Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1419: Everyone is responsible

At this moment, a middle-aged woman came to the young man in green and said respectfully.

“Master Zhuangbei, the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce should have encountered a lot of problems.”

“How many people do you think we should bring?”

The young man in green heard the words, looked at the middle-aged woman and said.

“You are the vice president of the Liyuan Chamber of Commerce, and you can deploy the staff.”

“Regardless of the reason for the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce, we, the powerhouses of the Liyuan Chamber of Commerce, do not need to intervene in this matter.”

“If there is a problem with the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce, I will return to the clan with the agreement and let the elders of the clan go to the Lu family to negotiate.”

The middle-aged woman said secretly after hearing this.

When Lord Zhuangbei and Lord Lu Kun signed the cooperation agreement, they quarreled.

It looks like this Qi Zhuang Bei Gongzi hasn’t cleared up yet.

And listening to Lord Zhuangbei’s meaning, if there is something wrong with the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce.

Due to the Chill Chamber of Commerce’s own reasons, it was impossible to reach a cooperative unity with the Liyuan Chamber of Commerce in Oak City.

There is also a plan to report to the family and seek an explanation from the Lu family behind the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce.

Song Dingzhen, the vice president of the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce, loves money, but she doesn’t seem to be a troublemaker.

I don’t know what kind of disaster the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce has encountered, and even the tree fort is burning.

In addition to the four-star founder family, Liyuan Chamber of Commerce and Shengfan Chamber of Commerce.

In Oak City, there are three three-star builder families, seventeen two-star builder families, nearly three hundred one-star builder families, and members of major caravans. Many of them are moving in the direction of the Chilling Chamber of Commerce tree fort. go with.

The tree fort of the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce has become the eye of the storm in Oak City.

After all the people in the tree fort escaped, Song Dingzhen originally wanted the guards of the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce to fix the tree fort with iron vines.

I never thought that the tree fort was burned too badly because of the fire.

The tree fort carbonized in the cold, directly collapsed into a place of coke.

The carbon dust splashed all over the floor, and the choking people couldn’t open their eyes.

Looking at the mess in front of him, Song Dingzhen shouted angrily.

“Who ignited the tree fort of my Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce, stand up for me!”

A murderous look shot out from Song Dingzhen’s eyes.

Song Dingzhen is the vice president appointed by the Lu family in the Oak City Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce.

Now that the tree fort of the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce is burning, Song Dingzhen must be punished.

If Lu Kun is in the tree fort at this time, he can still take responsibility with himself.

But Lu Kun is not there, there is no way to push the responsibility on Lu Kun.

This responsibility will be borne by myself.

However, Song Dingzhen simply cannot bear such a responsibility.

The three elders beside Song Dingzhen immediately released their spiritual objects.

The scarlet-haired, huge wolf howls piercingly.

A plantain-like plant took root on the street, and the leaves stirred, forming one after another tornado.

A ladybug with the mark of seven stars flapped its wings and made an ear-splitting roar.

The yellow substance flowing out of the ladybug tail sheath has caused many people around to retching.

The three spirit creatures are all diamond-level fantasy species.

The coercion of the magical creatures of the diamond-level fantasy species indiscriminately presses everyone around.

Many people who watch the excitement just feel like their chest is pressed against a boulder, unable to breathe.

Some ordinary people who are timid are even more frightened and fainted.

Now let Song Dingzhen shout, but no one responds.

Doudou, who was protected in Zhao Jiazhi’s arms, suddenly started crying loudly.

The cry of the baby suddenly attracted Song Dingzhen’s attention.

At this moment, a middle-aged man in black uniform ran to Song Dingzhen with a slightly changed expression.

Pointing at the people of Chengyi Caravan, he whispered twice in Song Dingzhen’s ear.

Immediately afterwards, Song Dingzhen’s complexion also became weird.

Song Dingzhen looked at the black-clothed manager, and wondered why the black-clothed manager didn’t send someone to act on the people of the sincere caravan.

At this time, the director in black is constantly looking for the king-level powerhouse sent by him in the crowd.

But for a while, the manager in black found that he hadn’t found the king-level powerhouse at all.

Even the members of the Chengyi Caravan ran out, but the king-level powerhouse sent by him disappeared.

The hair of the black clothes manager immediately stood up.

While the manager in black was preparing to explain the situation to Song Dingzhen, a bad tone sounded.

“What’s the matter with your Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce? Why is the good base camp burning up.”

Hearing this voice, Song Dingzhen turned her head.

After seeing the person, Song Dingzhen hurriedly greeted her and said.

“It turned out to be two adults, Song Dingzhen is polite here.”

“I’m also investigating the cause of the burning of the tree castle, but I don’t have any clues yet.”

Song Dingzhen’s heart is disgusting, if she knew why the tree fort of the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce would burn.

Then I stopped it in advance.

Why let the tree fort of the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce burn?

Ke Oak City is the world of the Ding family, and the Ding family is the only four-star builder family in Oak City.

In Oak City, there is an unremarkable authority.

Even Lord Lu Kun, dare not presumptuous in front of the Ding family.

Once the Ding family is annoyed, the Ding family will not allow the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce to continue to open a branch in Oak City.

People from the Lu family come to intercede~IndoMTL.com~ are useless.

Song Dingzhen thought he would find out the culprit of the arson and do a big job.

Whoever thinks, no one speaks at all now.

At this moment, the people from Liyuan Chamber of Commerce arrived.

The young man in green did not speak, but the middle-aged woman who understood the heart of the young man in green directly asked Song Dingzhen.

“Chairman Song, the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce signed a cooperation agreement with our Liyuan Chamber of Commerce, and they came up with such a moth.”

“Our Liyuan Chamber of Commerce needs an explanation from your Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce.”

Song Dingzhen hurriedly responded.

“Our Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce has found out the cause of the tree fort on fire, and will rebuild the tree fort immediately, and cooperation with the Liyuan Chamber of Commerce will not be affected.”

Hearing Song Dingzhen’s words, the green-clothed youth led by the Liyuan Chamber of Commerce said in a bad tone.

“What you said is simple. Even the base camp has been burned. Where is the prestige of your Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce in Oak City?”

“I request the previously signed contract to be led by the Liyuan Chamber of Commerce and the Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce to cooperate.”

Song Dingzhen frowned even more when she heard the words of the young man in green.

Song Dingzhen secretly said.

It will be fine if Lu Kun comes back at this time.

Only Lu Kun can compete with Zhuang Bei.

Zhuang Bei, as the family of the hermit’s wealthy dealer, is always a little different from the conversation with the outside surname of the Lu family.

For Zhuang Bei’s reproach, Song Dingzhen was prepared to delay the discussion until Lu Kun came back.

Song Dingzhen glanced at the customers and caravan members who had just escaped from the tree fort, and shouted.

“Since no one admits it, then all of you are responsible for the burning of the tree fort of my Deep Cold Chamber of Commerce.”

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