Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1865: Fish schools and the transforming independent sea!

Ten minutes passed, when Lin Yuan turned around to see Sui Han Gu Yu.

   Lin Yuan discovered that a good year-old cold gu fish had split into six individuals of equal size at this time.

   These six equal-sized individuals hugged in a group and swam freely.

   can’t see the affiliation.

   Obviously, Han’s natal Witch Gu, the Year-Year Cold Gu fish, has evolved.

   Lin Yuan solemnly used the real data of Mobius’ skills to investigate Han.

  [Name of Spirit Item]: Purple Cold Sea Monster King

  [Spirit Species]: Kraken Royal Family / Kraken

  [Spirit Level]: Golden Tier (6/10)

  [Spiritual Facts]: Water System

  [Spiritual Quality]: Legendary Quality

  The water of life:

  【Purple cold heavy water (jellyfish): Under the condition of absorbing water, the water spirit will gradually increase in size and gradually become the limit state. In the limit state, every drop of water in the water spirit has the weight of gold , And at the same time release water flow outwards indiscriminately. 】

   [When contacting your own target, the cold air in the water stream will gather on the surface of the target, enhancing the target’s defense power. 】

   [When contacting an enemy target, the cold air and curse will be transmitted to the target body, and the cold air will cause severe frostbite to the part that the target touches. 】

   [Facing a frostbitten target, the hidden curse explodes quickly, and the erupting curse will attack the target’s soul until it freezes the soul permanently and becomes the soul of frost (the soul of frost has the effect of increasing soul power ). 】

  [(The transformation to the sea of ​​independence is in progress. After successful transformation, you can switch between the water spirit and the sea of ​​independence.)]

  Born to Witch Gu:

  【Sui Han Gu fish (school of fish): The school of fish curses the designated creatures around it. Every year the cursed creature exists in the world, a layer of cold will accumulate in the body, and each layer of cold will slow down The movement of blood, spiritual power, spiritual power, and soul power in the target body. 】

   [After any cold gu fish in the school stabbed the cursed target with a tail thorn, the cold curse accumulated in the target’s body broke out. While causing damage to the target, the cold gu fish itself can absorb The number of cold spells, each cold spell will form a layer of cold spell on itself. (Every time there is an extra cold gu fish in the school, the number of layers absorbed by the force of cold is increased to 20%.)]

   [When the power of Suihan reaches a certain number of layers, it consumes the power of the Kraken’s own bloodline, which can increase its amplification treasure to a large level. 】

   Lin Yuan realized that the cold water of life, the purple cold heavy water, had become so powerful without knowing it.

   Originally, there were only so many purple cold waters.

   The water spirit that can now be transformed into the heavy water of the purple cold can convert ordinary water into the heavy water of the purple cold in a large amount.

  Water is difficult for many Reiki professionals to obtain under non-specific circumstances.

   However, for water-based Reiki professionals, there is as much water as you need.

  The blue of Lin Yuan’s contract can create a lake in an instant.

   So, as long as there is blue.

  han has the most comfortable combat environment anytime and anywhere.

   Even if it is fighting in the crater, Han still has enough water to use.

   has absorbed a lot of water, and the swollen purple cold heavy water spirit releases water indiscriminately to the surroundings.

   itself is a big killer move centered on water spirits, which strikes indiscriminately within the range of the battlefield.

   Fortunately, this water stream will automatically transform into ordinary water when it encounters its own target.

   Use the coldness in the original water current to increase the combat effectiveness of your own target.

   can be the enemy target, the water flow will first severely damage the body of the enemy target.

   Every drop of purple cold heavy water is worth a thousand gold.

   Within a stream, I am afraid it is composed of at least thousands of drops of purple cold heavy water.

  , when calculated, it weighs millions of catties.

  Being constantly hit by millions of catties of objects, even if it is a mythical creature, it may not be able to withstand it for a long time.

   The physical damage caused by the water stream is just a prelude to the attack.

  The point is that the water flow can cause frostbite to the target’s body part.

   Then following the contact with the water, the cursing power absorbed into the body will explode, freezing the soul.

   If the absorbed curse power is small, at most it will only cause frostbite to the soul and slow thinking.

   But if it absorbs enough curse power.

   Once the soul is frozen, the individual’s vital signs will immediately disappear.

   In addition, according to the introduction under Mobius’s real data.

   The water spirit formed by the heavy water of the purple cold has strong strategic significance.

   The water spirit of the purple cold heavy water, has the ability to mass produce the soul of frost.

   Soul of Frost can increase soul power.

   The Soul of Frost can be regarded as a kind of precious spiritual material that assists the holy source of the contract.

   For this kind of spiritual material that can increase the power of the soul, it has always been very precious.

   is a strategic heritage-level material that is one level better than the heavenly elemental pearl.

  The production of the Soul of Frost is very simple, not to mention that people in the Sky City will be able to more confidently bond with the holy source in the future.

   Lin Yuan takes the Soul of Frost to trade with other forces.

   can easily obtain a large amount of needed materials.

   Thinking of this, Lin Yuan showed a smile on his face.

  Because of Han’s existence, Lin Yuan has obtained a new way to make money.

   As for Yu Han’s natal Witch Gu, the year-old cold gu fish, it was exactly as Lin Yuan had imagined.

Every fish in the school of    has no affiliation, but a whole.

   This makes the year-old cold gu fish shoal when cursing the surrounding targets.

   can turn the curse by five times.

  year-old cold gu fish wants to inspire a cursed target, the cold curse stored in its body needs to stab the target with its tail.

   Six year-old cold gu fish, together attacking the target.

   can increase the target’s chance of being stabbed~IndoMTL.com~ The most important thing is that every extra year-old cold gu fish in the school will increase the absorption of 20% of the old cold force.

For every five extra cold gu fish in the school of   , the number of layers of cold power can be doubled on the original basis.

   makes it easier for the power of Suihan to reach the number of layers to increase the treasure.

The metamorphosis of   year-old cold gu, although there is no obvious change in ability.

   But it has carried out a subversive enhancement to the original ability.

   Looking at the cold of the Sea-Monster Emperor’s blood, Lin Yuan subconsciously compared Han with the Huashangyan ghost of the Great Devil’s blood.

   In comparison, Lin Yuan is really hard to say whether it is Hanqiang or Huashangyan Guiqiang.

   Compared to the Sea-Monster King and the Great Devil who can easily promote themselves.

   It is a big problem for Lin Yuan to upgrade the golden wings, a desolate bloodline artifact.

   Lin Yuan is looking forward to the growth of the golden wings.

   What should be strengthened, Lin Yuan has finished strengthening.

   Although Lin Yuan is quite tired now.

   Ke Lin Yuan did not leave the Spirit Locking Space immediately.

   Instead, they strengthened the Sui people and helped them catch them in batches.

  Shou Yuan Mouse, a spiritual creature that can increase lifespan, is simply too important.

   Not to mention that the Qishi Demon Beast desperately needs a longevity rat to make a contract.

   Lin Yuan also wants to stock up one or two longevity rats for occasional use.

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