Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1835: Warren, Bei Xu takes off!

Warren is not the creator. At the level that Warren has been in contact with before, he obviously doesn’t know this.

The realm of fantasy species is very unfamiliar to the two-star creators in small places.

Wen Yu apparently also noticed the anomaly.

Lin Yuan sent a message to Lin Yuan through his thoughts.

Lin Yuan felt that since he discovered the problem, he had to mention Warren.

Duolun Port should be facing a long-planned conspiracy.

Warren could still leave in his own boat before becoming the Archon of Port Duolun.

But now that Warren has become the Archon of Port Duolun, he has already fallen into this storm and can’t get out of it.

The enemy is in the dark, and Warren is in the light.

If Warren didn’t take precautions in advance, he would be targeted by secret enemies, and the car would be overturned.

This enemy hidden in the dark can send a diamond-level spiritual creature to cause shipwrecks one after another.

It shows that the enemy’s strength in this dark place is at least in the king’s rank, and may even be stronger.

Improving Warren’s strength has become a must for Lin Yuan.

Otherwise, once Warren died, all of Lin Yuan’s early investment would be wasted.

So Lin Yuan asked Warren.

“Warren, during the period of consecutive shipwrecks in Port Duolun, was there anything unusual?”

Warren was startled when he heard the words, and an unexpected expression appeared on his face.

I don’t understand why Lin Yuan asked that.

But since Lin Yuan asked, naturally there is a reason to ask.

Warren lowered his head carefully and thought about it.

Warren, who had always been a navigator and survived at sea, always felt that Port Duolun was calm and a haven for navigators.

The sea is the dangerous place.

But thinking about it now, Warren suddenly noticed.

There have been several assassinations in Port Duolun in recent years.

The former consul of Port Duolun died in the assassination.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to become the Archon of Port Duolun so easily.

As Warren thought about it, Yin Lin said.

“The lion means that the wild spirits can only comprehend the will rune at the tenth level of the legendary quality of the diamond rank.”

“The razor killer crab that you said that died in the hands of the Blue Ring Seal must not be a wild creature.”

“There is no possibility of death of aura professionals, this spiritual creature may be out of control.”

“Because once the Reiki professional dies, the spiritual creature will also lose its life with the Reiki professional.”

Warren was thinking about the anomaly in Port Duolun.

After listening to Wen Yu’s words, Warren’s heart was shocked, and her hair stood up.

Warren immediately felt a sense of being watched.

In this way, there must be a reason for the death of the last consul of Port Duolun.

Some raw faces appeared in Port Duolun. The skin of these raw faces was white, which was completely different from the rough skin of the navigator.

These people seem to have appeared before and after the Razor Killer.

There have been rumors that these people have been searching for news after they appeared in Port Duolun.

In order to find out the news, he was generous.

Obviously, it is looking for something.

I can’t say that I would be targeted by this group of people like the previous Archon of Port Duolun.

I used the blue ring seal to kill the Razor Killer Crab. The Razor Killer Crab is a spiritual creature of the Lord, and the other party must have known it.

And I have already understood the strength of my Blue Ring Sea Seal.

Warren’s blue ring sea seal was given by Lin Yuan, and his strength was also improved by Lin Yuan with spiritual liquid.

Warren can only rely on the Celestial Council, and Lin Yuan and Wen Yu sitting on the golden throne.

Looking at Warren’s eyes for help, Lin Yuan knew that Warren must have realized something.

For the situation in Duolun Port, Lin Yuan knew it was useless.

Just improve Warren’s strength and ensure Warren can survive.

Lin Yuan spoke, and said to Warren.

“You are an A-level aura professional. Logically speaking, the limit of the spiritual things you can contract is the fantasy five changes at the tenth level of the diamond.”

“However, A-level aura professionals can use a special method to perform the stage, contract a lord-level mythical second-level spiritual creature.”

“You don’t know the enemy hidden in the dark, naturally I can’t know.”

“So, I can only raise your strength to the limit as much as possible, so that you have a chance to survive in the dark surge.”

“I can’t say that after this time, what new opportunities can you get in Port Duolun!”

While speaking, Lin Yuan let Wen Yu pass the function of the Celestial Council.

The Starlight Zhitan pollen prepared for Warren in advance, four regular crystals containing the power of pure rules.

Eight bottles of spiritual liquid to enhance the strength of the Blue Ring Sea Seal, and a portion of pure water elemental energy prepared by the elemental well water were given to Warren.

Lin Yuan didn’t have much elemental well water, but he prepared a point for Warren.

Because Lin Yuan discovered the extraordinary bloodline of the Blue Ring Sea Seal when he upgraded the Blue Ring Sea Seal to the tenth level of legendary quality.

This kind of bronze step is very rare to awaken the bloodline.

If it weren’t for Lin Yuan, it didn’t fit this blue ring seal, Lin Yuan wanted to contract this blue ring seal~IndoMTL.com~ so Lin Yuan thought about it, and before he was promoted to the myth species, Give the blue ring sea seal a good luck.

Also gave Warren a good luck.

Pure water elemental energy is the best medicine to stimulate blood for any water-based spiritual thing.

As for the method and order of use, the time on the Celestial Council is precious, and Lin Yuan doesn’t need to tell Warren.

Wen Yu will distribute the letter of thoughts in a while.

At that time, Lin Yuan will tell Warren how to use these supplies on the letter paper.

At the same time, it is also good to talk to Warren about the blue ring seal after the bloodline has completely changed based on the letter paper of the heart.

At first, Warren was still a little nervous, but after listening to Lin Yuan’s words, Warren’s heart immediately calmed down.

At the same time, Warren’s eyes are full of excitement and joy.

Although Warren doesn’t know much about the related knowledge of fantasy species.

But Warren has still heard of mythological spirits.

The mythological creatures are in the Duolun Port, they are legendary creatures.

Warren has never seen any kind of mythical creature.

If you see a mythical creature at sea, Warren will not have the chance to join the Celestial Council alive.

Duolun Port is a small port on Gemei Island.

There are a total of four ports under Gemei Island.

The owner of Gemei Island is well-known in Gemei Island.

Because the owner of Gemei Island has a mythical creature.

When I heard that there were mythological creatures, Warren still felt like in a dream.

Now, Warren has the opportunity to obtain the mythical creature.

Warren bowed deeply to Lin Yuan.

Then bowed respectfully to Lin Yuan and Wen Yu.

The Suyes felt quite emotional at this time.

Bei Xu and Warren are both ordinary people. With the help of Lin Yuan, these two people have already taken off completely.

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