Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 2009: The main card of the fish world is open!

In fact, as early as when twenty-six golden eyes appeared in the sky.

The local forces in the Sacred Wood City within the Sacred Wood Secret Realm noticed the vision here.

This kind of vision can be said that no members of the forces have seen it since the emergence of the Secret Realm of Sacred Wood.

So basically everyone thinks that a treasure was born.

Use the fastest speed right away and rush toward here.

On the way, members of the local forces of the Shenmu Federation have broadened their horizons.

Watching the golden pupils lower the golden beams one by one, and then disappear.

This situation is too much like some kind of creature in the process of tribulation.

According to the cognition of Reiki professionals, any creature that crosses the catastrophe is tantamount to encountering an opportunity to pick up the leak and take advantage of the fire.

If the creature that crosses the robbery can’t survive the attack from the golden eyes.

Help a group of yourself, saying that you can’t get the allegiance of this tribulation creature.

You can also take advantage of the crossing of the robbery to force the creature to make a pledge of allegiance to yourself.

Even if this creature is unwilling, you can simply attack this creature.

A dead powerful spirit creature also has extremely high value.

Shu Jian and Bai Dong are equal in strength.

At this time, the two obviously walked together, but they both wished they could be there before each other.

Can cause such a vision of heaven and earth, this creature wants to come either with extremely noble blood or extremely powerful.

No matter which one is, it can bring great help to the current Shu family and Bai family.

However, after Shu Jian and Bai Dong used the power of the emperor-level pinnacle powerhouse, they rushed to the vicinity at full speed.

The two people realized that the real situation was completely different from what they thought.

Almost a hundred kilometers away.

But now the offensive from the golden beam of light has been able to oppress both of them.

How strong is it to be able to carry it till now?

If the creature can’t hold it anymore, the golden pupils in the sky should dissipate.

This made Shu Jian and Bai Dong even covet the creatures that caused the heaven and earth vision.

I also hesitated about whether I should move on.

Just as the two hesitated, they saw a huge crocodile measuring 10,000 meters in length, greeted by the beam of light.

The two subconsciously thought that this white crocodile was a creature of Tribulation.

Seeing this white crocodile, the black lacquer burnt under the golden beam of light was severely injured.

The two finally made up their minds and boldly went to pick up a wave of leaks.

There are obviously two golden pupils in the sky.

This white crocodile can’t hold up under the twenty-fourth golden eye pupil.

Definitely can no longer survive the attack from the last two golden pupils.

However, before the two of them rushed at full speed, they suddenly discovered that a full moon was suddenly high above the sky.

The whole world seems to have changed.

Under the Yuehua horse chain, it seems that all creatures have turned into ants.

The silver chain that Yuehua dropped this time, both of them felt terrified just looking at it.

Shu Jian and Bai Dong who stayed in the Shenmu Federation thought they were at the pinnacle.

But he didn’t even have a clear concept of the five-star creator.

The full moon that hung high above the horizon, the power released by it was clearly beyond Shu Jian and Bai Dong’s cognition.

Shu Jian and Bai Dong looked at each other, and both saw deep fear in each other’s eyes.

Shu Jian said dryly.

“Brother Bai, this full moon is obviously helping the white crocodile, resisting the offensive of the golden eye pupils in the sky.”

“You said that in the Secret Territory of Sacred Wood, will there always be a strong person living in it?”

Bai Dong gritted his teeth when he heard Shu Jian’s words and said.

“No matter what, I still have to go ahead and see the situation.”

“If Brother Shu is afraid of danger, it is better to wait for me here.”

Shu Jian glanced at Bai Dong when he heard the words.

Shu Jian knew that Bai Dong was doing this for the benefit of the Bai family, and wanted to take the risk to try it out.

At this juncture, the Shu family had already entered the Wang Ting and started to confront the Yang family.

Leading the team in the Secret Realm of Sacred Wood, I can’t do anything to help.

What I must do is to ensure that everything that happens in the Secret of the Holy Wood will not affect Shu’s plan.

Although the Bai family and the Shu family are now in a cooperative relationship.

But after the Yang family is resolved, the Bai family and the Shu family will become a competitive relationship.

My grandfather and grandmother decided long ago that one year after the Yang family was eliminated, the Bai family would be eliminated.

Now if I let Bai Dong go to the front to investigate the situation.

Once Bai Dong really picks up the leak, it is very likely that the leak picked by Bai Dong will become Bai’s trump card.

Let the Bai family have the capital to fight against the Shu family under the original weak situation.

Thinking of this, Shu Jianxin said with a cross.

“Brother Bai, I will go with you, so it’s good for two of you to have one to take care of you.”

“Look at the lunar chain that the full moon descends, only part of it faces the beam of light descended from the golden pupils.”

“The other half is obviously protecting something.”

“You can feel it carefully, although the lowered moonflower chain is strong, it is not much stronger than the beam of light lowered by the twenty-fifth eye pupil.”

“The last attack from the drop of the golden eye pupils cannot be blocked by these moonflower chains alone.”

While speaking, Shu Jian has already left, and continues to fly towards the last golden eye pupil.

Bai Dong glared at Shu Jian ferociously from behind.

Shu Jian is going, Bai Dong has nothing to do.

If it weren’t for his own strength and Shu Jian, he was only in the middle.

Bai Dong had the idea of ​​wanting to play a black hand against Shu Jian.

If you reach your destination in a while, you really find that there is something that can change the pattern of power.

I must act first and fight Shu Jian.

Lin Yuan was shrouded in hundreds of Yuehua horse chains.

I raised my eyes and looked at the moon-flower chains that were entangled with the twenty-fifth heavenly secret trial, and my confidence in my heart greatly increased.

Starting from the release of the Yuehua domain in the Jipai, Lin Yuan found that he could exercise subtle control over the Yuehua horse chain through his mind.

Seeing Yuehua’s horse chain falling into the wind in the confrontation with the twenty-fifth trial of heaven.

Lin Yuan separated a total of eighty ways from the moon-flower chain that enveloped him~IndoMTL.com~, facing the beam of light descended from the Trial of Heaven.

A faint crimson flame was quenched on the Yuehua horse chain.

During this process, the Yuehua horse chain continued to stretch, trying to envelop the flames on the surface, and then completely refine it.

In the end, in the case that there are still one hundred and forty-seven tracks on the Yuehua horse chain.

The triumphant trial of the twenty-fifth golden eye pupil descended smoothly.

The full moon in the sky gradually fades as the moonflower chain and the light beam of the heavenly trial test cancel each other out.

But the remaining one hundred and forty-seven moonflower chains.

It can be used as a major method for Lin Yuan to help the Earth Mother Shihe Elf resist the last sky trial.

Lin Yuan first untied the combination with Hua Shangyan ghost.

Then he lifted the eight-star primary treasure fish world sea master card hanging from his waist by hand.

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