Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1806: Don’t pity God with purpose!

Lin Yuan must know what is the purpose of pitying God to show his kindness.

So that Lin Yuan knows how to get in touch with Lian Shen.

Lin Yuan, a man of two generations, is extremely sophisticated in his view of things.

Lin Yuan didn’t reject Pity God’s initiative to show favor.

Because Lin Yuan knows the usefulness of pitying God.

Regardless of the city in the sky, it is still the Federation of Radiance.

Pity God can definitely be a great help.

Just as Lin Yuan was thinking, he saw Lian Shen waved his palm towards the tabletop.

Seven or eight water-blue shells appeared on the table immediately.

The shells are full of luster like pearls.

Lin Yuan uses the real data of Mobius’ skills to investigate these shells.

At first glance, Lin Yuan discovered that these shells were not living creatures.

Instead, the water element celestial element pearls are ground into powder, and the clam shell fragments of the Yunling sea mussel are added.

Use special means to combine together to make a container.

Under the pure water element and the spiritual temperature contained in the Yunling sea mussel, it is very suitable for storing precious water element spiritual materials.

These water-blue shells were not opened, and Lin Yuan didn’t know what was inside.

However, through the blood of the mermaid royal family in his body, Lin Yuan can perceive the contents of these shells, which are all related to the mermaid.

Because the inside of these shells has the breath of mermaid blood.

After taking out these shells, Lian Shen said to Yue Hou.

“The bones, scales and the heart of the mermaid are the main materials of the eight-star holy source of the sea diving singer.”

“The most suitable auxiliary material, in addition to the water-based spiritual material, it is best to have a certain relationship with the mermaid bloodline.”

“These are the water-based spiritual materials that I have collected that contain the blood of mermaid.”

“After the month, since you said you want to refine for Lin Yuan, then I will give you all the spiritual materials originally prepared for Lin Yuan!”

“Whether it is used or not, you decide for yourself!”

“Presumably you can’t get a few spiritual materials with mermaid blood!”

When Pity God spoke, he looked straight at Moon Queen.

However, what Lian Shen thought at this time was not how to compete with Moon Queen.

But how, deepen Lin Yuan’s impression of himself, and let Lin Yuan remember himself.

Perhaps after being strong after the month, I can still put a gentle label in Lin Yuan’s heart.

Male creatures tend to prefer gentle companions.

If you want to attack Lin Yuan, you can’t do it in one or two days.

The time is still long, let’s wait and see in the next month!

Pity God’s words are really not a lie.

After the month, no matter how precious the water-attribute spiritual material is, it can be taken out.

The water attribute possesses the spirit material of the mermaid bloodline, and at most one or two pieces can be taken out after the month.

Firstly, because the water-attributable spirit material containing the blood of the mermaid, it is not used at all when preparing the high star spirit liquid.

I have never actively searched for it after a month.

Secondly, the iron hell’s crown suit uses some scales of creatures with mermaid blood.

Iron Hell really likes the mermaid scales in the blue color.

In order to add some mermaid elements to the dress.

Iron Hell has searched a wave of water-attribute spiritual materials with mermaid blood from the hands of the other twelve crowns.

Even if I love Lin Yuan again after a month, it is for Lin Yuan’s consideration.

It’s not easy to tear down the iron hell’s crown suit, which is also under the crown.

And Pity God has been searching for the whereabouts of mermaids all over the world these years.

Because Pity God, the mermaid clan in the main world is basically annihilated.

It directly caused Wang Yang Labyrinth’s anger and launched a crusade against Pity God.

Finally, I don’t know what the price is for Pity God to reconcile with Wang Yang Maze.

It can be said that the water-attribute spiritual materials with mermaid bloodlines in the world are basically in the mercy of the gods.

In the absence of the ability to take it out.

Even after the moon, I want to let God of Mercy pick up things and roll out of the Hall of Bright Moonlight.

For the sake of Lin Yuan’s consideration, after Moon, she had to accept these spiritual materials with mermaid blood that were brought out by Lian Shen.

A month later, the shells were opened one by one to check the quality of these spiritual materials.

A month later, it was discovered that these water-based spiritual materials with mermaid bloodlines had been carefully selected by God of Pity.

Extremely suitable for making treasures with the Eight-Star Sacred Source Qianhai Singer.

And the quality of this batch of spiritual materials is extremely high, and many of them even come from the things of the holy source.

Use these things to match the body and bones of the Qianhai singer to ensure that the treasure will not drop stars during the process of making the treasure.

The falling stars of treasures is a very common phenomenon in the production process.

Take the body of the three-star holy source and refine it by the five-star creator.

The probability of refining a one-star treasure is extremely high.

The treasure made from the skin and stomach pouch of Baodong Golden Cicada, which was given to Lin Yuan by Master Chef, received two stars.

Even if the moon is now a six-star creator, if there is no such thing as the water-attribute spiritual material with the blood of the mermaid given by the God of Mercy.

Let me collect spiritual materials by myself for refining after the month.

Even if you use your heart after a month, you can only guarantee that the refined treasure will reach the seven-star level.

Because the higher the star of the dead body of the holy source of things ~ IndoMTL.com~, the easier it is to drop stars when refining treasures.

This is common sense among the five-star creators.

However, there are these things given by God of Mercy.

After the month, I feel that I have the opportunity to create an eight-star treasure for Lin Yuan in the process of refining.

Judging from the materials that Lian Shen took out.

After a month, it was discovered that God of Pity had no intention of hiding personalities against Lin Yuan.

At this moment, I didn’t feel angry anymore, but carefully looked at God of Mercy.

A month later, I found out that the eyes of God of Pity looked at Lin Yuan, not like God of Pity regarded Lin Yuan as a patron, or apprentice.

This kind of look is very similar to the look in the eyes of the Azure Blue Enabling Yin Lin looking at Lin Yuan.

Months later, I heard the rumors that Yin Lin and Lin Yuan were riding in a ghost car.

After the month, I did not ask about Lin Yuan’s relationship with Yin Lin, but paid attention to Yin Lin.

After Yin Lin proposed at the Free Federation mission that she wanted to compete with Hui Yao’s younger generation.

It can be said that Yin Lin helped Lin Yuanlai without hesitation.

Yin Lin’s favor with Lin Yuan seems to be restrained.

But after a month, I feel that it is not only I can feel it.

If Lian Shen pays attention to Yin Lin, even if he doesn’t know that Yin Lin and Lin Yuan have been in a magic car together.

You can also get a glimpse of one or two.

It’s just that compared to Yin Lin, Lian Shen’s expression is more purposeful and more subtle.

Monthly after realizing this, the look at Pity God became weird.

After the month, I didn’t believe it. Pity God turned his back on the Freedom Federation because it was as simple as finding a man!

Pity God must have another purpose!

It’s just that based on Lian Shen’s current performance, Lian Shen will not take the initiative to harm Lin Yuan.

Maybe even when Lin Yuan is in danger, Lian Shen will help.

At this moment, after Moon, I only heard Lian Shen speak softly to Lin Yuan.

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