Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1474: Compare, there will always be accidents

Speaking of the woman’s change in style, she said in a vicious tone.

“Let me see, those twelve cocooned demon embryos are not as good as we privately use them to strengthen twelve carcinoid insects.”

“It is more useful to throw these worm cancer spirits that have been promoted to the rank of lord to the land of Huiyao when we leave Huiyao.”

The woman has just finished speaking, and there is no waiting for the man who tapped his finger on the table to say something.

An old man in front of the man has already scolded.

“Yan Ling, do you want to directly initiate the war between us and Huiyao?”

“You are favored by the three subordinates. At this time, it is worth considering the interests behind your subordinates!”

The woman named Yan Ling pursed her mouth when she heard the words, rolled her eyes and stopped talking.

The two men beside the woman asked, one left and the other right.

“Big Brother Qian, I, Yan Ling, Brother You are enough to crush everyone in the Huiyao Baizi sequence this time.”

“We have all read the information of the members of the Huiyao Hundred Sons Sequence, there is nothing special.”

“Even the vast majority of the members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence hide their strength.”

“It can be seen from the hole cards exposed on the surface, and there are not many worthy of special attention.”

The words of the two young people were crazy, while the remaining seven members of the free hundred sons sequence bowed their heads as much as possible.

In order to weaken one’s sense of existence.

Because Yan Ling, Cai Huo and You Changjian are not just the sequence of the new free hundred sons.

At the same time, he was appointed by the crown princes, and the next member of the Freedom Envoy.

The dialogue between the new three freelancers and the former freelancer.

Let the seven members of the free hundred sons sequence have no qualifications and opportunities to talk to each other.

Hearing the words of the two young people, the tall and thin man who tapped his fingers on the tabletop frowned.

Looking at the three arrogant three in front of him, the tall and thin man reminded.

“Huiyao’s next candidates for the Huiyao envoy include the disciples of Jun Zhu, the disciple of the chef, and the disciple of the lamp master.”

“These three are already in their twenties. It is impossible to participate in the selection of the Huiyao Baizi sequence at this time.”

“Hui Yao, the three disciples under the crown, did not make the way to be selected as the Hui Yao Baizi sequence in the early years. They have been practicing outside.”

“But according to the news we got, both the moon and night hours have accepted disciples.”

“The disciples of these two people are quite mysterious. In the news from within Huiyao, the identities of the two were not clearly named.”

“My hunch tells me that these two people are likely to be members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence!”

“This time you are very likely to face the next shining ambassador, so don’t underestimate the enemy, especially you, Yan Ling.”

“Your holy source things are indeed powerful, but you should not rely too much on your holy source things when fighting.”

“If you can’t say your holy source thing, it will be targeted by whose holy source thing.”

“The car overturned then, don’t blame me for not reminding you.”

Yan Ling couldn’t help sticking out her tongue when she heard Qian Yu talking about herself.

However, Yan Ling didn’t take Qian Yu’s entrustment in her heart at all.

What if there is the next shining envoy?

Self, Cai Hou, and You Changjian’s spirit creatures form a system with each other, and the Saint Source creatures can cooperate perfectly.

The new ambassador of freedom, himself, Cai Hou, and You Changjian are the iron triangle that supports the attack direction.

One of the other two is a functional Reiki professional, and the other is a creator.

The two are just supporting roles for the team.

Yan Ling doesn’t think that in this world, he is among the people of his own age.

Someone can beat himself and Cai Hou, You Changjian.

Not only Yan Ling didn’t understand, Cai Huo and You Changjian also didn’t understand Qian Yu’s words.

Big Brother Qian Yu has always been arrogant, how come he has become so prudent now?

The grand meeting of the Universal Conference was attended by the previous five federal envoys and the current five federal envoys.

In a sense, the five contemporary federal envoys are all candidates for the previous five federal envoys.

In some special battles, or when the previous generation of federal envoys have some unexpected circumstances, they can get up in time.

If a federal envoy does not have any accidents, he can participate in two Universal Meetings.

The second Universal Tournament is my home court.

Yan Ling, Cai Huo, and You Changjian have not participated in the Universal Meeting.

Because the three of them rely on Qian Yu quite a bit.

Qian Yu sighed secretly looking at the three people still having a careless expression on their faces.

I had the same mentality as the three of them eight years ago.

But when I participated in the World Congress, I really fought hard with Huiyao.

Qian Yu understands what kind of group Hui Yaoshi is.

Qian Yu is very afraid that Yan Ling, Cai Huo, and You Changjian will suffer because of their contempt and carelessness.

At that time, it is not good to let the Huiyao Federation lose face, and it will be unfavorable if it affects other purposes of going to the Huiyao Federation.

Qian Yu glanced at the three old men sitting next to him, and nodded to one of them.

After understanding Qian Yu’s meaning, the old man said to the three Yan Ling.

“The abilities of the holy source of the three of you are of great importance, and it is best not to expose this to Huiyao this time.”

I heard the old man’s words~IndoMTL.com~The three Yan Ling did not object.

The three of them all understood that the old man wanted to show himself and others at the Universal Conference to show the power of the Holy Source.

This allows the Huiyao envoys on the Huiyao side to have no room for preparation.

I was caught off guard by hitting them.

Suddenly, Cai Huo thought of something and said.

“If there is really a disciple among the newly promoted members of the Hundred Scholars Sequence, why don’t we put a heavy hand on when we are discussing it.”

“It is common for accidents to occur in the discussion, even if someone really died because of the discussion, it is always difficult for Huiyao to say anything.”

Yan Ling and You Changjian were quite moved when they heard what Cai Huo said.

Qian Yu said after thinking about it.

“If you are sure to kill, you can consider using the power of the holy source.”

“But since it’s an accident, don’t be too obvious when you do it!”

Speaking of this, Qian Yu stood up and sighed before continuing.

“Forget it, the missions of the Azure Federation are not willing to cooperate with us for a short period of time. We also have other allies in Huiyao.”

“I want to see how Huiyao can compete with my Free Federation at the Universal Congress two years later after the chaos.”

Speaking of this, Qian Yu showed a meaningful smile on his face.

Like a cunning hunter, he set a trap early.

And now, the hunter is seeing prey stepping into his trap.


The breeze is breezy, and the sea breeze blows Yin Lin’s clothes and flutters.

At this time, Yin Lin’s hands and feet were cold, looking at the stars in the sky.

Yin Lin couldn’t help but indulge in it.

Yin Lin is no longer a blind girl, unable to see.

Yin Lin has now awakened the double beast pattern, and is the fourth azure blue envoy of the azure blue federation.

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