Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1526: The fifth spiritual creature of Chuci

Chapter 1526 Chuci’s fourth spiritual creature

I found the mother of blood bath with the function of food delivery, good fellow, placing an order in the spiritual food pavilion like running water.

It is estimated that one-half of the dishes cooked by the chefs of the entire Emperor Turing Food Pavilion were sent to Guiyuan Manor.

Lin Yuan felt that if Zhao Xiaochun was introduced to the mother of the blood bath.

The two will definitely become the best foodies partners.

On this day, Lin Yuan dines below as usual.

The glow-wing butterfly living in the red sandalwood longevity fish tank Yunling hibiscus flowers fluttering in the house as usual.

The skill of the firefly butterfly has the function of dust removal.

It can be said that the firefly has always been the most diligent housekeeper in the manor.

The firefly flying in the manor is a scene that everyone is not used to.

Few people will look at these glowwing butterflies again.

Eating takeaway, Lin Yuan, who was bored and lazy, wanted to see the Wufulanshou in the red sandalwood longevity aquarium.

At this time, Lin Yuan keenly discovered that there was a cloud of Yunling Hibiscus on the red sandalwood longevity fish tank that had withered.

This shouldn’t be! ?

Although the three-tailed Longfengjiang mountain carp was placed in Qianjiao Lake by Lin Yuan, the Wufulanshouling goldfish in the fish tank was still there.

For such a long time, plus Lin Yuan has nothing to do, put his hand on the red sandalwood longevity fish tank, injecting pure aura into it.

This tank of Wufulanshouling goldfish has reached the level of the tenth level of epic bronze rank.

Ninety-nine five-Fulanshouling goldfish with epic copper grade quality, the aura released by them is already comparable to the aura content of the Erxing Lingye.

Under the nourishment of this level of aura, Yunling Hibiscus has no reason to wither at all.

Lin Yuan decided to check the situation.

As a result, Lin Yuan had just arrived nearby and was about to touch the withered cloud of Yunling hibiscus with his hands.

A bright red figure flew out of the withered Yunling Hibiscus.

There is an obvious fierce and withdrawn feeling on the body of this figure.

However, this figure did not attack Lin Yuan.

Instead, he flew around Lin Yuan, and then the red figure obviously hesitated.

The last test fell on Lin Yuan’s collar, and Lin Yuan’s eyes were facing each other.

The body color is bright red, the wings are like phoenix feathers, and the butterfly wings have annual ring-like flame patterns.

This is completely in line with the appearance of the Nirvana butterfly.

Originally, Lin Yuan didn’t know much about Nirvana Butterfly.

But during this period, Lin Yuan wanted to improve Zi Xiao’s quality and to restore Zi Xiao’s self-confidence.

Checked all the information about the Nirvana Butterfly that can be found.

I also activated my personal connections and asked others to help find the Nirvana Butterfly.

But so far, Lin Yuan has not received any valuable feedback.

Lin Yuan uses the real data of Mobius’ exclusive skill to check the red butterfly on his shoulder.

[Name of Spiritual Item]: Nirvana Butterfly

[Spirit Species]: Lepidoptera/Papiliidae

[Spirit Level]: Bronze Level (7/10)

[Spiritual Facts]: Fire/Spiritual

[Spiritual Quality]: Perfect Quality


【Lin Fire】: Inflame the wings to sprinkle the scale powder. The scale powder can quickly ignite the flame when prompted, and apply an igniting effect to the surrounding targets.

[Quenching reinforcement]: Use scale powder to form a quenching layer on the surface of the shield. The quenching layer can resist damage from non-water attributes and at the same time enhance the defensive ability of the quenched shield.

Exclusive features:

[Born on Fire]: When being killed, as long as there is a firelight from the scales, you can resurrect from the firelight from the scales.

At first glance, Lin Yuan found that this red butterfly was really a Nirvana butterfly.

It’s so effortless!

