Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1977: The new lock spirit of Mobius!

In addition to taboo growth, Lin Yuan is even more greedy for the extreme sturdiness of elite skills.

Although the cultivation of the Supreme Touching Vine, the consumption of aura, life energy and wood energy will be doubled.

The available resources are doubled in exchange for the vine’s firmness, resilience and strength.

For those who are not short of resources, it is definitely a trade that makes a profit without losing money.

The number of spiritual objects contracted by an aura professional is online.

Therefore, only as much as possible to enhance the potential of each spiritual creature.

Only can I maximize my strength.

This is exactly the path Lin Yuan has been taking.

Seeing Lin Yuan looking at Zhizhen Touching Vine with scorching eyes, Liu Jie showed a puzzled expression on his face.

Yi Huailong roughly guessed what Lin Yuan was thinking.

Explain to Lin Yuan.

“Mr. Chu, Zhizheng Touching Vine is a very rare spiritual thing in our place.”

“It’s just that this quintessential touch vine has undergone some mutations.”

“Normal level skill of the normal to reach the vine, called the wild wild long.”

“Only able to comprehend the will rune by oneself, but unable to break through the limits of the Aura professional level.”

“If I remember correctly, this Supreme Touching Vine with an ordinary skill mutated should have been obtained by the Bai Family from the Secret Realm of Sacred Wood.”

Lin Yuan could feel that this sacred touch vine does not have the blood of the holy wood.

So after hearing Yi Huailong’s words that this Zhizheng Vine was obtained from the Secret Realm of Sacred Wood by the Bai Family, Lin Yuan asked subconsciously.

“There is such an ordinary plant-like spirit in the Secret of the Holy Wood?”

Yi Huailong heard this, his voice lowered.

“You don’t know, there are many plant-like spirits in the Shenmu Secret Territory!”

“Every time a person enters the sacred wood secret realm, he fails to obtain the spiritual object of the plant with the blood of the sacred wood.”

“It is possible to select three ordinary plant-like spiritual things from them.”

“At the beginning, the Bai family deliberately abandoned the holy wood bloodline plant spirits that had been found because of the taboo of the ordinary level skills of this sacred touch vine.”

“Miss Bai by your side knows this matter better than me!”

Bai Qinghuan heard Yi Huailong’s Q to herself, and hurriedly told Lin Yuan what she knew about Zhizhen Tengteng.

“This Zhizheng vine was indeed auctioned by the Bai family.”

“In the beginning, this quintessential touch vine itself was intended to serve as the spiritual object of the white parents and grandchildren.”

“It’s just that after this Supreme Touching Vine was promoted to the elite level, the elite level skills also mutated.”

“The original control skill vines are locked, and the passive skill is extremely strong.”

“The elite skills of Zhizhenteng are extremely strong and will double the energy consumption for promotion.”

“In addition, Zhizhen Shiteng has reached the exclusive characteristics of the bronze level, and it is generally instrumental.”

“It can be transformed into a close-fitting soft armor.”

“In the eyes of the Bai family, investing a lot of resources to create a soft armor is not as good as using the fur of mythological creatures with the soft armor made of metal spiritual materials to save resources and be easy to use.”

As soon as Bai Qinghuan finished speaking, Yi Huailong gloated.

“The Bai family originally had three four-star pinnacle creators.”

“At the beginning, in the struggle with my Yijia, my father sacrificed myself to replace two of them.”

“Therefore, the Bai family has always been short of creator resources, and it is normal that they are unwilling to invest too much in Zhizheng Vine.”

“Furthermore, the Supreme Touch Vine can even break through the limits of Reiki professional levels.”

“Under the cultivation of the four-star creators, at best, they can only be promoted to the peak of the imperial level.”

“Whether you can be promoted to the Emperor rank depends on chance and luck.”

“And the resources used to raise the strength of this ultimate touch vine to the pinnacle of the mythical species.”

“It is enough to raise the strength of two other plant-like spirits to the pinnacle of mythical species.”

“So Young Master Chu, this utmost touch vine is a proper pit product!”

Even if Yi Huailong knows that Lin Yuan has the resources of a five-star creator.

Neither do I think that the contract to reach the vine is a good deal.

For S-level aura professionals, the advantage of the taboo growth of the ordinary level skills of the Zhizheng Vine is gone.

And just to improve the firmness and repairing power of the vines, it consumes at least double the resources.

It makes me feel distressed no matter how I think about it.

Yi Huailong didn’t know, because of what he said to Bai Qinghuan.

Lin Yuan has become more tempted by this quintessential touch vine.

At the same time, Lin Yuan couldn’t help sighing.

Any spiritual thing will play different roles in different places, and its value needs to be adapted to local conditions.

If the members of the Hundred Sons of the Shenmu Federation are not displayed, they will really choose the Shenmu Envoy to participate in the Universal Conference.

Then the role and strategic significance of this plant will be infinitely elevated.

This is a spiritual creature that is strategically powerful enough to defend the glory and dignity of the Federation.

Its strategic significance is far better than the island whale that has invested more resources than it.

In Lin Yuan’s hands, the most indispensable is resources.

The aura, life energy and wood element energy needed to reach the vine.

Lin Yuan can provide him with the highest degree in the world.

Lin Yuan’s current trump card is two treasures.

Ke treasures are different from spiritual things in that they are abilities that can be restricted.

In the team battle with the Free Federation Mission, according to the rules of the Universal Congress.

As one of the winners in the beheading battle, Lin Yuan’s request was to prohibit members of the Free Federation Mission from using treasures in team battles.

In a team battle, it is not impossible to reach Immortality and achieve eternity.

Even all the way to eternity.

At that time, the combat power that Lin Yuan has exchanged for resources is enough to rival the triumph of the three federations: Huiyao, Azure, and Freedom.

More importantly, there is a high probability that Zhizhan Teng’s copper-level exclusive characteristics are deviceized.

Although Bai Qinghuan and Yi Huailong mentioned many times, this Zhizheng vine has undergone mutation.

But the mutation is also based on the original skill.

So even if there is a mutation in the exclusive characteristics, it is very likely that the mutation will occur on the basis of deviceization.

There are many spirit objects that Lin Yuan encountered that resembled the vines.

For example, the Vitality Sloth~IndoMTL.com~Nine out of ten have exclusive characteristics of accelerated dormancy.

Once Lin Yuan has contracted the Zhizheng Vine and raised the strength of the Zhizheng Vine to the Bronze level, the exclusive characteristic that appears is deviceization.

Na Lin Yuan was able to obtain a huge improvement at the level of physical defense.

Lin Yuan only relied on Yuansha for physical defense, and became more and more stretched.

After all, as Lin Yuan’s level gets higher and higher, the enemies he faces are getting stronger and stronger. This is an indisputable fact.

Strengthening physical defenses is already on Lin Yuan’s agenda.

Now, the strengthening of physical defenses that hadn’t been on the agenda for a long time has already been solved with the emergence of Zhizheng Touching Vine.

Even if the Zhizheng Fuji is really mutated to the point that its exclusive characteristics are not deviceized.

There are always more opportunities to choose one of three.

Lin Yuan is likely to encounter other surprises.

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