Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1642: Fault again next time, die!

The three elders were obviously dissatisfied when they heard this.

There is a problem with the phantom car under Li Yuan’s crown.

After waiting for someone to return, there is no way to explain it.

At this moment, the female voice suddenly turned cold.

“Fill again next time, die!”

The three elders did not expect that the two spirit creatures who drove after the month would achieve eternity.

Don’t talk about the seven Shenting kite eagles, it is the momentum of seven hundred Shenting kite eagles.

I can’t help two immortal frosts that have achieved eternity.

No one knows the temper of the month after month better than the strong of the Free Federation.

After all, under the crown of the Freedom Federation, it was in the hands of Yue Qiu.

After the month, there will be people who will act if they don’t agree with each other.

The Shenting Kite Eagle, which had just risen in the air, was forced to land.

The three elders of the Freedom Federation, and the younger generation.

I was planning to go to the glorious church to observe the ceremony like the blue federal mission.

Only a hoarse voice sounded in the sky.

“After the month, could it be that my cart freak is just flying over the capital.”

“Should all of you fall to a major position?”

While speaking, a man in a golden robe appeared out of thin air.

Far away with Ling Hanyue Tower Car.

Hearing this after the month, he said in a cold voice.

“The Freedom Federation has been around for ten years, and it hasn’t come to watch the ceremony.”

“Have you forgotten even Huiyao’s rules?”

“If you can’t remember the rules, I don’t mind teaching you the rules.”

While speaking, I released my aura after the month.

After a month later, he has made a breakthrough in strength since he won the Shouyuan Rat.

Afterwards, the strength of the month after the month took another step forward.

The momentum released after this month.

It is the breath of the degree that I reached when I first gained the life-saving rat.

Feel the breath released after the moon, the long-haired man under the golden robe.

A look of jealousy appeared on his face.

At this moment, the man just listened and continued talking after a month.

“No non-Huiyao citizens are allowed to set foot in the sky above the royal capital.”

“As the crown of the Glory Federation, you are now flying over the capital.”

“Are you planning to join Huiyao? Or do you continue now?”

“Otherwise, your behavior will be regarded as provocative.”

“Ten years ago, why did you members of the Free Federation die? I think you should be very clear in your heart.”

After the month, the face of the man with long hair in the golden robe changed and changed.

Huiyao people are the most disciplined.

The dispute ten years ago started because of the breaking of Huiyao’s rules.

Li Yuan knew that if he insisted, he would stand here in the air.

After the month, I will not hesitate to start with myself.

According to the aura that I just showed after the month, I have the same strength as the month after the month.

Even if you do it after a month, there is nothing to be afraid of.

However, Hui Yao and twelve others stared at this place.

I can’t be as stupid as that old guy.

On the glorious land, start with Yuehou.

Think of the plan to come to Huiyao this time, and the preparations afterwards.

A weird expression appeared on the man’s face.

Then his figure disappeared in midair out of thin air.

Appeared in front of the Free Federation mission.

At this time, the crown of own federation has arrived.

On the face of the mission of the Freedom Federation, there was no expression of excitement at all.

Under Li Yuanmian, she fell into the wind after colliding with the momentum of the moon.

In itself, it is a very weak morale behavior.

Li Yuan didn’t care about this, and said to the person behind him.

“Follow me to the Huiyao Temple to observe the ceremony!”

It’s the opposite of the Free Federation mission.

The young generations of Tianjiao downstairs of Baizi raised their heads excitedly.

Looking up at Ling Hanyue Tower Car.

All understand that just a month later, in the confrontation with the Freedom Federation, they have the upper hand.

One after another feels that there is more face.

However, the expressions of Lin Yuan and Gao Feng became severe.

In a ceremony, under the crown of the Freedom Federation, one specially arrived.

In the beginning, this diadem did not appear.

It only appeared after the fact.

This shows that the Free Federation must have some other purpose.

Under the moving crown, it is not easy to imagine the picture.

Lin Yuan and Gao Feng did not cater to the cheers of other younger generations.

Lin Yuan and Gao Feng look farther than to cater.

The two understand very well how Huiyao’s face was contended.

It depends on strength.

If the strength of the two green and white snakes pulling the cart has not improved.

There is no way to resist the power of the seven eagles.

The strength of my master is not strong enough.

There is also no way to quit the Freedom Federation, this man named Li Yuan.

The scene just now was like a farce.

After dealing with all this, the green-white giant snake once again held up the moon tower and headed towards the glorious church.

Ling Hanyue Tower Cart, just passed by.

One after another, the phantom vehicles drove towards the Huiyao Temple.

These phantom cars have different shapes.

The strength of the pulling cart phantom, the weakest is also enmeshed in immortality.

Variously shaped phantom cars, highlighting the majesty under the crown.

At the same time, it is also a visual feast for ordinary people.

At this moment, a young man who had followed the end of the team.

We crossed Yan Ling, Cai Huo, You Changjian.

Overcoming Qian Yu, who is an envoy of freedom.

I came next to Li Yuan, who was under the crown.


“On the Freedom Federation side, are all the preparations finished?”

Li Yuan heard the words, glanced at the young man standing beside him, and said.

“I have arrived. Naturally everything is ready on the Free Federation.”

“It’s you guys, are you ready?”

The young man heard the words, and a cloud of gray mist suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

After a while, the fog dissipated.

“Everything is ready.”

“The six-page black mass cup has already begun to pour.”

“Just waiting for your free federation to take action.”

“We will follow up immediately.”

“Besides, I have mobilized all the four horse knights.”

“For this action, a protective umbrella will be placed.”

After speaking, Li Yuan was not given a chance to continue questioning.

The young man retreated to the back of the team.

The four of Yan Ling, Cai Huo, and You Changjian looked quite jealous when they saw this young man.

The other people looked at this young man with horror.

All the way to the Huiyao Church.

Li Yuan didn’t know until the door of Huiyao Temple.

How big is the entire Huiyao Sanctuary~IndoMTL.com~?

Compared with the Hall of Radiance, where the All-Star Game was previously held, and the Hall of Radiance.

The Hall of Radiance is at least dozens of times larger than the Hall of Radiance, which can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people.

The surrounding white stone pillars rose up into the sky and plunged straight into the clouds.

It’s like a fantasy arena.

Thousands of white stone pillars surround the square.

There is a connecting area between every two white stone pillars.

These connecting areas are the spectator seats.

Thirteen golden stone pillars stand in front.

On these thirteen golden stone pillars, there are thirteen seats.

It is the place to sit under the crown.

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