Looking hard, but there has been no news,

It turned out that what I was looking for had already appeared in the manor early.

Lin Yuan suddenly thought of the different glow-wing butterfly he had discovered before.

At that time, I seemed to have spotted a firefly butterfly, some singularly prepared to check it.

As a result, I was disturbed by something.

The glowwing butterfly must be the current Nirvana butterfly.

When the firefly butterfly transforms into a Nirvana butterfly, the original wood energy on its body will be transformed into fire.

The firefly itself, as a wood spirit creature, is very afraid of fire attribute energy.

This makes the firefly butterfly group very repellent from contact with the Nirvana Butterfly, and they dare not approach the Nirvana Butterfly at all.

This is the real reason for the outlier of the Nirvana butterfly.

Through the records on the materials, Lin Yuan learned that Nirvana Butterfly has a very hot temper.

I like to cast scale powder on other targets and set them on fire.

Now the Nejin Butterfly did not attack Lin Yuan, but took a close attitude towards Lin Yuan.

It shows that this Nirvana butterfly still remembers that Lin Yuan strengthened his kindness in the first place.

Lin Yuan raised his hand, and the Nirvana butterfly on his shoulder suddenly flew up.

It landed steadily on Lin Yuan’s fingertips.

Lin Yuan was overjoyed when he saw the red butterfly on his fingertips.

As a result, the quality of Zixiao can be improved smoothly.

Secondly, Chuci has a new beast.

Nie Jindie’s common skill, Linhuo, can make Nieming Butterfly an extra-legal fanatic who ignites fire everywhere.

If Nezhin Butterfly wants to, take advantage of the middle of the night to release scales around the manor.

Houses with completely jade-like wood placed all around will burn in an instant.

As the strength of the Nejin Butterfly increases, the power of Linhuo will become stronger and stronger.

Moreover, the ignition effect is to urge the energy in the target body to burn.

What is consumed is the energy in the target’s body.

When the Nirvana butterfly is strong enough, it can even ignite the river by releasing the flames.

The exclusive characteristics of the Nirvana butterfly are born on fire, which is very matched with the normal level skills, Linhuo.

As a spiritual creature of the genus Lepidoptera, the scales on its wings can be easily regenerated.

The scales shook and fell in a certain range, even if the Nejin Butterfly was killed by a powerful enemy.

You can still come back to life with the fire of scales.

It is a kind of spiritual creature that can be immortal and immortal in a special way.

Of course, the Nirvana butterfly also has natural enemies.

The Nirvana butterfly, which resurrects by the burning of scales, is most afraid of fighting in the sea and other environments when the strength is not strong enough.

As long as the Nirvana Butterfly is not strong enough to ignite the sea, the scattered scales will be washed away by the current.

The Nirvana butterfly has no chance of being born on fire.

Ice-attribute spirit creatures are also the nemesis of the Nirvana butterfly.

It is much harder to ignite ice than to ignite water.

Furthermore, in an extremely cold environment, the fire from the scales is easier to extinguish.

Lin Yuan decided to regard the Nirvana Butterfly as the fourth spiritual creature of Chuci~IndoMTL.com~, it is actually not an ordinary skill and exclusive enthusiasm.

It’s because of the hardening and strengthening of Nirvana Butterfly’s elite skills.

The Ember Butterfly is a defensive spirit.

Although Chuci currently has no standard defensive spiritual objects in the contract.

However, whether it is the existing yellow emerald golden butterfly in Chuci, or the acne crystal clam that is about to contract, they can apply shields.

The skill of the Nirvana Butterfly is hardened and strengthened, which can effectively amplify these shields.

At the same time, the surface is quenched, which makes the quenched shield more aggressive.

Apply to the Yaotie mad cow to make the Yaotie mad cow become more reckless.

This quenching ability is also very compatible with Fenkui Gemini.

Between two, can play a role in mutual increase.

(End of this chapter)

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