Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1878: Lianxing Peony

The latest website: Lin Yuan’s eyes shine upon hearing this.

Lin Yuan was eating Chuling Flat Peach, enjoying the sweet and delicious taste.

While looking at Chu Lingpan peach mother tree.

Lin Yuan discovered that the Chulingpan peach mother tree had only eleven fruits in total.

This output is simply too small.

The peach core of Chu Ling Pantao, his master Yuehhou did not specify its specific use.

But think about it, the core of the spirit fruit of the lord-level mythical seed should not be a common product.

So Xinglin collected the core of Chu Ling Peach after eating Chu Ling Peach.

As for the Pure Vatican Federation mentioned by his master just now, Lin Yuan has heard of it.

The Net Brahma Federation is a powerful federation of the second echelon under the three major federations.

The two males of the Jingfan Federation are the rhino male and the bird male.

Rhinoceros and Bird are both five-star creators.

The Pure Brahma Federation, which has two five-star builders, once suppressed the Mother Federation of Gods.

Lin Yuan is about to go to the Shenmu Federation for experience.

In the future, Lin Yuan will always have the opportunity to contact other major figures in the Federation.

After the month, I took Lin Yuan to the Inner Park, not only wanted to bring Lin Yuan to enjoy the scenery.

After the month, I knew the direction of Lin Yuan’s relatives.

Shortly before the end of the month, a plant-like spirit was cultivated.

If it is not the direction of spiritual affinity after the month, it is not a plant-like spiritual object.

This plant-like spirit will definitely enter into a contract without hesitation after the month.

Because of this plant-like spirit, just look at it from the elementary skills.

It can be referred to as a strategic spirit.

After Moon, he took Lin Yuan and walked to the only table in the inner garden.

Pointed to the seedling with only four young leaves on the table and said.

“Xiao Yuan, this is a new spiritual creature cultivated for the teacher.”

“Do you like it or not?”

In the process of talking after the month, this young sprout may feel someone coming.

Involuntarily shook the blade twice.

While the leaves were waving, a moonlight as clear as water was released.

When Lin Yuan came into contact with this moonlike brilliance, he immediately felt very familiar.

The scent of the moon glow released from this plant is very similar to the power of the moon on the holy crying moon beast.

If you want to come to this plant-like spirit, it must have a lot to do with the Holy Crying Moon Beast.

At this moment, Lin Yuan just listened to Yue Qiu and continued to speak.

“This plant-like spirit was originally just an ordinary Dengyang peony, and it was used for lighting in the garden at night.”

“But when preparing Yuelu Huisheng Pills, I accidentally spilled the tears of Sheng Cry on the Dengyang Peony, and this Dengyang Peony mutated!”

Lin Yuan heard that, immediately using the real data of Mobius’s skills, he was ready to check the Dengyang Peony that was induced to mutate by the tears of the Holy Crying Moon Beast.

If you want to come to a spiritual creature that is induced to mutate by such a high-end spiritual material, your skills will definitely not be bad!

: Lianxing Peony

: Ranunculaceae/Paeonia spp

: Bronze level (10/10)

: Wood series/Light series

: Legendary quality


: In a place with twinkling stars, you will be guided by the stars and will not be affected by the blinding effect. In absolute darkness, you can see the surrounding environment clearly.

: When the stars appear, you can use the starlight to temper your body and improve your physical fitness.

Exclusive features:

: Try to communicate with a star. Every time you successfully communicate with a star, a star mark will appear on your body. The star mark can help you resist the curse effect you receive, activate the star mark, and the energy in the star mark will Infuse into the body to improve the physique in a short time.

When Lin Yuan read the real data of this peony seedling, Lin Yuan immediately understood why even his master said it was a good thing after a month.

The most powerful thing of most of the spirit creatures lies in their fighting ability.

This kind of phantom is currently the most happily contracted use by Reiki professionals.

Compared with this type of spiritual creature, even those with powerful fighting ability are not precious at all.

There is a type of spiritual creature that does not have the ability to attack, but it can increase the aura professionals who contract with it.

This Lianxing Peony is exactly this kind of spiritual creature.

And it is enough to be called the leader of this kind of spiritual creature.

Normal level skill enlightenment can make people ignore the darkness and see things in a dark environment.

And immune to blinding skills.

This ability seems a little irrelevant.

Can be used in some specific environments, such as the underground world.

This ability is enough to be called a miracle.

Compared with the ordinary level skill Qiming, what Lin Yuan liked more was Lian Xing Peony’s elite level skill Casting Starlight.

After the aura professionals contract Lianxing Peony, they can directly guide Xingguang to refine themselves through Lianxing Peony’s skills.

The physical strength of aura professionals has a limit at a certain level.

For example, the physical fitness of the imperial powerhouse cannot keep up with the physical fitness of the god-level powerhouse.

However, Lian Xing Peony’s elite level skills cast the body star light, which makes it possible for aura professionals to break the limit of the body.

Strengthening the body with the power of stars is an ability that cannot be replaced by other means.

Lin Yuan has mastered all martial arts skills and body methods through the roots of the super memory grass.

He prefers to rely on Xiao Hei’s exclusive characteristics and spirit to burst into battle.

After strengthening the physique with the starlight cast, Lin Yuan’s combat ability will be greatly improved before it is amplified by the starlight cast.

And no matter how strong the Reiki professional becomes.

Even if it is to achieve eternity, physical fitness cannot be compared with spiritual things after all.

Before setting foot on the road to the sky, before awakening the fate of life.

Aura professionals themselves are always the most vulnerable target in battle.

With the skill of Starlight Casting, Lin Yuan himself will not become a drag on the spirit creatures in his own combat system.

On the contrary, it may be even more powerful than some spiritual creatures.

As for the exclusive feature, the seal of stars, in Lin Yuan’s view, it is a very high boosting method.

As long as you communicate with more stars~IndoMTL.com~Leave more star marks on your body.

Then when the star seal is activated at a critical moment, the stronger the increase in your body will be.

More importantly, Lianxing Peony’s exclusive feature, the Seal of the Stars, can avoid the damage caused by the curse effect through the power of the stars.

In Lin Yuan’s defense system, there is really no effective defense against the curse ability.

Now that this is made up for, Lin Yuan’s defensive ability will be greatly improved before the photo.

Zong Ze and Wang Fuxiang are the best examples of how terrible the curse ability is.

If his master can contract this Lianxing Peony after a month, Lin Yuan won’t ask for anything.

However, my master Moon Empress, because of the direction of spiritual affinity, was unable to make a contract with Lian Xing Peony.

There is no need for Lin Yuan to be polite.

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