Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1833: Unexpectedly, you still have such a chance!

Someone in the Celestial Council is about to face the lion, but he is destined to have no chance to see the lion in reality.

Lin Yuan, Wen Yu, Yin Lin, Suyes, Tare, Warren and others, when they heard Bei Xu’s words, Qi Qi was startled.

The brow frowned suddenly.

Lin Yuan directly spoke solemnly, and asked Bei Xu.

“What’s the matter, if there is a problem on your side, why don’t you contact the council?”

Wen Yu’s celestial body council of the holy source after being promoted.

As Wen Yu deepens his ties with the members of the Celestial Council, not only the members of the Celestial Council can enter the Council without sleeping.

Meanwhile, members of the Celestial Council can also take the initiative to initiate contact with the Celestial Council.

Delivering a message to Wen Yu and Lin Yuan.

Although members of the Celestial Council take the initiative to contact the Council itself, the cost will be relatively high.

Lin Yuan consumed a lot of will.

But no matter how high the cost is, Bei Xu shouldn’t be alone without contacting himself after a problem occurs.

In the Celestial Council, Lin Yuan can be as high as a god.

Faced with any member of the Celestial Council, show the deity’s style.

Because it doesn’t matter whether Yin Lin is the Azure Envoy or not, Buper is the **** mother reserve.

They all chose to use all of their own to sign a contract with the Celestial Council.

In order to find a way out.

Although Lin Yuan has been joking, he regards himself as a system for other members of the Celestial Council.

But Lin Yuan couldn’t do it, as cold as the system.

Humans are animals with emotions. Every member who joins the Celestial Council is tantamount to establishing a bond with Lin Yuan.

Beixu was the first to join the Celestial Council.

Lin Yuan can say that he was broken for the safety of Bei Xu.

In the beginning, Lin Yuan did not pursue the maximization of profit.

Otherwise, like Bei Xu, there is no background, a precarious “stone worm” that is trampled on by others.

Not at all like Yin Lin, who brought Lin Yuan practical benefits from the beginning.

Every time before and after the celestial body council is held, Lin Yuan always thinks about how to make Bei Xu, Warren, this kind of unreliable celestial body council member survive.

Because of the prince and daughter of the holy source in the arms of the holy sword, Lin Yuan has rules and will.

As long as Lin Yuan keeps collecting the bodies of dead fantasy creatures, as well as the regular spar and regular spar fragments of the mythical creature.

It can always replenish the consumption rules and will.

After changing other people, I have no ability to pass the function of the Celestial Council and give too much help to the members of the Council.

Now, I heard Bei Xu said that he couldn’t hold it anymore.

For the first time, Lin Yuan experienced such violent fluctuations in his emotions in the Celestial Council.

Lin Yuan’s tone seemed a bit cold.

When the others heard it, they subconsciously thought that the lion was a little angry.

Ke and Lin Yuan have been living together, but Wen Yu, who knows Lin Yuan very well, knows.

Lin Yuan is now worried about Bei Xu.

Beixu quickly apologized to Lin Yuan nervously.

“Sorry Lion, I…”

Bei Xu was interrupted by Lin Yuan before he finished speaking.

Lin Yuan sensed Bei Xu’s soul through the Celestial Assembly.

Through his soul, Lin Yuan can feel the life energy in Bei Xu’s body, which is passing in a very strange way.

If it is injured, the area of ​​the wound is constant, and the rate of blood loss is constant.

The vitality should be reduced at a constant rate.

Ke Bei Xu’s current life energy in his body is high and low.

It’s like riding a roller coaster.

Lin Yuan immediately thought of the Fengying Youbat he had prepared for Bei Xu.

The front shadow ghost bat can replenish its own life energy by absorbing blood.

I want to come to Bei Xu’s body to keep rising and falling, which should be related to Fengying Youbat.

It’s just that if it’s just a matter of loss of vitality.

For Lin Yuan, it is not difficult to solve.

“So, what is going on with you?”

Hearing Lin Yuan’s question, Bei Xu hurriedly explained his situation.

“Lion, it’s not that I don’t want to contact you! It’s just something happened on my side.”

“I knew I couldn’t stand it anymore, so I prepared to contact the council.”

“At this time the parliament began.”

Beixu explained it for himself first.

In Bei Xu’s heart, the figure on the golden throne has become his most important person.

For a person who may die at any time, Bei Xu does not want his most important person to misunderstand him.

After a brief explanation, Bei Xu continued.

“When I was exploring the underground world, I came across a community.”

“Everyone in this community has been transformed into monsters.”

“But the strong in this community can’t beat me, so I took people to occupy this community.”

“As a result, as soon as I occupied this community, the underground river began to rise.”

“I led my men and the only normal people in the community, and started to build a dam.”

“Prevent the water from the underground river, pour it into the community, and destroy the buildings in the community~IndoMTL.com~ As a result, someone was washed into the water, I went into the water to rescue.”

“Bitten by a weird creature with a red fish tail.”

“This creature doesn’t know what’s going on, and signed a contract with me.”

“It will always absorb the life energy in my body to enhance my strength and gain growth.”

“The spiritual creature you gave me has been killing and finding underground creatures to replenish my life energy.”

“Otherwise, in less than ten minutes, I will be sucked dry by this half-humanoid creature with red fish tails and algae-like hair.”

Lin Yuan’s heart moved upon hearing this.

An unbelievable expression appeared on his face immediately.

Lin Yuan and Wen Yu looked at each other and nodded at Wen Yu.

Lin Yuan directly used his will to cast Lily Lily’s skill, Cui Cui Mark, on the six members of the Celestial Council.

The other five people didn’t think anything, but a green lotus-shaped mark appeared under the collarbone, like a totem.

But Bei Xu discovered that the life energy in his body was quickly replenished.

And every time the weird creature with the red fish tail absorbs the vitality in its own body.

The green mark will replenish the same amount of life energy for oneself.

Let your life energy stay at the peak level forever.

The methods Lin Yuan displayed obviously exceeded Bei Xu’s cognition.

Beixu thought he would not live long.

But Lin Yuan was waving his hands, letting him come to life from desperation.

Bei Xu could feel that the humanoid with the red fish tail who signed the contract with him was very close to him.

In the process of absorbing the life energy in his own body, he is constantly improving his strength.

At this moment, Bei Xu only heard Lin Yuan speak.

“Unexpectedly, you still have such a chance!”


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