of specific items, but only the types of items.

After being promoted to Satan, like the ghost of Huashangyan, he wants to continue to improve his bloodline. It is a spiritual thing that can extract pure elemental energy.

Or the spiritual material that can extract pure elemental energy, Lin Yuan needs it.

The metal spiritual material of the king’s rank is needed to touch the vine.

For Yi Huailong to collect such materials on the Royal Court tomorrow, it is basically equivalent to sweeping away the Shenmu Federation.

Liu Jie walked to Lin Yuan and said.

“Lin Yuan, you have worked so hard during this time.”

“Take a good rest!”

Lin Yuan said with a smile upon hearing this.

“Brother Liu, speaking of it, we haven’t visited the Holy Wood City well yet.”

“It’s better to take advantage of these two days and take a good stroll around the holy wood city.”

“After returning to the underground palace, I might as well bring some special products from the holy wood city to the Sui and Tale.”

“Send part of it to the swamp world to Wen Yu and Sun Ningxiang.”

Two days passed very quickly. Yi Huailong and Yi Huailu were sitting side by side on the white elephant rattan sedan chair two days ago.

All the way from the tree fort created in the sky, to the king of sacred wood.

Along the way, no power dared to refuse Yijia.

Even if it was a direct disciple of the Yu family who had been with the Yi family for a long time.

When you see the Yi family on the crown of the white elephant rattan and flower sedan chair, you will subconsciously bow your head to show respect.

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