Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1972: Use something, the Shu family can’t afford to change it!

The first thousand and seventy-second chapter of Royal Beast Evolution Quotient is something that the Shu family can’t afford to change! These words of Yi Huailong did not give Shu Han a chance to reply.

Many members of the veteran aristocracy have already drunk Yi Huailong’s words.

“San Ye, Master Chu is a very capable person!”

“Otherwise, I won’t be able to produce these high-quality copper-grade walnuts.”

“I remember that the highest auction price of walnut, a copper-grade epic-quality container, was set by Shu Erye.”

“Now that I have a chance, Sanye Shu might as well trade with Young Master Chu.”

“Otherwise, there will probably be no such opportunity in the future.”

These veteran noble members don’t dare to talk to Shu Han like this on weekdays.

Now that I dare to fight like this with Shu Han, on the one hand it is driven by interests.

These veteran members of the nobles who helped to speak up have basically completed orders in Sky Creation these days.

Also acquiesced in the creation of the sky, it is an external force.

As long as Sky Creation stays in the Holy Wood City for one more day, you will be able to obtain one more day of high-star creator resources.

After all, even for the old nobles in Holy Wood City.

The resources of Gaoxing’s creators are too precious.

If you can get a little bit more, you can improve a lot of family strength.

On the other hand, it was also because Yi Huailong took the lead and launched a charge against Shu Han.

I and others just agreed casually.

Even if Shu Han had to settle the accounts, he couldn’t count himself and the others.

Furthermore, Shu Han is not the head of the Shu family after all, but Yi Huailong is the head of the Yi family.

In terms of status, Shu Han is not as good as Yi Huailong.

After all, with regard to the Shu family, Shu Han has no way to make decisions exactly according to his own wishes.

Looking at so many members of the forces, they all favor Lin Yuan.

Shu Han knew that if he insisted on finding Lin Yuan trouble now.

It is bound to cause dissatisfaction from many forces present.

If the Shu family wants to complete the long-planned plan, they must not lose their hearts.

Otherwise, it will be hindered not only to realize the plan.

When the plan is realized and the results are enjoyed.

It is likely that some problems will also occur.

So Shu Han understood that he could no longer test Lin Yuan.

At this moment, Shu Han only saw Lin Yuan, stretched out his hand and stroked the blue-gold waistband worn on his waist.

Then he looked at himself playfully.

“Some things are not like Titan Qimoss, the Shu family can’t afford to change them.”

Lin Yuan’s words caused Shu Han’s pupils to shrink suddenly.

Titan Air Moss is not a secret to the Shu family.

However, the fact that the Shu family sought the sky to create and cultivate the Titan Air Moss was a secret in secret.

Titan air moss is a war preparation material, and it needs a very high concentration of aura if it wants to spawn.

If it weren’t for the war, there is no need for the Shu family to cultivate Titan Air Moss.

This truth is clear to everyone present.

Lin Yuan said this, obviously warning himself not to cause trouble.

Otherwise, Lin Yuan only had to announce the area where the Titan Air Moss was cultivated for the Shu family.

It will immediately arouse the alarm of the Yang family and the Bai family.

At this time, what made Shu Han feel most uncomfortable was not the threat Lin Yuan threatened to himself in the public.

It’s Lin Yuan with a confident expression on his face.

A person who is in a difficult situation can’t show this expression on his face anyway.

Shu Han gave a dry smile, and left Lin Yuan’s area without saying anything.

Shu Wenliang followed Shu Han with a face full of puzzlement.

Two days ago, his third master was still talking and laughing with Chu Gongzi.

Why meet now, the words have begun to imply swords?

Didn’t the third master at the beginning say that he wanted to cooperate with the sky creation and hug the thighs of the sky creation?

Could it be said that in the past two days, what suspicion has arisen between San Ye and Chu Gongzi?

Shu Wenliang is a five-star creator who knows the creation of the sky and comes to Shu’s house as a guest.

Speaking of this matter, Shu Wenliang must be credited.

Shu Wenliang received many rewards for this.

Has been promoted from a waiter of the Shu family to the general manager of the Shu family by Shu Han.

If the five-star creator wants to leave the Shu family, even if the Shu family does not want the outside world to know, there is a five-star creator who lives in the Shu family.

It will definitely be a farewell lineup in the old house.

However, nothing similar happened.

Explain that the five-star creator created by the sky should still be in Shujia at this time.

The five-star creator of the Sky Maker is in the Shu family, so the third master should be closer to Chu Gongzi.

Shu Wenliang turned his head and immediately thought of the only possible crux.

That is the five-star creator created by the sky. It is very likely that what happened in Shu’s house is something that I don’t know.

After giving birth to this guess, Shu Wenliang suddenly remembered the morning.

San Ye asked himself to go to the tree fort created in the sky, invite Master Chu to go with him, and check his reaction.

As a result, Master Chu did not put himself in at all.

This deepened Shu Wenliang’s guess.

Seeing Shu Han’s face is full of sadness.

Shu Wenliang secretly said in a bewilderment!

Now the entire Sacred Wood City, including the Yang family, big and small forces.

I am afraid that everyone knows that the creation of the sky is not a local force of the Shenmu Federation.

The Yang family does not make contact with the sky, because they are afraid that the sky will affect their rule.

As the ruling family of the Shenmu Royal Court, the Yang family must also pay attention to their decency.

The veteran nobles of other holy wood city ignored them and tried their best to create deals with the sky.

To put it bluntly, I want to complete resource replacement.

Exchange the materials that you don’t need for the resources of Gaoxing Creator, or materials that are useful to you.

These veteran aristocrats know that Sky Creation will one day leave Holy Wood City.

So if you can replace more, you can earn more than other families.

Under such circumstances, it is not a wise choice for the Shu family to create a relationship with the sky.

For the five-star creator, Shu Wenliang has an instinctive awe.

The three major federations are in the world because they have the resources of five-star creators.

The energy of the five-star creator must be terrible.

No matter how many four-star creators, and five-star creators are not the same magnitude.

Therefore, a force that only has a four-star creator is not qualified to wrestle with a force that has a five-star creator.

But I have the current rights in the Shu family, relying on Shu Han’s promotion, people are lighthearted.

In Shu Han’s current mood, it is not convenient for me to talk to Shu Han.

I hope the third master will not be confused!

Shu Wenliang can think of the crux of the matter.

But I couldn’t think of my own third master~IndoMTL.com~ at Shu’s house and can no longer be the master.

Shu Han was holding a wine glass in his hand, talking with Ding Chengshuo one after another.

Shu Han feels irritable and worried.

He put on an expression that no one else is near.

Shu Han’s expression discouraged those who wanted to please the Shu family.

But Ding Chengshuo leaned forward without any vision.

Because Ding Chengshuo is now a front row member of the Sacred Wood Council.

No longer just the lord of the remote city of Oak City.

Ding Chengshuo was useful to the Shu family, so Shu Han did not drive Ding Chengshuo away.

Ding Chengshuo looked at Shu Han’s eyes circling.

Since your Shu family wants to die, I will push you again.

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