Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1853: Lin Yuan makes a nest!

Although under the high concentration of pure aura, these Qingxin grasses will not evolve and mutate.

But the rank will continue to improve.

Lin Yuan didn’t care about these fresh flowers and left it for a while.

These clear flowers, which are currently only in the bronze stage, will soon be able to grow to the golden stage.

After reaching the golden level, small white flowers will bloom on this green carpet made of fresh syringa.

The flowers of Qingxincao have no special effect.

But this kind of seven-petal flower with slightly curled leaves fits Lin Yuan’s aesthetic very well.

Of course, Lin Yuan, as a straight man, paved this lawn specifically, not just because it looks good.

It is to provide the highest quality environment for these spiritual things that can produce pure aura as much as possible in the spiritual lock space.

Lin Yuan first moved the insect box containing fifteen dark crystal beetles to this grass.

After that, the dozens of element shells of various series were stacked in the most central area.

The elemental pearls spit out by these elemental shells will fall on the lawn.

The little butler in the Locking Space, Feng Speed ​​Xun Ling, will immediately use the element of wind.

Place these female element pearls in four large wooden boxes next to the Pure Land of Bliss.

Each wooden box, like a storage box, has four partitions planned out.

With the current IQ of Fengshui Lingling, it is easy to distinguish the pearls of the elemental pearls of the heavenly girl.

And according to the difference of Zhuyun, separate packaging.

It can be said that Feng Su Xun Ling, the little butler, is becoming more and more competent.

For those ten moonlight water lilies, Lin Yuan didn’t need special treatment.

Because of these ten moonlight water lilies, all of them were carefully planted in the flower pots made by moonstone after the month of their master.

Lin Yuan only needs to place these ten moonlight water lilies on the lawn.

When the moonlight water lily absorbs enough pure aura, it will naturally drop a lotus seed containing pure light element energy.

The five thunder pulp snails, stimulated by the pure aura, will release thunder pulp outward.

If thunder pulp splashes on other spirit creatures, it will cause damage to other spirit creatures.

When Lin Yuan went to the old house of Di Animal Garden in Miao’s family before, Miao Zhenshan specially gave Lin Yuan a huge carved agate vase in order to please Lin Yuan.

This agate carved aquarium is hollowed out and can isolate elemental energy.

Lin Yuan simply put the five thunder pulp snails in this agate carved aquarium.

And put a tray on the bottom of the bottle, made of platinum-level metal spiritual material insulated crystal gold.

After that, Lin Yuan needs the secretions of the thunder pulp snails, just take them directly from this tray.

Compared to the dark crystal beetle, the moonlight water lily and the thunder pulp snail, the woodwing wing fly is more difficult to take care of.

The pure wood attribute energy of Jianmuwing Lacewing comes from the pupae formed by Jianmuwing Lacewing.

This makes Jianmu wing fly into a kind of expendable beetle.

Lin Yuan didn’t want the five wood-winged wing flies in his hand to pupate and disappear after use.

For this reason, Lin Yuan first set up a nest for Jian wood-winged lacewing, and let Jian wood-winged lacewing lay eggs in the nest.

Then let the worm eggs hatch into larvae, and then grow into adults.

Finally, before the pupation, a new Lacewing egg is regenerated.

In this way, Lin Yuan can not only ensure that the pupae formed by the winged wing fly are enough for his own use.

At the same time, there can also be a part of the reserve of wood-winged lacewing eggs.

To help Lin Yuan in exchange for supplies.

In fact, in addition to exchanging supplies, Lin Yuan himself needs a great deal of eggs of the woodwing lacewing.

As plants, Lily Lily and Red Thorn are supplemented with pure wood attribute energy, which is of great benefit to both.

The pupa of Jianmu winged lacewing is buried in the flowerpot of the Twin Fire Festival of Heaven and Earth.

The pure wood attribute energy contained in it can accelerate the growth of twin fire sacrifices.

Let the twins make fire sacrifices, and the spirits will be born again to make fire sacrifices.

So, when Lin Yuan built a nest for these five wood-winged lacewings.

I use the best completely jade-like wood in my hand.

After tying these completely jade-like wood planks together, Lin Yuan allowed Yuansha to shed feathers made of silver from day and night.

Started digging holes in the bundled wooden piles of complete jade.

It is a very simple matter to use sharp day and night silver to dig holes in completely jade-like wooden stakes.

But it took Lin Yuan about fifteen minutes.

Lin Yuan used his own clumsy carving technique to dig the stakes made of completely jade-like wood.

It looks like a hornet’s nest.

Lin Yuan didn’t feel the slightest distress about this, on the contrary, he was very satisfied.

Think about it, the five thousand small holes that I have pierced out should be enough to build a nest of wooden wing flies that are constantly being reborn.

The builders outside cultivated Jianmu winged lacewing for fear that the eggs of Jianmu winged lacewing would die.

The two to five eggs born by Jianmu-winged lacewings can only survive at most one or two even if they are carefully taken care of.

However, there is such a pure spiritual nourishment in the spiritual lock space.

Basically, the eggs laid by the wood-winged lacewings, as long as they are not born with defects.

100% can survive.

So even if Lin Yuan didn’t work **** these Jianmuwing Lacewings, he would get more and more Jianmuwing Lacewing ~IndoMTL.com~.

Completely jade-like wood, it is the food for the wood-winged lacewing.

These completely jade wood debris forests dug out are far from wasted, but are collected by the wind speed gazelle.

They are neatly stacked on top of the wooden stakes.

While the adult worms feed on, they will naturally eat the debris of completely jade-like wood.

Only as a last resort, will you eat your own nest.

Lin Yuan moved this huge wooden stake that was higher than himself, at least three people together, and moved it onto the lawn with Yuansha.

The five jasmine wing flies were released.

Lin Yuan had already fed these Jianmuwing Lacewings pure aura through his palm before releasing them.

Therefore, these wood-winged lacewings are not afraid of Lin Yuan.

After being exposed to pure aura, Jianmu wing fly is like activating the potential reproduction genes in the body, and its life span becomes extremely short.

After seeing the ready-made fully jade wood stakes.

The five wood-winged lacewings began to build nests, lay eggs, and then pupate.

After dealing with the wood-winged lacewing, the last thing Lin Yuan has to deal with is the frozen cold carp, a spiritual creature of heaven and earth.

The frozen carp itself cannot produce pure water elemental energy.

But it can turn pure water elemental energy into ice elemental energy of the same quality.

Lin Yuan now has two ways.

The first type is to add the heavenly girl-level element pearl powder with pearls to the Tianhe stone jade tank for cultivating frozen carp.

Let the powder of the water element celestial element pearls dissolve in the tank by itself.

Until there is a large amount of sediment at the bottom of the tank.

It is the pure water element energy that has reached saturation in the Tianhe stone jade tank.

Then wait until the frozen carp has converted these pure water elemental energy, and then obtain the corresponding pure ice elemental energy.

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