Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1420: Feast of Insect Swarm

After Mr. Zhao escaped from the tree fort, his eyes were always on the figure that was covered in the robe.

Mr. Zhao has never seen this kind of big scene of Oak City gathering dignitaries.

Mr. Zhao only felt that his legs were a little soft.

However, the figure under the cloak was silent, and Mr. Zhao himself did not dare to recognize the matter rashly.

The person sent by Lin Yuan to protect the security of the Caravan of Sincerity and Righteousness was able to kill the Platinum-level Fantasy Species.

But it’s not necessarily able to beat the magical creatures of the diamond-level fantasy species.

What’s more, there are imperial-level powerhouses in the Ding family of Oak City’s four-star creator family.

The imperial powerhouse is a legendary character!

Song Dingzhen saw that there was no one to speak for a long time, so she immediately ordered a malicious voice.

“The three of you, kill all the people who just ran out of the tree fort.”

Just when the three king-level pinnacle powerhouses heard the order, they were ready to direct the action of the spiritual creatures.

A clear voice came from the crowd.

“I burned the tree fort.”

“But surely you people from the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce should be able to guess why this tree fort burned up.”

This sentence made the people watching the excitement constrict their pupils.

It can be said that this sentence exceeded the expectations of everyone present.

Even the Ding Family, a family of four-star creators in Oak City, rushed to the two powerhouses.

They all thought that the situation was about to end with Song Dingzhen executing these people who had escaped from the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce.

After all, the tree fort of the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce is destroyed, and there is always someone behind it.

These customers and caravan members who escaped from the tree fort are undoubtedly the best people to carry the pot.

The two strong men of the Ding family acquiesced to this behavior.

Those customers who escaped from the tree house, although there are a few little nobles.

But there is no power in the end, and if you die, you die.

Unexpectedly, someone took the initiative to recite the pan of this disaster.

Is this vocalist stupid?

Don’t those who speak up know that they will accept it in full view.

It is equivalent to completely carrying the hatred of the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce.

Is anyone really afraid of these three savage diamond-level fantasy creatures from the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce?

Furthermore, it was obedient, as if the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce had been burned down, and there was any inside story that was not known to outsiders.

Hearing this voice, except Song Dingzhen, the one who reflected the most was Lixuan.

Because this voice is so familiar from Li Wan.

This voice is the voice of Young Master Lin not long after leaving the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce.

Li Wan was worried for Lin Yuan while secretly happy.

The Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce and the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce are enemies and cannot be transferred back.

If Lin Yuan and the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce forge a death feud, regardless of whether Lin Yuan and the Shengfan Chamber of Commerce form an alliance.

They are all standing on a united front.

Song Dingzhen is full of anger and has nowhere to vent.

Hearing Lin Yuan’s voice, Song Dingzhen shouted loudly immediately.

“The person who just spoke. Get out of the crowd!”

“Let me see what you are capable of and burn my tree fort of the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce!”

Starting from Lin Yuan’s voice, those around Lin Yuan who watched the excitement hurriedly stayed away from Lin Yuan.

I’m afraid that because he is too close to Lin Yuan, he will be mistaken for a group of people and get into trouble.

As Lin Yuan moved forward, a road was automatically divided among the crowd.

Lin Yuan holds Smart in his left hand, and leads Xiao Hua in his right hand.

Liu Jie’s right is flying with a dimensional lamp moth, and his left hand is leading the grass.

Ji Feng walked in front of Lin Yuan and Liu Jie to make way for Lin Yuan and Liu Jie.

The eyes of everyone present fell on Lin Yuan and others.

Secretly, I was shocked by the demeanor and appearance of Lin Yuan and this group of people.

However, in the eyes of many people, the five members of Lin Yuan’s line will soon be dead.

From the appearance, except for the two dolls, all the people in this group are black-haired and black-eyed, proper Deep Brahma Federation members.

If it is a native aristocrat from the Shenmu Federation, it would be tit-for-tat against the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce.

How dare a person from the Deep Brahma Federation start a conflict with the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce?

Don’t this group of people know the energy of the Lu family, the tycoon of the hidden world, in the Deep Brahma Federation?

The three king-level powerhouses behind Song Dingzhen directly used the diamond-level fantasy creatures of himself and others.

Flew towards Lin Yuan and his group.

Preparing to kill the five of Lin Yuan, fortunately to save the face of the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce.

At this moment, the wings of the dimensional lamp moth flying above Liu Jie’s head vigorously fanned.

Incited by the wings of the Dimensional Lamp Moth, a circle of spatial ripples formed in mid-air.

These spatial ripples oscillate rhythmically.

Suddenly, a dozen or so insect teams, consisting of ten diamond-level five-level imaginary ground meat blade insects, appeared around the venue.

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Directly surrounded the diamond-level fantasy spirit creatures of the three king-level powerhouses.

Immediately afterwards, a feast of insect swarms began.

As soon as more than a dozen teams of ground meat blade insects appeared, they immediately rushed towards the three diamond-level fantasy spirit creatures of the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce.

Soon, seven or eight palm-sized flesh-ground blade insects climbed onto the scarlet giant wolf.

These ground meat blade insects climbed onto the giant wolf, and their eight legs stirred quickly.

The giant wolf immediately screamed in panic.

Soon~IndoMTL.com~The fur of the giant wolf was cut open by the limbs of the worm.

The dozen or so meat-grinding blade worms went straight into the scarlet wolf through the opening.

Everyone who was watching this scene only felt that their scalp was numb,

More and more meat-grinding blade insects crawled onto the giant wolf and drilled into the giant wolf along the wound.

Initiated a torture on the scarlet wolf.

The giant wolf was struggling on the ground, howling miserably, but still to no avail.

This diamond-level fantasy wolf was originally a bloodline spirit creature that used the flesh as a means of combat.

Suddenly being approached by a large number of ground blade insects, the giant wolf has no resistance at all.

Because the giant wolf has no way to drive out the ground meat blade insects that have penetrated into the body.

However, the plant spirit that can generate a tornado under the leaves of the plant can rely on the strong wind to keep the ground blade insects out.

The ladybug with the seven-star imprint on its back was flying in the air, making the meat blade beetle helpless.

As a land warfare worm, the ground worm is unable to attack units in the air.

On the contrary, seven or eight ground meat blade insects were burned through the beetles under the yellow sticky substance sprayed by the ladybird tail sheath.

The dimensional lamp moth is still fanning its wings, and the dimensional fluctuations around it intensify.

At this moment, five diamond-level tenth-level fantasy hurricane night moths flew out of the cracked space.

The stage position and quality of the five hurricane noctuids are higher than those of the plant spirits whose leaves can resist the squally wind.

The five hurricane night moths directly countered the violent wind, and at the same time, they caused the violent wind to form a wind blade to cut this tall diamond-level fantasy plant.

On the one hand, the violent wind forms a chain to control the ladybugs that are attacking the meat-ground blade insects.

Lost the guardianship of the strong wind, a large number of ground meat blade insects quickly crawled onto this plant-like spiritual creature.

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