Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1814: Zihan heavy water

If someone who is dominated by contract devil summons the devil, the strength can become stronger.

However, Lin Yuan is not sure, if the Snaking Snake is not left to Chu Ci, whether he will have the chance to obtain the Desolate Bloodline Spiritual Object in the future.

It’s just that, no matter how you look at Mingshe, its ability has nothing to do with Chuci.

Snaking snake is more suitable to be contracted by Wen Yu.

Wen Yu focuses on functionality in the spiritual contract.

There has never been a so-called combat system.

The Snaking Snake can make the swamp dry and generate land in the swamp world.

Lin Yuan is a strategic resource.

Because Lin Yuan is ready to explore the swamp world in the swamp world after he has dealt with all the affair on the Continent of Scary Veins.

If Xuan Yue can prepare a desolate bloodline artifact for Wen Yu, Lin Yuan won’t need to worry about it anymore.

Simply, it is better to give Wen Yu a contract with Ming Snake.

Wait until Chuci reaches the grade that can contract the bloodline of the famine.

Let Xuanyue choose a battle method of Chuci for Chuci according to Chuci’s fighting method, and let Xuanyue choose a desolate bloodline spiritual creature that is helpful to her.

After a month, I told Lin Yuan a lot about the knowledge of the blood of the famine.

Although Lin Yuan had listened to Liu Yifan before.

However, Liu Yifan’s explanation is obviously not as detailed as it was after last month.

Now Lin Yuan has thoroughly understood the division of the realm of the bloodline of the desolation.

Furthermore, the Great Desolate Land is not the limit of the Desolate Bloodline and Spiritual Realm.

However, if you want to break through the Great Wasteland, it is only possible to awaken your fate on the road to heaven.

Listening to the explanation for himself after the month, Lin Yuan suddenly went back to the beginning. Just after the month, it was time for him to be a disciple, and to conduct knowledge questions and answers with himself all day long.

After the month, in the explanation for Lin Yuan, I went to answer questions raised by Lin Yuan from time to time.

A month later, I discovered that the questions Lin Yuan asked were getting more and more difficult.

There are some problems, and I need to think deeply.

This let months later know that Lin Yuan is also constantly improving in academics.

For this improvement, Lin Yuan’s cat-like spirit should be inseparable.

At the first glance, when I saw the cat-like creature, I was surprised in my heart after the month.

Unexpectedly, there will be such a spiritual thing in the world.

Just like when Lin Yuan saw the World-Worse Wuxiang Beast, he couldn’t infer what kind of spiritual creature evolved from the World-Waiting Wuxiang Beast.

I observed smartness after a month, but I couldn’t see that smartness evolved from Baiwenmon.

The **** of mercy was also on the scene, and **** of mercy was also aware of the clever situation.

Fortunately, Lian Shen stood on Lin Yuan’s side because of his blood.

Otherwise, things are really not easy to solve.

The existence of cleverness is very likely to cause Lin Yuan to be assassinated and targeted.

Through cleverness, I have seen Lin Yuan’s broad road to become a teacher after the month.

I thought of the great sea monster that Yin Lin was the master and gave Lin Yuan.

A month later, he asked Lin Yuan.

“Xiao Yuan, do you have a good relationship with the Fourth Azure Blue Federation’s Envoy?”

Lin Yuan nodded when he heard the words.

explained immediately.

“Master, the relationship between Yin Lin and I is due to the things of Wen Yu Shengyuan.”

Xuanyue knows the function of Wen Yu’s holy source as Wen Yu’s master.

If Xuan Yue has anything to do, she usually tells her master Yuehou.

Before the month later, I had also taken the initiative to give Wen Yu a batch of spiritual materials to enhance his mental power.

So after a month, I also know the function of Wen Yu Shengyuan’s things.

When Lin Yuan said this, many things were connected immediately after the month.

Yin Lin was blind in both eyes before awakening the double beast pattern, and she had no name at all in the Azure Federation.

Now, the situation has reversed.

I thought it was because of Lin Yuan’s favor.

It’s no wonder Yin Lin treats Lin Yuan this way, even the sea monster who has awakened the water of life and the heavy water of purple cold is willing to give it to Lin Yuan.

In the past few months, I didn’t talk to Lin Yuan about the situation in the Secret Realm of Blue Federation Landis.

Now Lin Yuan has obtained the sea monster.

During the battle, the sea monster was of great help to the mermaid Lin Yuan.

If you want to contract with the sea monster, the peak soul required is probably only a little more than the thing of the marrow bond holy source.

Lin Yuan must be able to contract.

Just want to contract the sea monster, which has one more restriction than the contract demon.

That is, before that, the body must be washed with different water.

It is a very dangerous thing to wash the body with different water.

Many young Tianjiao from the Azure Federation used different water to cleanse their bodies in order to be able to contract with the sea monster.

Once there is a difference, the body will be seriously injured, and the water element characteristics in the different water will invade the bones.

I have to endure more terrible torture than ordinary people, rheumatism, rheumatoid.

He died directly and couldn’t even save him.

If it weren’t for Lin Yuan’s hydration with Yuandong, he would become a mermaid.

Received the blessing of Blue Lotus.

In fact, Yue Qiu didn’t agree with Lin Yuan taking risks in order to contract with the sea monster.

However, Lin Yuan has these two guarantees.

It couldn’t be easier to wash your body with different water.

“Xiao Yuan, the big sea monster Yin Lin gave you has awakened the heavy water of Zihan.”

“The heavy water of purple cold can be ranked in the upper-middle position in all the natal waters that the sea monster can awaken.”

“The Secret Realm of Lantis is more special than the Devil’s Church and the Secret Realm of Desolation.”

“Landis Secret Realm only produces one kind of creature, and that is the Kraken.”

“After cultivating the sea monster, some of them can become the existence of the sea monster.”

“Become the queen of the sea demon, and then be nurtured.”

“Through the induction of a large amount of water elemental energy, some large sea monsters can awaken the water of their life and obtain extremely strong elemental combat capabilities.”

“Some large sea monsters will rapidly age and decay.”

“At present, there should be no more than thirty sea monsters in the Azure Federation who have awakened the water of their lives.”

“Zihan Heavy Water is in it, and it can be ranked to the upper middle, probably between ten and fifteenth.”

“However, the ranking of Zihan Chongshui is so down, not because its ability is not strong enough.”

“A drop of Zihan heavy water weighs a thousand catties.”

“It can curse the enemy target that is touched by the current, so that it will gather cold air in its body and freeze to death.”

“When aiming at your own target~IndoMTL.com~ the cold will gather on the surface of the target to enhance the target’s defense.”

“When the opponent touches the body of the target, the curse is transmitted to the body of the target, and severe frostbite is applied to the part where the target is in contact with the target.”

“The sea monster of the Azure Federation awakened the water of life, although it is not able to fit together like the great devil of the Free Federation, but it can be attached to the weapon with a spirit.”

“However, it is not recommended to attach to ordinary weapons and weapons made from artifacts.”

“Ordinary weapons and weapons made from spiritual objects may be eroded by the water of life and cause fragmentation.”

“It’s a treasure, but it’s an excellent spiritual target for the sea monster.”

“Waiting for your teacher to refine the body of the Eight-Star Sacred Source of the Sea Dancing Singer into a treasure for you.”

“Allowing the sea monster that has awakened from the heavy water of the purple cold to attach a spirit to it can greatly enhance the power of the treasure.”

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