Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1749: Safflower in the water!

Although Lin Yuan was paralyzed all over the moment he saw Qian Yu, unable to take any action.

   But Lin Yuan has already used the real data of Mobius’ skills.

   checked the huge shield fish creature behind Qian Yu.

   Looking at it, Lin Yuan secretly said in his heart.

   I never thought that the blood of a spiritual creature could return to the ancestors to such an extent.

   When I checked Long Tao’s Sea King Cressarong.

  Long Tao’s spiritual creature was crowned on his body in the name of chalk.

   Qian Yu’s spiritual creature is the same, adding the name of Cambrian to himself.

  Cambrian Peiyu displays its exclusive characteristics. Cambrian comes, and the undercurrent of the sea is surging.

   and the temperature of the water body is extremely cold, revealing a biting chill to the outside.

   If it weren’t for Liu Jie’s control of the insect and cancer spirit, it would be within this area.

  All the elemental energy except the fire elemental energy was absorbed.

  I am afraid that the waters opened by the Cambrian fish will directly submerge the entire area of ​​the battlefield.

   But even so, the water still raged towards Lin Yuan, Liu Yifan, Zong Ze, Gao Feng, Liu Jie and others.

  Lin Yuan and others are very clear that they must not be involved in this piece of water.

   Otherwise, the Cambrian fish at the peak of the second realm of mythology will stir the water at will.

  The huge pressure formed by the surging water can tear myself and others to pieces.

   Like this kind of magical creature that can open up a field, it has the ability to attack in the field.

   is not something Reiki professionals can resist physically.

   So Lin Yuan injected a lot of spiritual power through his feet into the source sand under his feet.

   Under the ground, the source sand, which has been dug for nearly a thousand meters, instantly formed a sand wall.

After the sand wall appeared, a chain sword made of radium uranium steel precipitated in the sand wall.

  The chain swords swayed vertically and horizontally, forming a sturdy steel column, turning it into the best support for the sand wall.

   Keep the sand wall from being washed down by the water.

   After this layer of sand wall appeared, layers of sand wall quickly rose from the flat ground.

   Qian Yu saw this, a sneer appeared on his face.

   “Small bugs and bugs!”

   “Cambrian Peiyu, cast the skill overlord water pressure!”

   Hearing Qian Yu’s instructions, Cambrian Peiyu’s body suddenly turned purple.

  A Cambrian overlord, with a deterrent over the entire sea.

   Immediately in the sea, the Cambrian fish that ruled the entire sea took a big bite forward, and the entire sea instantly shrank by half.

   Immediately afterwards, the Cambrian fish with its abdomen widened opened its mouth.

  The water droplets spit out are like a water-blue laser beam, shooting towards the sand wall.

   Under the impact of this water current, Lin Yuan found out.

Cracks appeared on the surface of the radium uranium steel.

   Lin Yuan can immediately confirm that the Cambrian Peiyu at the pinnacle of the second realm of mythology is a skill that will be displayed casually.

   is stronger than the endless summer in the three realms of myth.

   Because Endless Summer is an auxiliary spirit creature.

  Secondly, I want to come is also related to Qian Yu’s cultivation of Cambrian fish.

   The blood of this Cambrian fish can return to such an extent.

   It is hard to imagine how much resources Qian Yu has invested for this Cambrian Peiyu.

   Lin Yuan knows that he only needs to use Cambrian Peiyu to cast it two more times, and he will dominate the water pressure.

   These chain swords made of radium uranium steel will break.

  The entire sand wall will be completely washed away.

   However, a series of attacks against Cambrian Peiyu’s skills.

   Lin Yuan didn’t stand still here either.

  As early as when Cambrian Peiyu used the skill Cambrian came, Liu Jie asked the worm mother to recover the wasteland market worm.

  The strength of the Wasteland Ruins Worm itself lies in its combination with other insect cancer spirits.

   The carcinoid carcinoid creature that just cooperated with the wasteland worms sent the rotting migratory locusts.

   I don’t know what method the opponent used to kill.

  The land where the worms hide in the wasteland market is just not far below the body of the huge strange fish, and it will definitely be affected by the sea.

  The worm died in the wasteland market, and the entire town Lingsi was out of stock.

   Unlike the carcinoid carcinoid locust sending rotting locusts, there are still two in the Zhenling Division, and they will die if they die.

   In addition, there is enough waste soil just created by the wasteland worms, enough for the worms to use for a period of time.

  After recalling the worms in the Wasteland Market, Liu Jie raised his hand and threw out the worm-like cancer artifact he used in the battle against Long Tao, the UFO worm

The power of    UFO capworm lies in its ability to turn waters into gelatin through tentacles, and seize control of the waters.

   and control the spiritual creatures in the waters.

   UFO worms want to show off their power, but they need some protection.

   Before worms are born, the tentacles are used to make a lot of mucus.

   The fragile UFO has no self-protection ability at all.

   As long as Qian Yu finds out, let Cambrian Peiyu target it for a while.

  The UFO will shed its strength and become a corpse.

   Therefore, Liu Jie arranged for UFO to hide in the yellow sand.

   informed Lin Yuan of his thoughts through thoughts.

   Lin Yuan uses yellow sand as a shelter to protect the UFO.

   UFO can produce larvae in the yellow sand in contact with waters.

   A large number of larvae grow out of tentacles, and the formed glue sticks together a large piece of yellow sand at the bottom of the water.

   Then using the sticky yellow sand as a cover, the larvae stretched out a large number of tentacles.

   Soon, the waters opened by the Cambrian fish became viscous.

  This area of ​​water was originally supported by the Cambrian pike fish relying on the water element in its body.

  The elemental energy of water is dozens of times thicker than the sea area in the natural environment.

   This makes the gelatinous body formed by the UFO worm becomes more viscous.

   Qian Yu has already discovered this.

   But Qian Yu didn’t care at all.

  Qian Yu recognized that this was the parasite, the parasite, the parasite, U.S. worm.

  If Qian Yu encounters a diamond-level tenth legendary UFO~IndoMTL.com~ in the vast ocean, he will definitely turn around and run.

   Because if the diamond rank is tenth, the legendary quality UFO thinks.

   can turn the entire sea area into colloid, and everything is difficult to survive.

   But in this small area, even the waters become colloid.

  The Cambrian Peiyu has a strong single-handed combat ability and continues to evolve and evolve.

  , even if it is really entangled in mucus, it can easily break free.

   Just a little more effort.

  The position of the Cambrian Peiyu is to suppress the UFO.

   Right now, Qian Yu is going to do it.

   is to let the waters created by the Cambrian fish break the sand wall.

   made everyone on the other side sink into the water.

   However, an accident occurred.

   That is the sea of ​​flowers that was originally submerged by the sea, but it did not wither.

   but in the sea of ​​flowers, blooming red flowers with a diameter of two or three meters.

   Those red flowers have strange gill-shaped petals.

   Between the opening and closing of the gill-shaped petals, five or six meters long gills grow.

   weird red flowers like the same jellyfish.

   After these strange jellyfish-like flowers appeared, they did not immediately attack.

   But in the water, they line up regularly, seeming to be waiting for something.

   This situation seems to be too permeating.

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